Not getting any python work

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Message 103076 - Posted: 1 Nov 2021, 2:50:10 UTC - in response to Message 103074.  

One last thought for Win10. If you have ever enabled "Hyper-V", be sure to disable it (in "Turn Windows features on or off").
It is incompatible with VirtualBox.

For me, I Hyper V is not on. Never has been.
There is no way I am wiping out my OS to get some stubborn tasks.
There has to be something else holding up Python tasks.
Something that can be done without wiping out windows and spending hours reinstalling and re configuring.

How much of your cpu are you allowing it to use, in both number of cores and percentage of actual cpu usage, ie I allow 50% of the cores and 90% of cpu time?

Also what other projects are you running and what is their resource percentages? I'm thinking maybe your cache is already full.

Also what is your cache size, ie mine is 2.5 days and 1.5 days? I'm thinking if yours is set to say 0.01 for both maybe Rosetta thinks you don't have enough cache time to get tasks.
ID: 103076 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Profile Grant (SSSF)

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Message 103079 - Posted: 1 Nov 2021, 3:49:12 UTC - in response to Message 103076.  

Also what is your cache size, ie mine is 2.5 days and 1.5 days? I'm thinking if yours is set to say 0.01 for both maybe Rosetta thinks you don't have enough cache time to get tasks.
Whether you get work or not depends on if you will return it in time or not, and what your Resource share settings are.
Cache determines how much work you download, it does not determine whether or not you actually get any.
Darwin NT
ID: 103079 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Profile Greg_BE

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Message 103080 - Posted: 1 Nov 2021, 8:39:59 UTC - in response to Message 103076.  

One last thought for Win10. If you have ever enabled "Hyper-V", be sure to disable it (in "Turn Windows features on or off").
It is incompatible with VirtualBox.

For me, I Hyper V is not on. Never has been.
There is no way I am wiping out my OS to get some stubborn tasks.
There has to be something else holding up Python tasks.
Something that can be done without wiping out windows and spending hours reinstalling and re configuring.

How much of your cpu are you allowing it to use, in both number of cores and percentage of actual cpu usage, ie I allow 50% of the cores and 90% of cpu time?

Also what other projects are you running and what is their resource percentages? I'm thinking maybe your cache is already full.

Also what is your cache size, ie mine is 2.5 days and 1.5 days? I'm thinking if yours is set to say 0.01 for both maybe Rosetta thinks you don't have enough cache time to get tasks.

It can use as much as it wants. Right now it is using 15/16 cores 100% run (restricted 1 core for system and GPU support). GPU's are running Einstein and FAH.
With this all running it is using only 66% of the memory.
Cache is run 1 full day and store .25 days. - and this should not matter.
As stated elsewhere, I run around 16 hrs a day, no app_config scripts or anything else.
No deadlines have passed, all work has been returned in time.
ID: 103080 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Bryn Mawr

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Message 103082 - Posted: 1 Nov 2021, 12:00:13 UTC - in response to Message 103076.  

Also what is your cache size, ie mine is 2.5 days and 1.5 days? I'm thinking if yours is set to say 0.01 for both maybe Rosetta thinks you don't have enough cache time to get tasks.

I have my cache set to 0.1 and 0.1 but I still get CPDN tasks that take 10 days so it cannot be that.
ID: 103082 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Profile Greg_BE

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Message 103083 - Posted: 1 Nov 2021, 12:06:51 UTC - in response to Message 103075.  

There has to be something else holding up Python tasks.
Something that can be done without wiping out windows and spending hours reinstalling and re configuring.
BOINC Manager, Options, Event log options,
Work_fetch_debug, CPU_sched_debug & similar, rr_simulation etc.
Enable those (or just one of those) options (expect a huge amount of output in the Event log) to see what the Manager is actually doing- what values it is working with & the results it's producing and decisions it's making.

All the above enabled and sched_op_debug
ID: 103083 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Profile Greg_BE

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Message 103084 - Posted: 1 Nov 2021, 19:51:52 UTC

