BOINC Australia

Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : BOINC Australia

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Profile Dingo

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Message 43568 - Posted: 12 Jul 2007, 20:42:29 UTC
Last modified: 12 Jul 2007, 20:47:42 UTC

I live in Canada BUT

All Australians and anyone who is interested, is invited to join a team involved in all BOINC projects, become part of the

Aussie Alliance and compete with the largest national teams.

BOINC@AUSTRALIA has a great member retention and participation rate, better than most other teams. Please pop in and find out why

We're here for the science but enjoy the fun. We have a team web site, active forum, team camaraderie and best of all great team

members. If you're interested please click on the link in my signature.

* BOINC@AUSTRALIA is in striking distance of the top 15?
* We're ranked 19th out of 57,000 world teams for combined BOINC projects.
* We're the #1 Aussie team, with more than 127 Million credits - That's a lot of science!
* The team is active in all current BOINC projects.
* We're still growing and looking for more members in any BOINC project.
* Your existing BBC Climate credits come with you.
* Future credits from all projects will help build a powerful Aussie Alliance.
* BOINC@AUSTRALIA has over 1,000 members.

Together, we'll not only be the top Australian team, but in the top 20 of the world.

We are open to new suggestions, new members and new science. Come and look us over - You can check out our web site by clicking

on the team logo below and also have a look around our forum. You can join by clicking on the "Join.." hyperlink and follow the prompts.

You can ask for assistance in the forum too.

Proud Founder and member of

Have a look at my WebCam
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Profile m.mitch

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Message 47832 - Posted: 18 Oct 2007, 15:10:03 UTC

By any measure Aussie Assault 9 (AA9) on QMC has been a fantastic success!!

Even though AA9 is officially over, the team has just passed 10 million credits in QMC, the last 5 million all in the last 18 days. That is an enormous amount of science crunched.

The team's daily output should have started winding down to about double its pre-AA levels, about 50,000 a day, but we are still seeing around 250,000 a day. Not to bad for QMC.

It should start to drop in the next week or so but the project has caught the interest of many BOINC@AUSTRALIA members. That's another great side affect of the AA's.

The next event starts on 1 December 2007.

Click here to join the #1 Aussie Alliance on Rosetta
ID: 47832 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Profile Dingo

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Message 48655 - Posted: 14 Nov 2007, 16:45:46 UTC
Last modified: 14 Nov 2007, 17:12:49 UTC

I thought an update was warranted as we are now 10th in the world and have over 199 Million Credits. AA10 is starting on the 01 December 07, which project will it be ???

All Australians and anyone who is interested, is invited to join a team involved in all BOINC projects, become part of the Aussie Alliance and compete with the largest national teams.

BOINC@AUSTRALIA has a great member retention and participation rate, better than most other teams. Please pop in and find out why.

We're here for the science but enjoy the fun. We have a team web site, active forum, team camaraderie and best of all great team members. If you're interested please click on the link in my signature.

* BOINC@AUSTRALIA is in the top 10?
* We're ranked 10th out of 65,000 world teams for combined BOINC projects.
* We're the #1 Aussie team, with more than 199 Million credits - That's a lot of science!
* The team is active in all current BOINC projects.
* We're still growing and looking for more members in any BOINC project.
* Your existing BBC Climate credits come with you.
* Future credits from all projects will help build a powerful Aussie Alliance.
* BOINC@AUSTRALIA has over 1,000 members.

Together, we'll not only be the top Australian team, but in the top 10 of the world.

We are open to new suggestions, new members and new science. Come and look us over - You can check out our web site by clicking on the team logo below and also have a look around our forum.

Once you are a member of the Team join the Forum using the same name and email address so that I can confirm you are a member of the Team.

Proud Founder and member of

Have a look at my WebCam
ID: 48655 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Profile Dingo

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Joined: 17 Sep 05
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Message 53487 - Posted: 31 May 2008, 19:45:37 UTC - in response to Message 48655.  

I thought an update was about due

All Australians and anyone who is interested, is invited to join a team involved in all BOINC projects, become part of the Aussie Alliance and compete with the largest national teams.

BOINC@AUSTRALIA has a great member retention and participation rate, better than most other teams. Please pop in and find out why.

We're here for the science but enjoy the fun. We have a team web site, active forum, team camaraderie and best of all great team members. If you're interested please click on the link in my signature.

* BOINC@AUSTRALIA is in the top 10?
* We're ranked 10th out of 74,461 world teams for combined BOINC projects.
* We're the #1 Aussie team, with more than 330 Million credits - That's a lot of science!
* The team is active in all current BOINC projects.
* We're still growing and looking for more members in any BOINC project.
* Your existing BBC Climate credits come with you.
* Future credits from all projects will help build a powerful Aussie Alliance.
* BOINC@AUSTRALIA has over 2,000 members.

Together, we'll not only be the top Australian team, but in the top 10 of the world.

We are open to new suggestions, new members and new science. Come and look us over - You can check out our web site by clicking on the team logo below and also have a look around our forum.

Once you are a member of the Team join the Forum using the same name and email address so that I can confirm you are a member of the Team.

Proud Founder and member of

Have a look at my WebCam
ID: 53487 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote

Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : BOINC Australia

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