Unable to download data files

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Heinz Ruffieux

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Message 112078 - Posted: 11 Feb 2025, 15:40:11 UTC - in response to Message 112048.  

I used the BOINC 7.16.20 x64 for a long time. Recently I could not download new Rosetta tasks. Then I updated the BOINC to 8.0.2 version. The Rosetta and other projects worked OK, except the Einstein@Home one. I posted to E@H forum a topic about this problem, but nobody could give a proper solution. So I reversed using the BOINC 7.16.20 version again, because you and some other people can fix the problem of β€œno downloading Rosetta tasks”.
I am not an IT so I don’t know where to find /etc/Hosts on Windows and how to fix it.
Could you please help me.

To edit the Hosts file, follow these steps:

Open Notepad as Administrator:
Search for "Notepad" in the Windows search bar.
Instead of left-clicking it, right-click on Notepad and select "Run as administrator"
When the dialog box pops up select Yes

To open the Hosts File: In Notepad:
Go to File > Open.
Navigate to C//Windows/System32/drivers/etc which will appear empty
Change the file type filter from "Text Documents (*.txt)" to "All Files".
Select the "hosts" file and click "Open"

Edit the Hosts File:
On a fresh line at the bottom, type boinc-files.bakerlab.org
Save the file

That should be it.
No need to reboot.
Return to Boinc manager, select Rosetta and click the "Update" button.
Cross fingers

Following your instruction, I got the Rosetta tasks downloaded.
Thank you, Sid Celery!

This change in the host file worked in my case for my linux system! Wow! For 3 months no crunching and now it works again.
However I do not understand at all, why such an entry in the hosts file ist necessary at all...
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Jack H

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Message 112100 - Posted: 17 Feb 2025, 12:31:41 UTC - in response to Message 112050.  
Last modified: 17 Feb 2025, 12:52:07 UTC

The method for Android works!

I know where to find /etc/Hosts on Windows. But on Android, I have no idea...

You can install personalDNSfilter from F-Droid, and add a custom rule (e.g. host entry). personalDNSfilter filters DNS requests sent from your phone, it can also modify DNS response so your phone get when it lookup boinc-files.bakerlab.org .

Here is a screenshot of the page where to make the adjustment:

The two units obtained after the unblocking ended in error but it seems that they were bugged because they ended in error with another cruncher...
Since then, I have obtained other units that seem to work well.

PersonalDNSfilter is available on F-Droid as KaguraMea said, but also on the Play Store for the less adventurous.
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Message 112101 - Posted: 17 Feb 2025, 20:01:07 UTC

I hit this issue on Linux yesterday. The actual problem is that the SSL connection to boinc-files.bakerlab.org doesn't send enough of a certificate chain by itself to ensure validity; specifically, the issuer certificate for boinc-files.bakerlab.org isn't generally present in the system's list of trusted certificates. Because of this, OpenSSL will consider the certifcate to be invalid, because it can't verify the certificate chain. (Firefox, on the other hand, when opening that URL in a browser, seems to accept it, possibly because it's separately fetching the issuer certificate and validating that.) This error can be seen by running the following command on Linux systems:

openssl s_client -connect boinc-files.bakerlab.org:443

The proper fix is to send the issuer certificate for boinc-files.bakerlab.org (similar to what's being done for boinc.bakerlab.org); this requires the system admin/webadmin to make changes. One alternative fix that can be done locally (instead of modifying the /etc/hosts file) is to add the issuer certificate (InCommon RSA Server CA 2) into the system's list of trusted certificates. On Linux, this can be done by the following:

wget http://crt.sectigo.com/InCommonRSAServerCA2.crt
openssl x509 -in InCommonRSAServerCA2.crt -out InCommonRSAServerCA2.pem -outform PEM
sudo cp InCommonRSAServerCA2.pem /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/InCommonRSAServerCA2.crt
sudo update-ca-certificates

The first command downloads the certificate. The second command converts it from the binary CRT form to the hex-encoded PEM form. The third command copies it into a system-local ca-certificates directory (it hopefully exists by default). The fourth command updates the /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt file with all of the trusted certificates.
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Sid Celery

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Message 112104 - Posted: 18 Feb 2025, 4:03:19 UTC - in response to Message 112100.  

The method for Android works!

Here is a screenshot of the page where to make the adjustment:

This looked simple enough even for me to install, but...
On the page you've taken a screenshot of, how is the file saved?
I exited out of the page with no save prompt and re-entering the page removed the line. Repeatedly.