11/1/2021 8:46:09 PM | Rosetta@home | [rr_sim] Result degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 projected to miss deadline.
11/1/2021 8:46:09 PM | Rosetta@home | [rr_sim] Project has 1 projected CPU deadline misses
11/1/2021 8:46:09 PM | Rosetta@home | [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 (CPU, EDF) (prio -0.020383)
11/1/2021 8:46:09 PM | | [cpu_sched_debug] enforce_run_list(): start
11/1/2021 8:46:09 PM | | [cpu_sched_debug] preliminary job list:
11/1/2021 8:46:09 PM | Rosetta@home | [cpu_sched_debug] 2: degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 (MD: yes; UTS: yes)
11/1/2021 8:46:09 PM | | [cpu_sched_debug] final job list:
11/1/2021 8:46:09 PM | Rosetta@home | [cpu_sched_debug] 0: degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 (MD: yes; UTS: yes)
11/1/2021 8:46:09 PM | Rosetta@home | [cpu_sched_debug] scheduling degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 (high priority)
11/1/2021 8:46:09 PM | | [cpu_sched_debug] enforce_run_list: end
11/1/2021 8:46:12 PM | | choose_project(): 1635795972.021492
11/1/2021 8:46:12 PM | | [rr_sim] doing sim: work fetch
11/1/2021 8:46:12 PM | | [rr_sim] start: work_buf min 86400 additional 21600 total 108000 on_frac 0.664 active_frac 0.998
11/1/2021 8:46:12 PM | Rosetta@home | [rr_sim] 108362.09: degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 finishes (1.00 CPU) (32142.57G/1.84G)
11/1/2021 8:46:12 PM | Rosetta@home | [rr_sim] degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 misses deadline by 21941.11
11/1/2021 8:46:12 PM | | [work_fetch] ------- start work fetch state -------
11/1/2021 8:46:12 PM | | [work_fetch] target work buffer: 86400.00 + 21600.00 sec
11/1/2021 8:46:12 PM | | [work_fetch] --- project states ---
11/1/2021 8:46:12 PM | Rosetta@home | [work_fetch] REC 4140.241 prio -0.020 can request work
11/1/2021 8:46:12 PM | | [work_fetch] --- state for CPU ---
11/1/2021 8:46:12 PM | | [work_fetch] shortfall 59960.22 nidle 0.00 saturated 90911.68 busy 0.00
11/1/2021 8:46:12 PM | Rosetta@home | [work_fetch] share 0.250
11/1/2021 8:46:12 PM | | [work_fetch] --- state for NVIDIA GPU ---
11/1/2021 8:46:12 PM | | [work_fetch] shortfall 0.00 nidle 0.00 saturated 123656.59 busy 0.00
11/1/2021 8:46:12 PM | Rosetta@home | [work_fetch] share 0.000 no applications
11/1/2021 8:46:12 PM | | [work_fetch] ------- end work fetch state -------
11/1/2021 8:46:12 PM | Rosetta@home | choose_project: scanning
11/1/2021 8:46:12 PM | Rosetta@home | can fetch CPU
11/1/2021 8:46:12 PM | Rosetta@home | can't fetch NVIDIA GPU: no applications
11/1/2021 8:46:12 PM | | [work_fetch] No project chosen for work fetch
11/1/2021 8:47:09 PM | | [cpu_sched_debug] Request CPU reschedule: periodic CPU scheduling
11/1/2021 8:47:09 PM | | [cpu_sched_debug] schedule_cpus(): start
11/1/2021 8:47:09 PM | | [rr_sim] doing sim: CPU sched
11/1/2021 8:47:09 PM | | [rr_sim] start: work_buf min 86400 additional 21600 total 108000 on_frac 0.664 active_frac 0.998
11/1/2021 8:47:09 PM | Rosetta@home | [rr_sim] 108258.64: degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 finishes (1.00 CPU) (32025.48G/1.84G)
11/1/2021 8:47:09 PM | Rosetta@home | [rr_sim] degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 misses deadline by 21894.71
11/1/2021 8:47:09 PM | Rosetta@home | [rr_sim] Result degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 projected to miss deadline.
11/1/2021 8:47:09 PM | Rosetta@home | [rr_sim] Project has 1 projected CPU deadline misses
11/1/2021 8:47:09 PM | Rosetta@home | [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 (CPU, EDF) (prio -0.020372)
11/1/2021 8:47:09 PM | | [cpu_sched_debug] enforce_run_list(): start
11/1/2021 8:47:09 PM | | [cpu_sched_debug] preliminary job list:
11/1/2021 8:47:09 PM | Rosetta@home | [cpu_sched_debug] 2: degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 (MD: yes; UTS: yes)
11/1/2021 8:47:09 PM | | [cpu_sched_debug] final job list:
11/1/2021 8:47:09 PM | Rosetta@home | [cpu_sched_debug] 0: degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 (MD: yes; UTS: yes)
11/1/2021 8:47:09 PM | Rosetta@home | [cpu_sched_debug] scheduling degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 (high priority)
11/1/2021 8:47:09 PM | | [cpu_sched_debug] enforce_run_list: end
11/1/2021 8:47:12 PM | | choose_project(): 1635796032.077831
11/1/2021 8:47:12 PM | | [rr_sim] doing sim: work fetch
11/1/2021 8:47:12 PM | | [rr_sim] start: work_buf min 86400 additional 21600 total 108000 on_frac 0.664 active_frac 0.998
11/1/2021 8:47:12 PM | Rosetta@home | [rr_sim] 108243.76: degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 finishes (1.00 CPU) (32001.56G/1.84G)
11/1/2021 8:47:12 PM | Rosetta@home | [rr_sim] degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 misses deadline by 21882.83
11/1/2021 8:47:12 PM | | [work_fetch] ------- start work fetch state -------
11/1/2021 8:47:12 PM | | [work_fetch] target work buffer: 86400.00 + 21600.00 sec
11/1/2021 8:47:12 PM | | [work_fetch] --- project states ---
11/1/2021 8:47:12 PM | Rosetta@home | [work_fetch] REC 4138.763 prio -0.020 can request work
11/1/2021 8:47:12 PM | | [work_fetch] --- state for CPU ---
11/1/2021 8:47:12 PM | | [work_fetch] shortfall 60365.20 nidle 0.00 saturated 90870.51 busy 0.00
