Naive Quad Core to be released in August.

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Message 43510 - Posted: 11 Jul 2007, 7:59:31 UTC
Last modified: 11 Jul 2007, 8:00:30 UTC

He answered my question fine, thanks Who.

Though I don't think RAC especialy at 80 should be a factor to an opinion. that's on ecomputer running pretty often.

It's the people that don't have RAC or pretty much do not crunch for Rosetta@home* but other projects that shouldn't have the strong oponions in a Rosetta forum. (in my opinion)

*with the exceptions of people who contribute to Rosetta in other ways, with publisity, development of it etc..
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Message 43512 - Posted: 11 Jul 2007, 9:15:52 UTC - in response to Message 43510.  

[/quote]It's the people that don't have RAC or pretty much do not crunch for Rosetta@home* but other projects that shouldn't have the strong oponions in a Rosetta forum. (in my opinion)

*with the exceptions of people who contribute to Rosetta in other ways, with publisity, development of it etc..[/quote]

What about those who once did contribute to rosetta and were put off by other project members and there over opinionated views on something that was meant to unite people to achieve a single goal for the greater good. Not who has the biggest number next to thier name.
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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 43513 - Posted: 11 Jul 2007, 9:39:07 UTC

mastergee, no doubt, mr who there has probably 5 computers of a super high end range to achive the RAC he has in so short of time. unlike us with middle of the road computers. besides RAC fluctuates over time and is unique to each system, so how can one go raving on about RAC total when it is impossible to compare one RAC to another as that is the same as apples and oranges. I am lucky with my system to keep my head above 200 RAC as some WU's peak really nice and the next in line drop me like a rock, so is someone going to lecture me about posting with not enough RAC? I don't think so.
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Message 43516 - Posted: 11 Jul 2007, 10:24:25 UTC - in response to Message 43512.  

It's the people that don't have RAC or pretty much do not crunch for Rosetta@home* but other projects that shouldn't have the strong oponions in a Rosetta forum. (in my opinion)

*with the exceptions of people who contribute to Rosetta in other ways, with publisity, development of it etc..

What about those who once did contribute to rosetta and were put off by other project members and there over opinionated views on something that was meant to unite people to achieve a single goal for the greater good. Not who has the biggest number next to thier name.

I would (personaly) not be put off by other members, I just ignore them and don't read the post I do not like. I can, if I want, just ignore any post or stop reading threads.

I have continued to contribute through many a bad situation in these froums, even when over bearing forum moderators deleted lots of posts. Though I know why that was done, there where better ways (but they needed forum modifications).

I've even gone through the times I've had many computers connecting through dial-up and having to endure large program updates and large task downloads. Eventually after a year or so it's been improved a lot. Of course now I have broadband back and do not need that, but I know it will have helped a lot of other people. That was put through via much opinionated views (at the time) and reitterated regularly.

BUT that was for the project and not just general talk like this now well hijacked thread. But it was all opinion.

The only time I would leave the project was either money, not bothered about it anymore OR the managment (admins, Devs, Baker etc...) where the problem.
Never from just people in the forum (unless they where harassing me and the admins did nothing baout it, but again that back to the admins, people who run the project).

So complain to the admins and ask them to stop people talking about computers and cpu in the place they created for people to do that.

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Message 43527 - Posted: 11 Jul 2007, 15:47:49 UTC - in response to Message 43516.  

A very good point.

What also has to be taken into account is that for some people it is easy to just leave their computer on all day doing just crunching and always connected to the internet. But for others it takes far more effort, such as having to re-route the internet connection from one computer in the house to another all the time, and electricity considerations (I beleive this has been extensively mentioned in another thread)
So for some the RAC is easy earned, while for others even getting up to 100 is a mission. So it is a bit unfair to persecute based on RAC, as it is not a fair view of someones contribution.
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Message 43528 - Posted: 11 Jul 2007, 16:43:11 UTC - in response to Message 43505.  

Maybe we should all stop posting, or even reading, Who's gloating and ego stroking threads. I'm sure he would eventually stop when he see's no one really cares, or even looks at these "Intel is god" threads.

that's sound pretty much to me as a personal attach? I just answered saying that I kind of spend a lot of my time on the forum of Rosetta and SETI, and I am tired of getting this kind of post, by people that just some around, and do not participe too much.

when you get few of them every day, you get tired of it.

PS: the design of K10 is naive, its Launch frequency prove it (2GHz), if you are mad at this, please complain at, not to me!

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Message 43546 - Posted: 12 Jul 2007, 7:45:24 UTC - in response to Message 43528.  

On that point, does anyone know why the "user of the day" has absolutely no credit what-so-ever?
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Message 43548 - Posted: 12 Jul 2007, 8:08:08 UTC - in response to Message 43546.  

On that point, does anyone know why the "user of the day" has absolutely no credit what-so-ever?

User of the day is randomly selected from all users.
Not sure how the voting/recommend this profile influences anything.

There may have been a suggestion to not pick from zero RAC users (well at least not participated in the past xxx days) in the dev list, not sure if it was implemented or not.
Soon find out as I just recommended greg_be's profile

The Predictor of the day on the other hand is not random and they can have zero RAC (and obviously or not have participated for a while).
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Message 43554 - Posted: 12 Jul 2007, 11:44:12 UTC - in response to Message 43528.  

i enjoy your posts..... may not always agree, but i respect your opinion.... and there certainly are times we agree.....

let's everyone just go out for a beer and chill, i think greg_be is buying.....