You can safely assume I'm a complete idiot - no offence will be taken
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Jack H

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Message 112107 - Posted: 18 Feb 2025, 8:56:30 UTC - in response to Message 112104.  
Last modified: 18 Feb 2025, 9:02:13 UTC

The method for Android works!

Here is a screenshot of the page where to make the adjustment:

This looked simple enough even for me to install, but...
On the page you've taken a screenshot of, how is the file saved?
I exited out of the page with no save prompt and re-entering the page removed the line. Repeatedly.

You can safely assume I'm a complete idiot - no offence will be taken

You're not stupid, it's me who didn't think of this possibility... πŸ˜…

Indeed, by closing the application directly, the line disappears. *well seen*
Just go back to the application's home page by clicking on "Advanced settings" to save, then click on "Restart" to activate. πŸ˜‰
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Sid Celery

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Message 112109 - Posted: 18 Feb 2025, 13:10:40 UTC - in response to Message 112107.  

The method for Android works!

Here is a screenshot of the page where to make the adjustment:

This looked simple enough even for me to install, but...
On the page you've taken a screenshot of, how is the file saved?
I exited out of the page with no save prompt and re-entering the page removed the line. Repeatedly.

You can safely assume I'm a complete idiot - no offence will be taken

You're not stupid, it's me who didn't think of this possibility... πŸ˜…

Indeed, by closing the application directly, the line disappears. *well seen*
Just go back to the application's home page by clicking on "Advanced settings" to save, then click on "Restart" to activate. πŸ˜‰

You over-estimate me - I have blind-spots.
Ok, I did that and it seemed to stick. Good.
I tried to draw down some Rosetta tasks but none arrived - I'll let it try again of its own accord and hope things go well.
Many thanks for making this so easy after all this time - my fingers are crossed.
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Sid Celery

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Message 112128 - Posted: 23 Feb 2025, 2:50:28 UTC - in response to Message 112109.  

The method for Android works!

Here is a screenshot of the page where to make the adjustment:

This looked simple enough even for me to install, but...
On the page you've taken a screenshot of, how is the file saved?
I exited out of the page with no save prompt and re-entering the page removed the line. Repeatedly.

You can safely assume I'm a complete idiot - no offence will be taken

You're not stupid, it's me who didn't think of this possibility... πŸ˜…

Indeed, by closing the application directly, the line disappears. *well seen*
Just go back to the application's home page by clicking on "Advanced settings" to save, then click on "Restart" to activate. πŸ˜‰

You over-estimate me - I have blind-spots.
Ok, I did that and it seemed to stick. Good.
I tried to draw down some Rosetta tasks but none arrived - I'll let it try again of its own accord and hope things go well.
Many thanks for making this so easy after all this time - my fingers are crossed.

Just been reminded of this.
I've successfully made the edit exactly as described, but still no Rosetta task has successfully downloaded :(
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Jack H

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Message 112129 - Posted: 23 Feb 2025, 10:54:55 UTC - in response to Message 112128.  
Last modified: 23 Feb 2025, 10:55:23 UTC

Just been reminded of this.
I've successfully made the edit exactly as described, but still no Rosetta task has successfully downloaded :(

Is personalDNSfilter still active? I noticed that Android easily puts it to sleep...
In advanced settings, check "Prevent device sleep". πŸ˜‰
Or maybe, as it says when opening personalDNSfilter:
Please ensure private DNS is disabled in Android network settings. When enabled, personalDNSfilter might be bypassed!
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Sid Celery

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Message 112130 - Posted: 23 Feb 2025, 15:24:40 UTC - in response to Message 112129.  

Just been reminded of this.
I've successfully made the edit exactly as described, but still no Rosetta task has successfully downloaded :(

Is personalDNSfilter still active? I noticed that Android easily puts it to sleep...
In advanced settings, check "Prevent device sleep". πŸ˜‰

Ok, I may've misled myself.
I said the above based on having 2 tasks in a 'downloading' state, seemingly going nowhere.
However, I've just checked online and the 2 previous tasks succeeded in running and completing - here
But the 2 current tasks haven't downloaded, so it seems it's up and down.

Or maybe, as it says when opening personalDNSfilter:
Please ensure private DNS is disabled in Android network settings. When enabled, personalDNSfilter might be bypassed!