11/1/2021 8:47:12 PM | Rosetta@home | [work_fetch] share 0.250
11/1/2021 8:47:12 PM | | [work_fetch] --- state for NVIDIA GPU ---
11/1/2021 8:47:12 PM | | [work_fetch] shortfall 0.00 nidle 0.00 saturated 123385.18 busy 0.00
11/1/2021 8:47:12 PM | Rosetta@home | [work_fetch] share 0.000 no applications
11/1/2021 8:47:12 PM | | [work_fetch] ------- end work fetch state -------
11/1/2021 8:47:12 PM | Rosetta@home | choose_project: scanning
11/1/2021 8:47:12 PM | Rosetta@home | can fetch CPU
11/1/2021 8:47:12 PM | Rosetta@home | can't fetch NVIDIA GPU: no applications
11/1/2021 8:47:12 PM | | [work_fetch] No project chosen for work fetch
11/1/2021 8:48:09 PM | | [cpu_sched_debug] Request CPU reschedule: periodic CPU scheduling
11/1/2021 8:48:09 PM | | [cpu_sched_debug] schedule_cpus(): start
11/1/2021 8:48:09 PM | | [rr_sim] doing sim: CPU sched
11/1/2021 8:48:09 PM | | [rr_sim] start: work_buf min 86400 additional 21600 total 108000 on_frac 0.664 active_frac 0.998
11/1/2021 8:48:09 PM | Rosetta@home | [rr_sim] 108133.54: degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 finishes (1.00 CPU) (31871.80G/1.84G)
11/1/2021 8:48:09 PM | Rosetta@home | [rr_sim] degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 misses deadline by 21829.66
11/1/2021 8:48:09 PM | Rosetta@home | [rr_sim] Result degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 projected to miss deadline.
11/1/2021 8:48:09 PM | Rosetta@home | [rr_sim] Project has 1 projected CPU deadline misses
11/1/2021 8:48:09 PM | Rosetta@home | [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 (CPU, EDF) (prio -0.020360)
11/1/2021 8:48:09 PM | | [cpu_sched_debug] enforce_run_list(): start
11/1/2021 8:48:09 PM | | [cpu_sched_debug] preliminary job list:
11/1/2021 8:48:09 PM | Rosetta@home | [cpu_sched_debug] 2: degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 (MD: yes; UTS: yes)
11/1/2021 8:48:09 PM | | [cpu_sched_debug] final job list:
11/1/2021 8:48:09 PM | Rosetta@home | [cpu_sched_debug] 0: degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 (MD: yes; UTS: yes)
11/1/2021 8:48:09 PM | Rosetta@home | [cpu_sched_debug] scheduling degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 (high priority)
11/1/2021 8:48:09 PM | | [cpu_sched_debug] enforce_run_list: end
11/1/2021 8:48:12 PM | | choose_project(): 1635796092.132774
11/1/2021 8:48:12 PM | | [rr_sim] doing sim: work fetch
11/1/2021 8:48:12 PM | | [rr_sim] start: work_buf min 86400 additional 21600 total 108000 on_frac 0.664 active_frac 0.998
11/1/2021 8:48:12 PM | Rosetta@home | [rr_sim] 108118.79: degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 finishes (1.00 CPU) (31848.13G/1.84G)
11/1/2021 8:48:12 PM | Rosetta@home | [rr_sim] degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 misses deadline by 21817.93
11/1/2021 8:48:12 PM | | [work_fetch] ------- start work fetch state -------
11/1/2021 8:48:12 PM | | [work_fetch] target work buffer: 86400.00 + 21600.00 sec
11/1/2021 8:48:12 PM | | [work_fetch] --- project states ---
11/1/2021 8:48:12 PM | Rosetta@home | [work_fetch] REC 4137.285 prio -0.020 can request work
11/1/2021 8:48:12 PM | | [work_fetch] --- state for CPU ---
11/1/2021 8:48:12 PM | | [work_fetch] shortfall 60785.40 nidle 0.00 saturated 90829.45 busy 0.00
11/1/2021 8:48:12 PM | Rosetta@home | [work_fetch] share 0.250
11/1/2021 8:48:12 PM | | [work_fetch] --- state for NVIDIA GPU ---
11/1/2021 8:48:12 PM | | [work_fetch] shortfall 0.00 nidle 0.00 saturated 123121.08 busy 0.00
11/1/2021 8:48:12 PM | Rosetta@home | [work_fetch] share 0.000 no applications
11/1/2021 8:48:12 PM | | [work_fetch] ------- end work fetch state -------
11/1/2021 8:48:12 PM | Rosetta@home | choose_project: scanning
11/1/2021 8:48:12 PM | Rosetta@home | can fetch CPU
11/1/2021 8:48:12 PM | Rosetta@home | can't fetch NVIDIA GPU: no applications
11/1/2021 8:48:12 PM | | [work_fetch] No project chosen for work fetch
11/1/2021 8:49:09 PM | | [cpu_sched_debug] Request CPU reschedule: periodic CPU scheduling
11/1/2021 8:49:09 PM | | [cpu_sched_debug] schedule_cpus(): start
11/1/2021 8:49:09 PM | | [rr_sim] doing sim: CPU sched
11/1/2021 8:49:09 PM | | [rr_sim] start: work_buf min 86400 additional 21600 total 108000 on_frac 0.664 active_frac 0.998
11/1/2021 8:49:09 PM | Rosetta@home | [rr_sim] 108012.06: degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 finishes (1.00 CPU) (31724.58G/1.84G)
11/1/2021 8:49:09 PM | Rosetta@home | [rr_sim] degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 misses deadline by 21768.24
11/1/2021 8:49:09 PM | Rosetta@home | [rr_sim] Result degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 projected to miss deadline.
11/1/2021 8:49:09 PM | Rosetta@home | [rr_sim] Project has 1 projected CPU deadline misses
11/1/2021 8:49:09 PM | Rosetta@home | [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 (CPU, EDF) (prio -0.020348)
11/1/2021 8:49:09 PM | | [cpu_sched_debug] enforce_run_list(): start
11/1/2021 8:49:09 PM | | [cpu_sched_debug] preliminary job list:
11/1/2021 8:49:09 PM | Rosetta@home | [cpu_sched_debug] 2: degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 (MD: yes; UTS: yes)
11/1/2021 8:49:09 PM | | [cpu_sched_debug] final job list:
