Project File Upload Handler Is Missing

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Message 69280 - Posted: 13 Jan 2011, 2:31:42 UTC - in response to Message 69275.  

Right, "pending" status and granting of credit are done by the validator and assimilator. It doesn't happen directly with your scheduler request. Under such recovery conditions, the assimilator is likely going to be noticably behind for 6-12 hours.

Well, some WU's obviously have been immediately validated as I got another 200 points showing up as credited on my account after I forced the upload on all running machines...

And it still leaves us with the problem that the Mac apparently isn't been "accepted" by the reporting server, as all of those still show up as "ready to report" (and this machine is/was my most active cruncher, as I use it very infrequently for real life work)... :?

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Profile JChojnacki

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Message 69281 - Posted: 13 Jan 2011, 2:33:32 UTC

Yay, all WU finally uploaded.

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Sid Celery

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Message 69283 - Posted: 13 Jan 2011, 3:37:56 UTC

The less said about Chelsea (UK, Michigan or elsewhere), the better. The way my team is playing at present, I'm almost ashamed to admit that I'm a supporter!

No need to fear. Just hold your nerve. It could be worse - you could support Liverpool! ;)

I actually keep some traces and finally sat down to check them out. Prior to the crash my uploads always went to SRV1 (probably varies depending upon your timezone), since that time I've got some on SRV5, some on SRV6. Sounds to me like they've added additional servers to help service all of the requests so the project could come back up to speed sooner. Perhaps that is why Ralph is still down.

...and I've still got a very old task trying to upload to SRV1 and it keeps failing with the upload handler missing error. Meanwhile, as others have reported, I've had newer tasks complete, upload and then removed from the list as normal. ...probably uploaded to one of the other servers. So this probably explains why some tasks are going through and others are not. Until the old servers digest all of those old tasks, they are probably thrashing terribly.

I wouldn't go around changing any of the xml files of the tasks. It could work, but it could trash the tasks as well. And either way, it certainly isn't something to expect 50,000+ contributers to be doing manually.

Great post that makes a lot of sense. If SRV1 is the broken server they've been rebuilding it makes sense to prevent uploads so it doesn't get worse. The other servers are what's allowing some newer work to go up and down safely while older tasks are in a kind of limbo until the rebuild is complete. Thanks.

I remember in another thread someplace a big discussion going on about Rosetta credits vs other Boinc project credits and how there was a big difference.

Boincstats has a cross-project comparison page for credits here confirming that other projects 'pay' more, so it's correct that no-one's here for the big bucks but because we believe in the work being done. Nothing in the last week changes that.

I just started crunching for POEM@HOME last night, so I guess I'll do both for now.

By default the resource share is set at 100 for equal time on each project. Changing the share on other projects will vary, so I just increase the share in Rosetta. On the Boinc Manager Project tab, click Rosetta and select "Your Preferences" on the left side. Select "Rosetta@home preferences" on the web page that come up and edit the first field. Manually updating in the Boinc Manager will adjust the resource share accordingly.
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Message 69288 - Posted: 13 Jan 2011, 5:06:30 UTC

Servers are down. Almost 40K WUs (until now) ready to send once they come back online :)
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Michael Gould

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Message 69290 - Posted: 13 Jan 2011, 6:06:07 UTC - in response to Message 69228.  

can someone translate the Russian into English?

Delete not necessary, let the knocks periodically (boink time repeats itself adjusts gradually increasing the interval between attempts), as fully restore the system then automatically it will flood. I have already flushed out of nine jobs in the queue. (16 more still knocking)
In the meantime, Plug minor project, there seems a long time - except for iron at this time and the data were corrupted and full recovery will take time. In the meantime, will go part-work - something that works (which have already managed to recover), which is not present.

That's beautiful, I love it! Was that from one of those web translators? Did you ever play the game where you write a paragraph, use a web translator to translate it into another language, and then back to English and see what you get? Usually hilarious. While we have all this free computer time on our hands...

And I have to say, lack of communication aside, the project folks are gradually getting things fixed. Kudos!
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Message 69298 - Posted: 13 Jan 2011, 23:54:08 UTC - in response to Message 69290.  

I had a look at some Cyrillic to English translator and came up with the same thing. I was hoping someone on here could translate more accurately.

can someone translate the Russian into English?

Delete not necessary, let the knocks periodically (boink time repeats itself adjusts gradually increasing the interval between attempts), as fully restore the system then automatically it will flood. I have already flushed out of nine jobs in the queue. (16 more still knocking)
In the meantime, Plug minor project, there seems a long time - except for iron at this time and the data were corrupted and full recovery will take time. In the meantime, will go part-work - something that works (which have already managed to recover), which is not present.

That's beautiful, I love it! Was that from one of those web translators? Did you ever play the game where you write a paragraph, use a web translator to translate it into another language, and then back to English and see what you get? Usually hilarious. While we have all this free computer time on our hands...

And I have to say, lack of communication aside, the project folks are gradually getting things fixed. Kudos!

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Message 69320 - Posted: 14 Jan 2011, 10:02:08 UTC

From the home page:

Jan 13, 2011
As many of you are probably aware of already, we've been working hard to try to resurrect the project with the resources we have at hand. Today we replaced a very small temporary disk with a larger 3TB one that we received from the vendor a few days ago. With this disk in place we should soon be back up and running. We have yet to restore data from jobs before the disk failure so these older jobs will still be pending. However, all pending jobs will eventually be granted credit. The good news is that the data from the failed disk has been recovered and we are currently copying it to the new disk. Thank you all for your patience.
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Profile Chilean

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Message 69327 - Posted: 14 Jan 2011, 14:09:42 UTC

Now we wait for more WUs. I think I'm gonna leave my PCs with POEM enabled for this weekend...
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