Screensaver crashing computer

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Profile KSMarksPsych

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Message 5101 - Posted: 4 Dec 2005, 12:04:26 UTC - in response to Message 5091.  

ATI cards are nortorious for trashing WUs over on Einstein. This may be due to the outdated science app.

It tells me that there are lots of people running computers which need a tune-up! :-D Running distributed computing projects, such as Rosetta, helped me to get my computer right. When I started in January 2002, my BIOS was not compatible with Windows XP (caused by a Dell upgrade CD for my three week old computer), my video and audio drivers were outdated and not compatible with Windows XP, Roxio Easy CD Creator 5.0 crashed the computer when the CPU was fully utilized, and there were issues with SP1 in April-June of 2002. DirectX, .Net Passport, and OpenGL have had issues and caused problems. I don't have a Raedon video card in either of my computers, but my son does. I am neither for nor against Raedon, but I don't blame Raedon for corrupted or obsolete drivers being run in computers, either. Computer owners need to at least go to Microsoft Update once a month. Microsoft's signed drivers aren't on the bleeding edge, but they are adequate.

Don't let me get started about spyware and fragmented hard drives...

My point is that when we have issues, we should all look at the variable that we control: Our computer. Once we update and tune-up, then we can point fingers at the distributed applications that we run. I ran Prime95 just before starting Rosetta.

Please know that I'm not trying to trash any specific graphics card. I happen to have an ATI card on my laptop (a castoff from my brother). Any and all graphics cards can cause the Einstein "graphics bug" to spring up. However, ATI cards seem to be the biggest offender.

I couldn't tell you if my equipment is up to date or not. I'm just your average computer user who's trying my best to help out here. I'm no programmer (the last time I did anything of the such was in high school) but I'm trying to learn.

Take care,
Kathryn :o)
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Profile Vester

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Message 5112 - Posted: 4 Dec 2005, 15:47:58 UTC

Projects such as this depend on average computer users because there are so many of us. I'm not a programmer and I learned about my computer on distributed computing projects. I am retired and spend many hours each day online. (Too many according to my wife.) Here is one of the sites which has helped me: The Elder Geek on Windows XP.
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Message 5135 - Posted: 4 Dec 2005, 23:13:04 UTC

Vester, as requested here are my benchmark results, I am unsure as to the comparision of these as my machine is considered a multi-processor machine and therefore it seems to be giving me a per CPU figure.

04/12/2005 23:06:15||Running CPU benchmarks
04/12/2005 23:07:14||Benchmark results:
04/12/2005 23:07:14|| Number of CPUs: 2
04/12/2005 23:07:14|| 1236 double precision MIPS (Whetstone) per CPU
04/12/2005 23:07:14|| 1110 integer MIPS (Dhrystone) per CPU
04/12/2005 23:07:14||Finished CPU benchmarks

p.s. no further crashes since upgrading the drivers.


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Profile Vester

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Message 5136 - Posted: 5 Dec 2005, 0:56:03 UTC
Last modified: 5 Dec 2005, 0:56:43 UTC

...a multi-processor machine...
Hyperthreaded: That explains the difference. You are in good shape.

I am happy that your computer no longer crashes. Crunch on!
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Jocelyn Larouche

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Message 5209 - Posted: 5 Dec 2005, 19:34:19 UTC

I updated my graphics driver 2 days ago. So far so good!
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