11/1/2021 8:49:09 PM | Rosetta@home | [cpu_sched_debug] 0: degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 (MD: yes; UTS: yes)
11/1/2021 8:49:09 PM | Rosetta@home | [cpu_sched_debug] scheduling degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 (high priority)
11/1/2021 8:49:09 PM | | [cpu_sched_debug] enforce_run_list: end
11/1/2021 8:49:12 PM | | choose_project(): 1635796152.184231
11/1/2021 8:49:12 PM | | [rr_sim] doing sim: work fetch
11/1/2021 8:49:12 PM | | [rr_sim] start: work_buf min 86400 additional 21600 total 108000 on_frac 0.664 active_frac 0.998
11/1/2021 8:49:12 PM | Rosetta@home | [rr_sim] 107995.37: degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 finishes (1.00 CPU) (31697.32G/1.84G)
11/1/2021 8:49:12 PM | Rosetta@home | [rr_sim] degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 misses deadline by 21754.56
11/1/2021 8:49:12 PM | | [work_fetch] ------- start work fetch state -------
11/1/2021 8:49:12 PM | | [work_fetch] target work buffer: 86400.00 + 21600.00 sec
11/1/2021 8:49:12 PM | | [work_fetch] --- project states ---
11/1/2021 8:49:12 PM | Rosetta@home | [work_fetch] REC 4135.808 prio -0.020 can request work
11/1/2021 8:49:12 PM | | [work_fetch] --- state for CPU ---
11/1/2021 8:49:12 PM | | [work_fetch] shortfall 61233.05 nidle 0.00 saturated 90788.50 busy 0.00
11/1/2021 8:49:12 PM | Rosetta@home | [work_fetch] share 0.250
11/1/2021 8:49:12 PM | | [work_fetch] --- state for NVIDIA GPU ---
11/1/2021 8:49:12 PM | | [work_fetch] shortfall 0.00 nidle 0.00 saturated 122845.35 busy 0.00
11/1/2021 8:49:12 PM | Rosetta@home | [work_fetch] share 0.000 no applications
11/1/2021 8:49:12 PM | | [work_fetch] ------- end work fetch state -------
11/1/2021 8:49:12 PM | Rosetta@home | choose_project: scanning
11/1/2021 8:49:12 PM | Rosetta@home | can fetch CPU
11/1/2021 8:49:12 PM | Rosetta@home | can't fetch NVIDIA GPU: no applications
11/1/2021 8:49:12 PM | | [work_fetch] No project chosen for work fetch
11/1/2021 8:50:09 PM | | [cpu_sched_debug] Request CPU reschedule: periodic CPU scheduling
11/1/2021 8:50:09 PM | | [cpu_sched_debug] schedule_cpus(): start
11/1/2021 8:50:09 PM | | [rr_sim] doing sim: CPU sched
11/1/2021 8:50:09 PM | | [rr_sim] start: work_buf min 86400 additional 21600 total 108000 on_frac 0.664 active_frac 0.998
11/1/2021 8:50:09 PM | Rosetta@home | [rr_sim] 107885.66: degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 finishes (1.00 CPU) (31568.08G/1.84G)
11/1/2021 8:50:09 PM | Rosetta@home | [rr_sim] degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 misses deadline by 21701.89
11/1/2021 8:50:09 PM | Rosetta@home | [rr_sim] Result degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 projected to miss deadline.
11/1/2021 8:50:09 PM | Rosetta@home | [rr_sim] Project has 1 projected CPU deadline misses
11/1/2021 8:50:09 PM | Rosetta@home | [cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 (CPU, EDF) (prio -0.020337)
11/1/2021 8:50:09 PM | | [cpu_sched_debug] enforce_run_list(): start
11/1/2021 8:50:09 PM | | [cpu_sched_debug] preliminary job list:
11/1/2021 8:50:09 PM | Rosetta@home | [cpu_sched_debug] 2: degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 (MD: yes; UTS: yes)
11/1/2021 8:50:09 PM | | [cpu_sched_debug] final job list:
11/1/2021 8:50:09 PM | Rosetta@home | [cpu_sched_debug] 0: degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 (MD: yes; UTS: yes)
11/1/2021 8:50:09 PM | Rosetta@home | [cpu_sched_debug] scheduling degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 (high priority)
11/1/2021 8:50:09 PM | | [cpu_sched_debug] enforce_run_list: end
11/1/2021 8:50:12 PM | | choose_project(): 1635796212.241077
11/1/2021 8:50:12 PM | | [rr_sim] doing sim: work fetch
11/1/2021 8:50:12 PM | | [rr_sim] start: work_buf min 86400 additional 21600 total 108000 on_frac 0.664 active_frac 0.998
11/1/2021 8:50:12 PM | Rosetta@home | [rr_sim] 107868.92: degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 finishes (1.00 CPU) (31540.73G/1.84G)
11/1/2021 8:50:12 PM | Rosetta@home | [rr_sim] degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 misses deadline by 21688.17
11/1/2021 8:50:12 PM | | [work_fetch] ------- start work fetch state -------
11/1/2021 8:50:12 PM | | [work_fetch] target work buffer: 86400.00 + 21600.00 sec
11/1/2021 8:50:12 PM | | [work_fetch] --- project states ---
11/1/2021 8:50:12 PM | Rosetta@home | [work_fetch] REC 4134.331 prio -0.020 can request work
11/1/2021 8:50:12 PM | | [work_fetch] --- state for CPU ---
11/1/2021 8:50:12 PM | | [work_fetch] shortfall 61932.02 nidle 0.00 saturated 90747.67 busy 0.00
11/1/2021 8:50:12 PM | Rosetta@home | [work_fetch] share 0.250
11/1/2021 8:50:12 PM | | [work_fetch] --- state for NVIDIA GPU ---
11/1/2021 8:50:12 PM | | [work_fetch] shortfall 0.00 nidle 0.00 saturated 122578.61 busy 0.00
11/1/2021 8:50:12 PM | Rosetta@home | [work_fetch] share 0.000 no applications
11/1/2021 8:50:12 PM | | [work_fetch] ------- end work fetch state -------
11/1/2021 8:50:12 PM | Rosetta@home | choose_project: scanning
11/1/2021 8:50:12 PM | Rosetta@home | can fetch CPU
11/1/2021 8:50:12 PM | Rosetta@home | can't fetch NVIDIA GPU: no applications
11/1/2021 8:50:12 PM | | [work_fetch] No project chosen for work fetch
ID: 103084 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote

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Message 103092 - Posted: 2 Nov 2021, 22:43:58 UTC - in response to Message 103082.  

Also what is your cache size, ie mine is 2.5 days and 1.5 days? I'm thinking if yours is set to say 0.01 for both maybe Rosetta thinks you don't have enough cache time to get tasks.

I have my cache set to 0.1 and 0.1 but I still get CPDN tasks that take 10 days so it cannot be that.

CPDN tasks have a due date of 365 days while Rosetta tasks have a due date of 3 days from the day you get them.
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Message 103093 - Posted: 2 Nov 2021, 22:47:57 UTC - in response to Message 103080.  
Last modified: 2 Nov 2021, 22:50:32 UTC

One last thought for Win10. If you have ever enabled "Hyper-V", be sure to disable it (in "Turn Windows features on or off").
It is incompatible with VirtualBox.

For me, I Hyper V is not on. Never has been.
There is no way I am wiping out my OS to get some stubborn tasks.
There has to be something else holding up Python tasks.
Something that can be done without wiping out windows and spending hours reinstalling and re configuring.

How much of your cpu are you allowing it to use, in both number of cores and percentage of actual cpu usage, ie I allow 50% of the cores and 90% of cpu time?

Also what other projects are you running and what is their resource percentages? I'm thinking maybe your cache is already full.

Also what is your cache size, ie mine is 2.5 days and 1.5 days? I'm thinking if yours is set to say 0.01 for both maybe Rosetta thinks you don't have enough cache time to get tasks.

It can use as much as it wants. Right now it is using 15/16 cores 100% run (restricted 1 core for system and GPU support). GPU's are running Einstein and FAH.
With this all running it is using only 66% of the memory.
Cache is run 1 full day and store .25 days. - and this should not matter.
As stated elsewhere, I run around 16 hrs a day, no app_config scripts or anything else.
No deadlines have passed, all work has been returned in time.

Try suspending all your other Projects, except the gpu ones, and then request work from Rosetta. I'm still thinking your cache is sooo full Boinc doesn't think you will finish a task in time with a 3 day deadline. Boinc is fricking weird sometimes and has to be manhandled to do what we want it to do.

On your list it says:
11/1/2021 8:47:09 PM | Rosetta@home | [rr_sim] Result degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 projected to miss deadline.

Which is what i just said you have too much work from other Projects for Rosetta to send you any tasks.
ID: 103093 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Bryn Mawr

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Message 103095 - Posted: 3 Nov 2021, 3:11:10 UTC - in response to Message 103092.  
Last modified: 3 Nov 2021, 3:33:20 UTC

Also what is your cache size, ie mine is 2.5 days and 1.5 days? I'm thinking if yours is set to say 0.01 for both maybe Rosetta thinks you don't have enough cache time to get tasks.

I have my cache set to 0.1 and 0.1 but I still get CPDN tasks that take 10 days so it cannot be that.

CPDN tasks have a due date of 365 days while Rosetta tasks have a due date of 3 days from the day you get them.

You can do 9 Rosetta tasks consecutively and still be within the deadline so it cannot be that.

My point was that the length of the task being downloaded does not have to fit within the size of cache allowed - as long as there is some space available, even one second, then it will download a task even if that task takes 10 days

Yes, if you already have so many tasks waiting that your cache is full then it will refuse to download more but it is quite clear about the reason - it states job cache full in the event log with the default minimum logging enabled and at this stage I assume that the poster has at least looked at the event log.

ETA OK, so much for replying to a post without reading the other new posts in the thread - I apologise for that and I agree that the presence of a WU slated to miss the deadline could block any further downloads for that project but I would also draw your attention to :-

Rosetta@home | [work_fetch] share 0.000 no applications

Does this imply that none of the applications within Rosetta fit the job criteria being requested?
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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 103100 - Posted: 4 Nov 2021, 8:26:56 UTC - in response to Message 103093.  
Last modified: 4 Nov 2021, 8:31:23 UTC

One last thought for Win10. If you have ever enabled "Hyper-V", be sure to disable it (in "Turn Windows features on or off").
It is incompatible with VirtualBox.

For me, I Hyper V is not on. Never has been.
There is no way I am wiping out my OS to get some stubborn tasks.
There has to be something else holding up Python tasks.
Something that can be done without wiping out windows and spending hours reinstalling and re configuring.

How much of your cpu are you allowing it to use, in both number of cores and percentage of actual cpu usage, ie I allow 50% of the cores and 90% of cpu time?

Also what other projects are you running and what is their resource percentages? I'm thinking maybe your cache is already full.