I did see this message but didn't know where to change that, hoping it would work anyway.
And "Prevent device sleep" was off in personalDNSfilter as well.
Now I've corrected that.
I've now searched for private DNS in my Android settings and found it, so I've changed that from Automatic to Off

I did say I was a borderline idiot regarding phones (and networks generally). This isn't exaggeration or self-deprecation, just an acceptance of my ability.
I can do a lot of things and have a good feel for others, but some things I'm simply terrible at and I do appreciate a bit of hand-holding to get me through.
My fingers are crossed.
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Jack H

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Message 112132 - Posted: 23 Feb 2025, 15:50:55 UTC - in response to Message 112130.  
Last modified: 23 Feb 2025, 15:58:58 UTC

Just been reminded of this.
I've successfully made the edit exactly as described, but still no Rosetta task has successfully downloaded :(

Is personalDNSfilter still active? I noticed that Android easily puts it to sleep...
In advanced settings, check "Prevent device sleep". πŸ˜‰

Ok, I may've misled myself.
I said the above based on having 2 tasks in a 'downloading' state, seemingly going nowhere.
However, I've just checked online and the 2 previous tasks succeeded in running and completing - here
But the 2 current tasks haven't downloaded, so it seems it's up and down.

Or maybe, as it says when opening personalDNSfilter:
Please ensure private DNS is disabled in Android network settings. When enabled, personalDNSfilter might be bypassed!

I did see this message but didn't know where to change that, hoping it would work anyway.
And "Prevent device sleep" was off in personalDNSfilter as well.
Now I've corrected that.
I've now searched for private DNS in my Android settings and found it, so I've changed that from Automatic to Off

I did say I was a borderline idiot regarding phones (and networks generally). This isn't exaggeration or self-deprecation, just an acceptance of my ability.
I can do a lot of things and have a good feel for others, but some things I'm simply terrible at and I do appreciate a bit of hand-holding to get me through.
My fingers are crossed.

If the shield is showing in notifications, you should be good. πŸ‘

As personalURLfilter is an adblocker, sometimes you have to disable it to load some web pages...
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Sid Celery

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Message 112136 - Posted: 23 Feb 2025, 18:40:18 UTC - in response to Message 112132.  

My fingers are crossed.

If the shield is showing in notifications, you should be good. πŸ‘

As personalURLfilter is an adblocker, sometimes you have to disable it to load some web pages...

The shield is showing and it says it's active, but those 2 tasks still haven't downloaded fully, even after another manual update <sigh>
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Sid Celery

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Message 112141 - Posted: 24 Feb 2025, 9:54:57 UTC - in response to Message 112136.  

My fingers are crossed.

If the shield is showing in notifications, you should be good. πŸ‘

As personalURLfilter is an adblocker, sometimes you have to disable it to load some web pages...

The shield is showing and it says it's active, but those 2 tasks still haven't downloaded fully, even after another manual update <sigh>

Looking this morning, those 2 tasks must have eventually downloaded successfully as they have now run to completion.
Thanks for persisting with me.
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Jack H

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Message 112143 - Posted: 24 Feb 2025, 12:08:39 UTC - in response to Message 112141.  
Last modified: 24 Feb 2025, 12:32:13 UTC

Looking this morning, those 2 tasks must have eventually downloaded successfully as they have now run to completion.
Thanks for persisting with me.

You reassure me, I was out of ideas... At home, it downloads... And even a little too much... πŸ˜…
I only activated half of the cores to limit the heating and I will have to activate more if I want to finish on time!
Afterwards, I hope that the cache reduction will finally do its job...
(I was on WCG for a long time where I used the unit limitation)

P.S.: Now my problem is that on Windows I only get betas that end up in errors... I got a second batch, we'll see...
Maybe I'm a bit short on RAM... I plan to put more before the end of DDR3 production at the end of this year. We'll see then...
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Sid Celery

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Message 112146 - Posted: 26 Feb 2025, 15:04:07 UTC - in response to Message 112143.  

Looking this morning, those 2 tasks must have eventually downloaded successfully as they have now run to completion.
Thanks for persisting with me.

You reassure me, I was out of ideas... At home, it downloads... And even a little too much... πŸ˜…
I only activated half of the cores to limit the heating and I will have to activate more if I want to finish on time!
Afterwards, I hope that the cache reduction will finally do its job...
(I was on WCG for a long time where I used the unit limitation)

P.S.: Now my problem is that on Windows I only get betas that end up in errors... I got a second batch, we'll see...
Maybe I'm a bit short on RAM... I plan to put more before the end of DDR3 production at the end of this year. We'll see then...