Maybe we should all stop posting, or even reading, Who's gloating and ego stroking threads. I'm sure he would eventually stop when he see's no one really cares, or even looks at these "Intel is god" threads.

that's sound pretty much to me as a personal attach? I just answered saying that I kind of spend a lot of my time on the forum of Rosetta and SETI, and I am tired of getting this kind of post, by people that just some around, and do not participe too much.

when you get few of them every day, you get tired of it.

PS: the design of K10 is naive, its Launch frequency prove it (2GHz), if you are mad at this, please complain at, not to me!

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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 43556 - Posted: 12 Jul 2007, 12:48:10 UTC - in response to Message 43554.  

one tanker truck of duff beer coming at 7 tonight.
i enjoy your posts..... may not always agree, but i respect your opinion.... and there certainly are times we agree.....

let's everyone just go out for a beer and chill, i think greg_be is buying.....

Maybe we should all stop posting, or even reading, Who's gloating and ego stroking threads. I'm sure he would eventually stop when he see's no one really cares, or even looks at these "Intel is god" threads.

that's sound pretty much to me as a personal attach? I just answered saying that I kind of spend a lot of my time on the forum of Rosetta and SETI, and I am tired of getting this kind of post, by people that just some around, and do not participe too much.

when you get few of them every day, you get tired of it.

PS: the design of K10 is naive, its Launch frequency prove it (2GHz), if you are mad at this, please complain at, not to me!

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Message 43581 - Posted: 13 Jul 2007, 5:55:23 UTC - in response to Message 43556.  

one tanker truck of duff beer coming at 7 tonight.
i enjoy your posts..... may not always agree, but i respect your opinion.... and there certainly are times we agree.....

let's everyone just go out for a beer and chill, i think greg_be is buying.....

Maybe we should all stop posting, or even reading, Who's gloating and ego stroking threads. I'm sure he would eventually stop when he see's no one really cares, or even looks at these "Intel is god" threads.

that's sound pretty much to me as a personal attach? I just answered saying that I kind of spend a lot of my time on the forum of Rosetta and SETI, and I am tired of getting this kind of post, by people that just some around, and do not participe too much.

when you get few of them every day, you get tired of it.

PS: the design of K10 is naive, its Launch frequency prove it (2GHz), if you are mad at this, please complain at, not to me!

I love Belgium beer, drink a "Lindeman's framboise" for me, I miss belgium beer very much!

I still have hope to convert greg_be to the real processing power color: BLUE!

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Message 43586 - Posted: 13 Jul 2007, 8:32:34 UTC - in response to Message 43581.  

one tanker truck of duff beer coming at 7 tonight.
i enjoy your posts..... may not always agree, but i respect your opinion.... and there certainly are times we agree.....

let's everyone just go out for a beer and chill, i think greg_be is buying.....

Maybe we should all stop posting, or even reading, Who's gloating and ego stroking threads. I'm sure he would eventually stop when he see's no one really cares, or even looks at these "Intel is god" threads.

that's sound pretty much to me as a personal attach? I just answered saying that I kind of spend a lot of my time on the forum of Rosetta and SETI, and I am tired of getting this kind of post, by people that just some around, and do not participe too much.

when you get few of them every day, you get tired of it.

PS: the design of K10 is naive, its Launch frequency prove it (2GHz), if you are mad at this, please complain at, not to me!

I love Belgium beer, drink a "Lindeman's framboise" for me, I miss belgium beer very much!

I still have hope to convert greg_be to the real processing power color: BLUE!

who? way friend, once green always a green, nice environmental color as well.
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Message 43588 - Posted: 13 Jul 2007, 8:34:16 UTC - in response to Message 43586.  

one tanker truck of duff beer coming at 7 tonight.
i enjoy your posts..... may not always agree, but i respect your opinion.... and there certainly are times we agree.....

let's everyone just go out for a beer and chill, i think greg_be is buying.....

Maybe we should all stop posting, or even reading, Who's gloating and ego stroking threads. I'm sure he would eventually stop when he see's no one really cares, or even looks at these "Intel is god" threads.

that's sound pretty much to me as a personal attach? I just answered saying that I kind of spend a lot of my time on the forum of Rosetta and SETI, and I am tired of getting this kind of post, by people that just some around, and do not participe too much.

when you get few of them every day, you get tired of it.

PS: the design of K10 is naive, its Launch frequency prove it (2GHz), if you are mad at this, please complain at, not to me!

I love Belgium beer, drink a "Lindeman's framboise" for me, I miss belgium beer very much!

I still have hope to convert greg_be to the real processing power color: BLUE!

who? way friend, once green always a green, nice environmental color as well.

Some of them Green folk are seeing Red though ...

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Message 43593 - Posted: 13 Jul 2007, 10:16:50 UTC - in response to Message 43588.  

What colour's Cyrix? Cider colour I hope :) mmm
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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 43594 - Posted: 13 Jul 2007, 10:25:32 UTC - in response to Message 43593.  
Last modified: 13 Jul 2007, 10:27:06 UTC

Is she good enough for Cyrix?
What colour's Cyrix? Cider colour I hope :) mmm

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Message 43595 - Posted: 13 Jul 2007, 10:27:35 UTC - in response to Message 43594.  
Last modified: 13 Jul 2007, 10:29:56 UTC


heres cyrix green
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Message 43596 - Posted: 13 Jul 2007, 10:46:47 UTC - in response to Message 43595.  

Blue :)

Red :o

Cider :) mmm
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Message 43599 - Posted: 13 Jul 2007, 11:11:58 UTC

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Message 43600 - Posted: 13 Jul 2007, 11:50:07 UTC - in response to Message 43599.  

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Message 43601 - Posted: 13 Jul 2007, 11:50:37 UTC - in response to Message 43600.  

Boring B&W
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