Also what is your cache size, ie mine is 2.5 days and 1.5 days? I'm thinking if yours is set to say 0.01 for both maybe Rosetta thinks you don't have enough cache time to get tasks.

It can use as much as it wants. Right now it is using 15/16 cores 100% run (restricted 1 core for system and GPU support). GPU's are running Einstein and FAH.
With this all running it is using only 66% of the memory.
Cache is run 1 full day and store .25 days. - and this should not matter.
As stated elsewhere, I run around 16 hrs a day, no app_config scripts or anything else.
No deadlines have passed, all work has been returned in time.

Try suspending all your other Projects, except the gpu ones, and then request work from Rosetta. I'm still thinking your cache is sooo full Boinc doesn't think you will finish a task in time with a 3 day deadline. Boinc is fricking weird sometimes and has to be manhandled to do what we want it to do.

On your list it says:
11/1/2021 8:47:09 PM | Rosetta@home | [rr_sim] Result degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 projected to miss deadline.

Which is what i just said you have too much work from other Projects for Rosetta to send you any tasks.

Maybe I did not include it, but it did complete in time. A couple of minutes later.
I'm not doing anything different in cache, BOINC knows how long it takes to complete stuff, its been crunching this version of a task since it first came out. I didn't change anything to the plus or minus since I got my first Python work. So it has to be something else. Besides, if BOINC thinks the work will not complete in time, then why is it downloading so much work to begin with? It is a 'manager' program so it should manage.

Note: I just opened up BOINC Tasks and had a look. Degrader and the other stuff from here are running high priority, but.....the deadline is 2 days away and for the stuff that just started it will be done in say 12+ hrs (because of the run 4 hrs and switch tasks option)
Other tasks are near completion and they have a remaining time of maximum 4 hrs.
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Message 103103 - Posted: 4 Nov 2021, 14:54:41 UTC - in response to Message 103100.  

One last thought for Win10. If you have ever enabled "Hyper-V", be sure to disable it (in "Turn Windows features on or off").
It is incompatible with VirtualBox.

For me, I Hyper V is not on. Never has been.
There is no way I am wiping out my OS to get some stubborn tasks.
There has to be something else holding up Python tasks.
Something that can be done without wiping out windows and spending hours reinstalling and re configuring.

How much of your cpu are you allowing it to use, in both number of cores and percentage of actual cpu usage, ie I allow 50% of the cores and 90% of cpu time?

Also what other projects are you running and what is their resource percentages? I'm thinking maybe your cache is already full.

Also what is your cache size, ie mine is 2.5 days and 1.5 days? I'm thinking if yours is set to say 0.01 for both maybe Rosetta thinks you don't have enough cache time to get tasks.

It can use as much as it wants. Right now it is using 15/16 cores 100% run (restricted 1 core for system and GPU support). GPU's are running Einstein and FAH.
With this all running it is using only 66% of the memory.
Cache is run 1 full day and store .25 days. - and this should not matter.
As stated elsewhere, I run around 16 hrs a day, no app_config scripts or anything else.
No deadlines have passed, all work has been returned in time.

Try suspending all your other Projects, except the gpu ones, and then request work from Rosetta. I'm still thinking your cache is sooo full Boinc doesn't think you will finish a task in time with a 3 day deadline. Boinc is fricking weird sometimes and has to be manhandled to do what we want it to do.

On your list it says:
11/1/2021 8:47:09 PM | Rosetta@home | [rr_sim] Result degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 projected to miss deadline.

Which is what i just said you have too much work from other Projects for Rosetta to send you any tasks.

Maybe I did not include it, but it did complete in time. A couple of minutes later.
I'm not doing anything different in cache, BOINC knows how long it takes to complete stuff, its been crunching this version of a task since it first came out. I didn't change anything to the plus or minus since I got my first Python work. So it has to be something else. Besides, if BOINC thinks the work will not complete in time, then why is it downloading so much work to begin with? It is a 'manager' program so it should manage.

Note: I just opened up BOINC Tasks and had a look. Degrader and the other stuff from here are running high priority, but.....the deadline is 2 days away and for the stuff that just started it will be done in say 12+ hrs (because of the run 4 hrs and switch tasks option)
Other tasks are near completion and they have a remaining time of maximum 4 hrs.

That's exactly why no Rosetta tasks are coming thru too much work from other Projects, Boinc is running in panic mode, ie High Priority, because it THINKS it won't be able to finish the tasks in time otherwise.
ID: 103103 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Profile Greg_BE

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Message 103104 - Posted: 4 Nov 2021, 23:37:19 UTC - in response to Message 103103.  
Last modified: 4 Nov 2021, 23:41:35 UTC

One last thought for Win10. If you have ever enabled "Hyper-V", be sure to disable it (in "Turn Windows features on or off").
It is incompatible with VirtualBox.

For me, I Hyper V is not on. Never has been.
There is no way I am wiping out my OS to get some stubborn tasks.
There has to be something else holding up Python tasks.
Something that can be done without wiping out windows and spending hours reinstalling and re configuring.

How much of your cpu are you allowing it to use, in both number of cores and percentage of actual cpu usage, ie I allow 50% of the cores and 90% of cpu time?

Also what other projects are you running and what is their resource percentages? I'm thinking maybe your cache is already full.

Also what is your cache size, ie mine is 2.5 days and 1.5 days? I'm thinking if yours is set to say 0.01 for both maybe Rosetta thinks you don't have enough cache time to get tasks.

It can use as much as it wants. Right now it is using 15/16 cores 100% run (restricted 1 core for system and GPU support). GPU's are running Einstein and FAH.
With this all running it is using only 66% of the memory.
Cache is run 1 full day and store .25 days. - and this should not matter.
As stated elsewhere, I run around 16 hrs a day, no app_config scripts or anything else.
No deadlines have passed, all work has been returned in time.

