quad core runs 4

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Message 75745 - Posted: 11 Jun 2013, 5:04:37 UTC

I want my q6600 to run just 3 rosettas and anything else on the forth . running 4 boggs the system during surfing , my prefs say 3 only . but 4 Rosetta's run on a regular basis . any ideas ? the other projects are poem gpugrid and milky way .
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Message 75746 - Posted: 11 Jun 2013, 9:59:27 UTC - in response to Message 75745.  

I want my q6600 to run just 3 rosettas and anything else on the forth . running 4 boggs the system during surfing , my prefs say 3 only . but 4 Rosetta's run on a regular basis . any ideas ? the other projects are poem gpugrid and milky way .

try: tools -> computing preferences -> on multiprocessor systems use at most: 75% of the processors.
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Message 75747 - Posted: 11 Jun 2013, 11:19:19 UTC - in response to Message 75746.  

I want my q6600 to run just 3 rosettas and anything else on the forth . running 4 boggs the system during surfing , my prefs say 3 only . but 4 Rosetta's run on a regular basis . any ideas ? the other projects are poem gpugrid and milky way .

try: tools -> computing preferences -> on multiprocessor systems use at most: 75% of the processors.

You can also do it on your pc and it will be on a pc by pc basis, meaning if you have muliple pc's you can set it differently on each one, by going into Boinc Manager, tools, computing preferences and making the same change. Be sure to click okay to make the settings work.
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Message 75748 - Posted: 11 Jun 2013, 17:28:42 UTC - in response to Message 75747.  

I want my q6600 to run just 3 rosettas and anything else on the forth . running 4 boggs the system during surfing , my prefs say 3 only . but 4 Rosetta's run on a regular basis . any ideas ? the other projects are poem gpugrid and milky way .

try: tools -> computing preferences -> on multiprocessor systems use at most: 75% of the processors.

You can also do it on your pc and it will be on a pc by pc basis, meaning if you have muliple pc's you can set it differently on each one, by going into Boinc Manager, tools, computing preferences and making the same change. Be sure to click okay to make the settings work.

I tried that but it cut out a core totally I just want rosetta to run 3 max and the fourth run another project
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Message 75750 - Posted: 11 Jun 2013, 21:05:40 UTC

BOINC Manager doesn't really support defining things that way. In fact if Rosetta didn't send you work for a day or two, you might like to keep your machine busy with other work.

You can get close by simply looking at the projects tab and adjusting the resource shares (adjusted via each project's website) until you get Rosetta with a 75% resource share. The underlaying objective is different than you stated it. You shouldn't expect to see exactly 3 CPUs running R@h and 1 running other at all times. However, the objective of the resource shares is that over 100 hours of run time with your 4 CPUs, that you'd have 300 CPU hours to Rosetta and 100 hours of the other. ...and it tries to keep them aligned. So it will OFTEN result in 3 Rosetta tasks running along side of the other.

If the system bogging is actually what you are trying to resolve, and having all 4 CPUs busy is only a problem when all 4 run R@h, that would tend to indicate that memory is the critical resource. So reducing your runtime preference for % of memory usage when computer is in use might be in order. In fact it might more specifically address your system responsiveness concern better than if you were able to force the 4th CPU to run another project. If you land several R@h tasks that require high amounts of memory, BOINC Manager will see your memory preference and figure out that if you are surfing (i.e. machine is NOT idle), then it can still keep all 4 CPUs busy if it runs one or more tasks from the other project (which presumably has lower memory requirements).
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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