Android client is dumb

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Message 89871 - Posted: 10 Nov 2018, 14:17:17 UTC

Min battery 10%
Pause when CPU above 100%
Pause while screen is on option unchecked
It has every option forbit to compute but it doesn't
the client says: plug in power cable
But I have it plugged in charging at @85%
This happens in my tablet and 2 phones, the client doesn't detects power source vstatus well, fix it please
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Message 89873 - Posted: 10 Nov 2018, 18:29:03 UTC

Happened to me as well, I just unplugged the power cable and plugged back in, and it seemed to work.
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Message 89874 - Posted: 10 Nov 2018, 19:29:49 UTC - in response to Message 89873.  

Doesn't work for me, even restarted the phone
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Message 89879 - Posted: 11 Nov 2018, 15:55:29 UTC
Last modified: 11 Nov 2018, 15:55:41 UTC

BOINC will be where such a fix is needed. BOINC Manager decides when to run tasks like R@h.

Berkeley's Android message board would be a good place to search for, or report such an issue.
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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James W

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Message 89881 - Posted: 12 Nov 2018, 7:30:45 UTC

I had this battery life/charger issue with my tablet running Android 5.0 with 4 processors. Agree it's a BOINC issue. In order for this tablet to crunch any BOINC projects at all, including SETI@Home and another, I had to stop crunching Rosetta on this tablet. It now continues to crunch the other 2 projects without issue. I've read in one of the message boards here that RAM is a key issue with Rosetta, and agree this tablet had the minimal RAM required for general use but not up to Rosetta's requirements. I have a phone and another tablet that can crunch Rosetta without issue, which are set to crunch if battery life 90% or above, charging or otherwise. Just an FYI of my experience.
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Message 89886 - Posted: 12 Nov 2018, 20:55:16 UTC

Thanks James. If memory is the issue, the tasks should show a status of "waiting for memory", where you would normally see "running".
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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Message 89888 - Posted: 13 Nov 2018, 7:09:50 UTC - in response to Message 89881.  

It's a R@H issue then, may its developers should take a look at it
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Message 89890 - Posted: 13 Nov 2018, 17:08:26 UTC - in response to Message 89888.  

It's a R@H issue then, may its developers should take a look at it

You had reported that BOINC Manager was indicating the phone was not plugged in to power (when it was, in fact, already plugged in). The detection of whether or not the phone is on battery power causes BOINC Manager to either hold, or dispatch tasks to run. So, it still sounds to me as though the BOINC Manager has not dispatched the tasks to run. If tasks for other project do run, and R@h does not, then it sounds likely that memory available to BOINC is less than the tasks require. Sometimes once other tasks complete, this frees up memory for tasks that require more memory to run.

I don't run the Android version, so if I've missed something in the conversation, please let me know. Which is a reasonable time to point out that I am an at-home volunteer here, not a developer on the R@h Project Team.
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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Message 89897 - Posted: 15 Nov 2018, 20:15:51 UTC - in response to Message 89890.  
Last modified: 15 Nov 2018, 20:17:22 UTC

Then is both. I have set BOINC to use 100℅ of available RAM, Android is a version of Linux, it has a Swap partition to free up RAM, 1 GB RAM, 600 MB Swap in my case, that should free enough for 4 WUs to work properly in Android I think
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Message 89904 - Posted: 17 Nov 2018, 5:03:12 UTC - in response to Message 89897.  

Can't run on my Bmobile AX1073+ 4-core A7 CPU, installs download the database and WUs, but will not run them, why? I have a A7 2-core and will run in 1-core only, is it RAM? I have enough Storage for all that is needed, it has to be RAM, will try with 2 cores, right now it hangs my phone
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Message 89910 - Posted: 18 Nov 2018, 17:10:19 UTC - in response to Message 89904.  
Last modified: 18 Nov 2018, 17:11:42 UTC

I have problems with Rosetta@Home for Android too. I don't know if it is RAM or storage requirements. On my old Android 4.x phones, they don't like Rosetta@Home. The 1GB storage requirement is hard to squeeze in 1GB on the older phones. And then sometimes the crunching just freezes and the time progress won't increment up.

I can crunch World Community Grid all day long with the old phones. I have active cooling and run all phones at 100%.

I need newer Android smartphone or tablet to crunch Rosetta@Home. Like Rosetta@Home works great on my Android Samsung Tab w/ 8 cores.
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Message 89939 - Posted: 29 Nov 2018, 20:30:02 UTC - in response to Message 89910.  

