Not getting units?

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Ryan Munro

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Message 106659 - Posted: 26 Jul 2022, 11:43:19 UTC

I posted in the problems thread but thought I would start one for visibility.
I was getting the Vbox units up until a few weeks ago then nothing, I can see there are units ready to go but non are coming my way?
I also run LHC @ Home which uses Vbox and I am getting and crunching units fine for it so Boinc / Vbox seems to be fine, just not getting any Rosetta units?

Is anyone else getting units at all?
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Message 106661 - Posted: 26 Jul 2022, 18:27:47 UTC

Rosetta python work has a nasty habit of blocking work to a computer that has had a few errors or whatever takes its fancy
Go to the details for your computers page in your account at rosetta and scrole down to the bottom of those pages
You will see a blue/red button labled `skip` or `allow` ,
If you see the word `allow` , click it to get work again , coz U got blocked for some reason
Bin there dun that its a pain , but when python first started there was no button to restart work flow
or it could be something else , worth a try .
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Ryan Munro

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Message 106663 - Posted: 27 Jul 2022, 8:21:28 UTC - in response to Message 106661.  

That was it, thank you!
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Message 106669 - Posted: 28 Jul 2022, 18:20:26 UTC - in response to Message 106661.  

Rosetta seems to automatically block Python WU when they detect an "out of memory" error.

I don't have any problem with them shutting off Python WU after an "out of memory" error. It makes sense when they are dragging around 1gb of disk and network traffic. I have a BIG problem with Rosetta not informing me with a message that they have taken this action.

The whole Python/VirtualBox release was clumsy and amateurish. How much effort does it take to send a message to a person when their profile (ALLOW/SKIP) is changed?

Rosetta python work has a nasty habit of blocking work to a computer that has had a few errors or whatever takes its fancy
Go to the details for your computers page in your account at rosetta and scrole down to the bottom of those pages
You will see a blue/red button labled `skip` or `allow` ,
If you see the word `allow` , click it to get work again , coz U got blocked for some reason
Bin there dun that its a pain , but when python first started there was no button to restart work flow
or it could be something else , worth a try .
ID: 106669 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote

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