Try suspending all your other Projects, except the gpu ones, and then request work from Rosetta. I'm still thinking your cache is sooo full Boinc doesn't think you will finish a task in time with a 3 day deadline. Boinc is fricking weird sometimes and has to be manhandled to do what we want it to do.

On your list it says:
11/1/2021 8:47:09 PM | Rosetta@home | [rr_sim] Result degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 projected to miss deadline.

Which is what i just said you have too much work from other Projects for Rosetta to send you any tasks.

Maybe I did not include it, but it did complete in time. A couple of minutes later.
I'm not doing anything different in cache, BOINC knows how long it takes to complete stuff, its been crunching this version of a task since it first came out. I didn't change anything to the plus or minus since I got my first Python work. So it has to be something else. Besides, if BOINC thinks the work will not complete in time, then why is it downloading so much work to begin with? It is a 'manager' program so it should manage.

Note: I just opened up BOINC Tasks and had a look. Degrader and the other stuff from here are running high priority, but.....the deadline is 2 days away and for the stuff that just started it will be done in say 12+ hrs (because of the run 4 hrs and switch tasks option)
Other tasks are near completion and they have a remaining time of maximum 4 hrs.

That's exactly why no Rosetta tasks are coming thru too much work from other Projects, Boinc is running in panic mode, ie High Priority, because it THINKS it won't be able to finish the tasks in time otherwise.

As of this post it is not running anything in high priority. On BOINC tasks everything is green. I'll reduce the
additional days work to .15 and see what that does. I had .25 so I have 1 day main work and .15 extra.
Switch between is every 300. This was trying to get Rosetta to complete a task before BOINC changed projects.
I'll set WCG to no new tasks for a day or two and see if anything changes. I'm just doing cancer markers (since my wifes mother had cancer and now she has a very small hormonal cancer cyst and I had a very rare non cancerous cyst) and I also have open pandemics covid from WCG.
If push comes to shove maybe I will drop SiDock, but again that Covid stuff so really don't want to.
ID: 103104 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Profile Greg_BE

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Message 103117 - Posted: 5 Nov 2021, 15:12:48 UTC - in response to Message 103104.  

One last thought for Win10. If you have ever enabled "Hyper-V", be sure to disable it (in "Turn Windows features on or off").
It is incompatible with VirtualBox.

For me, I Hyper V is not on. Never has been.
There is no way I am wiping out my OS to get some stubborn tasks.
There has to be something else holding up Python tasks.
Something that can be done without wiping out windows and spending hours reinstalling and re configuring.

How much of your cpu are you allowing it to use, in both number of cores and percentage of actual cpu usage, ie I allow 50% of the cores and 90% of cpu time?

Also what other projects are you running and what is their resource percentages? I'm thinking maybe your cache is already full.

Also what is your cache size, ie mine is 2.5 days and 1.5 days? I'm thinking if yours is set to say 0.01 for both maybe Rosetta thinks you don't have enough cache time to get tasks.

It can use as much as it wants. Right now it is using 15/16 cores 100% run (restricted 1 core for system and GPU support). GPU's are running Einstein and FAH.
With this all running it is using only 66% of the memory.
Cache is run 1 full day and store .25 days. - and this should not matter.
As stated elsewhere, I run around 16 hrs a day, no app_config scripts or anything else.
No deadlines have passed, all work has been returned in time.

Try suspending all your other Projects, except the gpu ones, and then request work from Rosetta. I'm still thinking your cache is sooo full Boinc doesn't think you will finish a task in time with a 3 day deadline. Boinc is fricking weird sometimes and has to be manhandled to do what we want it to do.

On your list it says:
11/1/2021 8:47:09 PM | Rosetta@home | [rr_sim] Result degrader_site_5fnu_3h_graft_bcov_1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1vo2xp9r_1803973_2_0 projected to miss deadline.

Which is what i just said you have too much work from other Projects for Rosetta to send you any tasks.

Maybe I did not include it, but it did complete in time. A couple of minutes later.
I'm not doing anything different in cache, BOINC knows how long it takes to complete stuff, its been crunching this version of a task since it first came out. I didn't change anything to the plus or minus since I got my first Python work. So it has to be something else. Besides, if BOINC thinks the work will not complete in time, then why is it downloading so much work to begin with? It is a 'manager' program so it should manage.

Note: I just opened up BOINC Tasks and had a look. Degrader and the other stuff from here are running high priority, but.....the deadline is 2 days away and for the stuff that just started it will be done in say 12+ hrs (because of the run 4 hrs and switch tasks option)
Other tasks are near completion and they have a remaining time of maximum 4 hrs.

That's exactly why no Rosetta tasks are coming thru too much work from other Projects, Boinc is running in panic mode, ie High Priority, because it THINKS it won't be able to finish the tasks in time otherwise.

As of this post it is not running anything in high priority. On BOINC tasks everything is green. I'll reduce the
additional days work to .15 and see what that does. I had .25 so I have 1 day main work and .15 extra.
Switch between is every 300. This was trying to get Rosetta to complete a task before BOINC changed projects.
I'll set WCG to no new tasks for a day or two and see if anything changes. I'm just doing cancer markers (since my wifes mother had cancer and now she has a very small hormonal cancer cyst and I had a very rare non cancerous cyst) and I also have open pandemics covid from WCG.
If push comes to shove maybe I will drop SiDock, but again that Covid stuff so really don't want to.