I've just checked again. My problem is now that it's not calling down any new tasks. Maybe I just need to be more patient.
I only have 2 cores active on my phone and only run when I'm on charge.

Another strange thing. I have my previous phone plugged in and only running Boinc, so I was going to do this exercise all over again to get that running Rosetta too. Except...
I just checked that phone today for the first time and, without changing anything, let alone installing personalDNSfilter and setting it up, it's downloaded tasks twice, run, completed, reported them and been credited.
I have no idea how that happened. Has the whole issue been fixed at the Rosetta end? I'm mystified.

I will never understand phones...
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Sid Celery

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Message 112148 - Posted: 26 Feb 2025, 17:29:16 UTC - in response to Message 112143.  

P.S.: Now my problem is that on Windows I only get betas that end up in errors... I got a second batch, we'll see...
Maybe I'm a bit short on RAM... I plan to put more before the end of DDR3 production at the end of this year. We'll see then...

4Gb RAM isn't much, but on a 4-core machine maybe not so bad.
Tasks don't seem to be asking for much (110Mb) so it shouldn't really be a problem.
Could it be the Boinc beta version 8.0.4? I'm still on 8.0.2. I'm guessing.
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Bryn Mawr

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Message 112149 - Posted: 26 Feb 2025, 18:08:53 UTC - in response to Message 112146.  

Looking this morning, those 2 tasks must have eventually downloaded successfully as they have now run to completion.
Thanks for persisting with me.

You reassure me, I was out of ideas... At home, it downloads... And even a little too much... πŸ˜…
I only activated half of the cores to limit the heating and I will have to activate more if I want to finish on time!
Afterwards, I hope that the cache reduction will finally do its job...
(I was on WCG for a long time where I used the unit limitation)

P.S.: Now my problem is that on Windows I only get betas that end up in errors... I got a second batch, we'll see...
Maybe I'm a bit short on RAM... I plan to put more before the end of DDR3 production at the end of this year. We'll see then...

I've just checked again. My problem is now that it's not calling down any new tasks. Maybe I just need to be more patient.
I only have 2 cores active on my phone and only run when I'm on charge.

Another strange thing. I have my previous phone plugged in and only running Boinc, so I was going to do this exercise all over again to get that running Rosetta too. Except...
I just checked that phone today for the first time and, without changing anything, let alone installing personalDNSfilter and setting it up, it's downloaded tasks twice, run, completed, reported them and been credited.
I have no idea how that happened. Has the whole issue been fixed at the Rosetta end? I'm mystified.

I will never understand phones...

The project has a pool (3?) of servers, only one of which works. If a task gets sent to the working server then it downloads fine.

The fix just means that you will always ask for work from the good server rather than being at the mercy of the load balancer.
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Sid Celery

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Message 112153 - Posted: 27 Feb 2025, 11:02:25 UTC - in response to Message 112149.  

I have no idea how that happened. Has the whole issue been fixed at the Rosetta end? I'm mystified.

I will never understand phones...

The project has a pool (3?) of servers, only one of which works. If a task gets sent to the working server then it downloads fine.

The fix just means that you will always ask for work from the good server rather than being at the mercy of the load balancer.

And networks.
I did say it on a previous occasion. Phones and networks.
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Sid Celery

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Message 112160 - Posted: 28 Feb 2025, 2:10:20 UTC - in response to Message 112146.  

Has the whole issue been fixed at the Rosetta end?

Another download successful.
I now really am wondering if it's been fixed at Rosetta's end.
Is there some way someone can check this? Or is it just a second coincidence?
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Profile Diplomat

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Message 112164 - Posted: 1 Mar 2025, 0:32:27 UTC - in response to Message 112160.  
Last modified: 1 Mar 2025, 0:41:53 UTC

Π‘Π± 01 ΠΌΠ°Ρ€ 2025 05:30:57 | Rosetta@home | [http] HTTP error: SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK

still no good

I will repeat solution since topic gets messy
for linux

sudo nano /etc/hosts       localhost
::1             localhost       pop-os.localdomain      pop-os  boinc-files.bakerlab.org

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Sid Celery

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Message 112165 - Posted: 1 Mar 2025, 2:27:30 UTC - in response to Message 112164.  

Π‘Π± 01 ΠΌΠ°Ρ€ 2025 05:30:57 | Rosetta@home | [http] HTTP error: SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK

still no good

Thanks for checking. Seems like I did just get lucky a couple of times in a row. (Checking again: 4 times in a row)
I'd better fix it properly when I get home on Sunday.
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