I think the Rosetta@Home BOINC client is not well designed, when it doesn't get the huge amounts of Storage or RAM, it constantly resets the Work Units (WUs), over and over. Also is very Unresponsive, on my very crappy phone I can afford now, AX-1073+ 16GB Storage but only 1GB RAM, as always apps take up to 75% and even with 600MB Page file to extend the Virtual Memory, looks like R@H client only cares for physical free RAM and when depleted will terminate the WU and star over, like that was going to solve the problem. At the seems each R@H WU demands minimum 0.25 GB RAM and 0.5 GB Storage as opposed to World Community Grid I can run just fine only 33 MB for 2 WUs on all 2 Cores of my Huawei Y330, run at 100% and the phone is I'd say 95% responsive, my 4-Core AX-1073+ also 100% on all 4 cores, and is also 95% responsive, doesn't resets the WUs, I give BOINC 100% RAM on both phones.

So in conclusion R@H client behaves dumb, too demanding, very inefficiently wasteful on computing resources. I already complained about this, R@H wrote we don't have an active dev. and we don't have money to hire 1, and suggested make a Wikipedia like calling for donations, hire 1 at I think standard 5,000$/Month, Wikipedia asks every year for 6,000,000$ and they get it, I think people will donate for so much good R@H does to Humanity, small amounts does it, and is still non-for-profit, but R@H just don't have the organization to take care of this, pity, is relatively easy to solve and it's hurting this project a lot, I hope they solve it, but this have been going on for months if not years.

Also many WUs give computation error, division by zero or something really bad, many hours of computing wasted, this is not good for R@H reputation, and people might want to change to better designed medical/biological science distributed computing projects, and this project is from University of Washington, can't they afford 5k$ for 3 months? this is BS

No Android WUs for a week, shortages and these other problems give the impression R@H wheels are falling off the wagon, I don't know how long I'd stay with R@H because of this, this really annoys me
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Profile [VENETO] boboviz

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Message 89940 - Posted: 30 Nov 2018, 6:50:35 UTC - in response to Message 89939.  
Last modified: 30 Nov 2018, 6:52:08 UTC

I already complained about this, R@H wrote we don't have an active dev. and we don't have money to hire 1, and suggested make a Wikipedia like calling for donations, hire 1 at I think standard 5,000$/Month, Wikipedia asks every year for 6,000,000$ and they get it, I think people will donate for so much good R@H does to Humanity, small amounts does it, and is still non-for-profit, but R@H just don't have the organization to take care of this, pity, is relatively easy to solve and it's hurting this project a lot, I hope they solve it, but this have been going on for months if not years.

If you read the David Baker annual report of IPD, the research center has 14$ milions annual budget (and a staff of 140 people), so i think it's not difficult to find an android developer...

Another way is to open the code to community, but it's impossible.
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James W

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Message 89941 - Posted: 30 Nov 2018, 7:35:37 UTC - in response to Message 89939.  

Please see my previous post below explaining my issue with the android app and my Android 5.0 tablet. While running R@H on it, it plain wouldn't crunch and would give the message that battery needed to be 90% charged and that it was 100% charged. This was with charger connected as well. Folks at the BOINC website couldn't help me with that issue. However, when stopped crunching R@H, I was able to crunch Seti@Home, etc.

However, on other hand, my Samsung Galaxy Sky with 4 cores and 1.3G RAM is able to run R@H and Seti in a timely fashion without incidents. You can't really compare projects and conclude if can crunch on one, why can't R@H also crunch. If anything, the problem involves both BOINC Manager/Client and the device being used. I'm not familiar with your devices, but for sure you need at least 4 cores and over 1G RAM and Android version of 5 or above for R@H. If one has poor equipment, no amount of programing will fix the problem. Just my opinion.
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Message 89943 - Posted: 30 Nov 2018, 10:40:14 UTC - in response to Message 89941.  

Yeah I read it, but you're oversimplifying the problem a lot. R@H needs per core 0.25 GB RAM and 0.5 GB Storage, or it won't run correctly, I have tested this myself. Yes the problem seem to be complex, but as I wrote WCG only needs 33M Storage for 2 cores and 37 MB for 4 cores, the phone is very responsive and all cores run without a problem, the Huaweiy Y330 has Android 4.2 and the AX-1073+ has 7.0, fails on both except if I take 1 or 2 cores and give constant control over the devices being very unresponsive and computing even when screen i son, because if they stop, for whatever reason, they reset the WUs to a very early stage or completely back to 0.0%, even when BOINC has a setting for saving the states of WUs every 60s, I set it to 111s, but it doesn't matter. So in conclusion, is my honest opinion this is a mediocre designed project at best, and has been for a very long time, and nobody is fixing it, or even remotely plans to do so, which leaves it as a unnecessarily too demanding app with a really bad user experience in mobile devices, plus shortages, so at least for old/limited Android devices this is a no-go app, its' not optimized for efficiency much, so I'll stay out of it for good
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