Checked my web preferences, I had a 8 hour run time vs BOINC 6 hour. So changed that to 6 hours to match.
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Profile Grant (SSSF)

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Message 103119 - Posted: 5 Nov 2021, 23:55:16 UTC - in response to Message 103117.  

Checked my web preferences, I had a 8 hour run time vs BOINC 6 hour. So changed that to 6 hours to match.
The project default is 8hrs.
Darwin NT
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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 103137 - Posted: 9 Nov 2021, 8:58:16 UTC - in response to Message 103119.  

Checked my web preferences, I had a 8 hour run time vs BOINC 6 hour. So changed that to 6 hours to match.
The project default is 8hrs.

I kind of remember that.
It seems my problem is something so rare no one has any working answers at BOINC.
Had a loud mouth show up. That was nice.....

So for now I am just going to drain my queue of everything and then start back with RAH but no LHC (maybe there is something that Vbox does not like that it is not telling?) and no Sidock or WCG.

Maybe I have to much work for CPU?
And why do tasks go into high priority at 2 days prior to deadline?
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Profile Grant (SSSF)

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Message 103138 - Posted: 9 Nov 2021, 9:11:26 UTC - in response to Message 103137.  

So for now I am just going to drain my queue of everything and then start back with RAH but no LHC (maybe there is something that Vbox does not like that it is not telling?) and no Sidock or WCG.
If it does Python. OK. If not, why is it an issue as it's still doing Rosetta 4.20 Tasks.
And finishing everything else off then trying for more Rosetta work is just going to throw everything out of whack as it they will no longer be in accordance with your settings. So when you restart those projects, that will be the end of it doing any Rosetta work for a while till it makes up the deficit then owed to the other projects.
Why, when it is meeting your Resource share settings, fiddle around with it?

And why do tasks go into high priority at 2 days prior to deadline?
Because of the number of projects you run, your Resource share settings, the size of your cache, the amount of time the system is running, the amount of time the system is running it can do BOINC work, the number of cores/threads it is able to use, the deadlines for your other projects and the deadline for Rosetta Tasks.
It's not a problem, just BOINC doing what it needs to do in order to meet your requirements with the resources it has.
Darwin NT
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Message 103148 - Posted: 10 Nov 2021, 16:38:17 UTC - in response to Message 103138.  
Last modified: 10 Nov 2021, 16:48:09 UTC

So for now I am just going to drain my queue of everything and then start back with RAH but no LHC (maybe there is something that Vbox does not like that it is not telling?) and no Sidock or WCG.
If it does Python. OK. If not, why is it an issue as it's still doing Rosetta 4.20 Tasks.
And finishing everything else off then trying for more Rosetta work is just going to throw everything out of whack as it they will no longer be in accordance with your settings. So when you restart those projects, that will be the end of it doing any Rosetta work for a while till it makes up the deficit then owed to the other projects.
Why, when it is meeting your Resource share settings, fiddle around with it?

And why do tasks go into high priority at 2 days prior to deadline?
Because of the number of projects you run, your Resource share settings, the size of your cache, the amount of time the system is running, the amount of time the system is running it can do BOINC work, the number of cores/threads it is able to use, the deadlines for your other projects and the deadline for Rosetta Tasks.
It's not a problem, just BOINC doing what it needs to do in order to meet your requirements with the resources it has.

Well you know this system and my operating BOINC is crazy I think,
I would panic at one day not 2. Oh well...

As for Python, just want to check something. If LHC does not affect anything then its just RAH thumbing its nose at me. It would seem it would check for Vbox and if the person has it, send them a mix of Vbox and regular. All it wants to do is send regular to me. If things get out of whack, then since I will be working for the next few weeks, I will just let it do what it needs to get evened out again.

There was some half *** comment in BOINC forum about my system being overloaded with no fact to base it on. I don't return anything late or if I do its just a hour so later than the time given. I don't get any aborted by server, so to me the system works fine. Maxed out perhaps, but not overloaded.

I'm not in it for credit, I'm in it to process mostly health related work. I like LHC because its a very intriguing project and something different even though I don't see the results. Einstein I run because LIGO is located about 90 minutes from my parents place. I started RAH way back when because it was UW and I lived in Seattle and it was interesting. Now that we have COVID, I run COVID related projects to help advance the understanding of this nasty thing, so Sidock comes into play. WCG MCM is important since my wife has a very small hormonal cancer blob in her, that I had a rare tumor that was not cancerous, but I still have to go through all the scan protocols every year for awhile and that my wife's mother died from a rare cancer. So all cancer projects are important. So I run a lot of stuff that is important to me and if I have a strong system, then I might as well use every bit of its resources to the max.
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Message 103149 - Posted: 10 Nov 2021, 23:21:16 UTC

eeh...screw it. It just going to send me 4.2 tasks no matter what.
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Bryn Mawr

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Message 103150 - Posted: 11 Nov 2021, 0:26:40 UTC - in response to Message 103149.  

eeh...screw it. It just going to send me 4.2 tasks no matter what.

Could you post the whole of your config.xml please
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Message 103151 - Posted: 11 Nov 2021, 0:31:24 UTC

My Linux i7-2600 computer have plenty of Rosetta Python tasks, 16 GiB RAM, 231 GiB (Gibibyte) free space, client_state.xml shows:

On boinc manager, check BOINC manager, disk usage. Have more then 20 GB free space and usable to BOINC? Note: The "free, not available to BOINC" can be changed in BOINC client manager preferences, disk and memory.

My guess is, too small amount of free space or too small total RAM can cause BOINC to not send any Rosetta Python tasks.
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