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Message 27707 - Posted: 20 Sep 2006, 14:51:02 UTC - in response to Message 27660.  
Last modified: 20 Sep 2006, 14:54:02 UTC

Than guess elsewhere, it does not belong here. We don't like this guessing because it will just give more food to the boring discussions who is biased, who took which side in the past and which side now and so on.

If you have no bias, then you should not fear exposure of your true identity.

The only conclusion is that you (collectively) have and continue to display bias in your personal posts, and are covering up the bias that enters your moderation decisions.

If you have displayed no bias, then expose your identities. It's that easy.

I also take exception to your characterization of these discussions as "boring" - can that be bias? It's far more interesting than anything else posted recently.

The identity discussions will also continue in the cold hard light of the USENET forum as well, where it can't be stifled by the paranoia of the mods here.
Nemesis n. A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent.

ID: 27707 · Rating: -2 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive

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Message 27711 - Posted: 20 Sep 2006, 15:18:19 UTC - in response to Message 27710.  

The identity discussions will also continue in the cold hard light of the USENET forum as well, where it can't be stifled by the paranoia of the mods here.

That is the best place I think. Those interested in the discussion can follow it there and don't have to fear moderator paranoia or intervention.

I wrote boring but meant tiring. Tiring from a mod perspective since it makes us trouble. ;-) In fact it's interesting, any kind of identity guessing is interesting and I even share the view that mods should not be afraid to disclose their second participant identity, however it's tradition here that mods can stay anonymous if they want.

That's even MORE outrageous! You are deleting posts based on a TRADITION? That is totally absurd.

Nemesis n. A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent.

ID: 27711 · Rating: -2 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive

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Message 27725 - Posted: 20 Sep 2006, 16:56:51 UTC

There is no such rule incorporated in the forum posting rules quoted below,

Don't use obscene language or images, and don't threaten other participants; otherwise we may delete your messages

and there is no moderation.php file on this project. There is no rule visible at time of posting, or anywhere else.

Therefor, your application of a non-existent rule is a misuse of your moderator powers, and you need to cease that.
Nemesis n. A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent.

ID: 27725 · Rating: -3 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive

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Message 27726 - Posted: 20 Sep 2006, 16:58:45 UTC - in response to Message 27717.  

The identity discussions will also continue in the cold hard light of the USENET forum as well, where it can't be stifled by the paranoia of the mods here.

That is the best place I think. Those interested in the discussion can follow it there and don't have to fear moderator paranoia or intervention.

I wrote boring but meant tiring. Tiring from a mod perspective since it makes us trouble. ;-) In fact it's interesting, any kind of identity guessing is interesting and I even share the view that mods should not be afraid to disclose their second participant identity, however it's tradition here that mods can stay anonymous if they want.

That's even MORE outrageous! You are deleting posts based on a TRADITION? That is totally absurd.

Don't confuse what I said. Based on tradition mods have the choice to stay anonymous here at Rosetta. Derived from that choice there is a rule not to guess the identity of mods. Posts which do guess are deleted because they violate this rule.

I don't get the connection between your choice to stay anonymous, and the game of guessing. If you never confirm or deny the guesses, it it just a harmless game, and does not warrant post deletion.

Nemesis n. A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent.

ID: 27726 · Rating: -2 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive
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Message 27755 - Posted: 20 Sep 2006, 17:58:35 UTC
Last modified: 20 Sep 2006, 17:59:32 UTC

Over the last month, I've change my uploaded .jpg twice in my profile, but the original still appears on all postings, both old and new. It's around 6k bits and formatted to 80x80. Am I doing something wrong?
--Finding aliens is cool, but understanding the structure of proteins is useful.
ID: 27755 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive
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Message 27790 - Posted: 20 Sep 2006, 19:10:50 UTC
Last modified: 20 Sep 2006, 19:11:05 UTC

If moderators were anonymous, then all of their actions would just say "Moderator" and there would be no distinction between one and another. Moderators each have a unique handle, and sign any messages that they send in ways that don't otherwise identify them. And because you DO have a SPECIFIC moderator identity, you may assert unfair treatment. So, you see, we are NOT anonymous. And you now see why things were done this way. It preserves your right to take up issues with specific moderators.

Moderator identity will make it much harder to find moderators to replace us. Frankly there won't be anyone willing to accept such a role. The policeman is also a citizen, and have every right of both roles. And must use disgression in each. After anyone reviews the history you've got here, there will be no new moderators, and the end result will then be no project message boards, and the project will be the worse for it.

Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
ID: 27790 · Rating: 1 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive
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Message 27796 - Posted: 20 Sep 2006, 19:16:32 UTC

2 Nemesis, I see you were unable to revise your signiture line in an acceptable mannar. I am sending a recommending to the project team to revoke your user ID.
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
ID: 27796 · Rating: 2 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive
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Message 27798 - Posted: 20 Sep 2006, 19:17:32 UTC

Dag I believe you've now got the image you wanted? With your permission, I'll move your post to the archieve of moderator contacts.
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
ID: 27798 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive
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Message 27799 - Posted: 20 Sep 2006, 19:19:36 UTC - in response to Message 27798.  

Dag I believe you've now got the image you wanted? With your permission, I'll move your post to the archieve of moderator contacts.

Thank you, I finally got past the 'duh' stage.
--Finding aliens is cool, but understanding the structure of proteins is useful.
ID: 27799 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive

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Message 27801 - Posted: 20 Sep 2006, 19:22:10 UTC - in response to Message 27796.  

2 Nemesis, I see you were unable to revise your signiture line in an acceptable mannar. I am sending a recommending to the project team to revoke your user ID.

What is unacceptable now?

Nemesis n. A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent.

ID: 27801 · Rating: -2 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive

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Message 27804 - Posted: 20 Sep 2006, 19:24:28 UTC - in response to Message 27790.  
Last modified: 20 Sep 2006, 19:46:16 UTC

Moderator identity will make it much harder to find moderators to replace us. Frankly there won't be anyone willing to accept such a role. The policeman is also a citizen, and have every right of both roles. And must use disgression in each. After anyone reviews the history you've got here, there will be no new moderators, and the end result will then be no project message boards, and the project will be the worse for it.

Your policeman doesn't put on a mask when he goes to work. He is the same individual as in private life, but with a few more capabilites, and everyone knows who he is.

After the current batch are outed, maybe we can get some that will earn the respect and trust of the members, and proudly identify themselves, and hold themselves to the higher standards required of Moderators.

And again, no one has explained why simple guessing is bad, if it isn't confirmed or denied.

Nemesis n. A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent.

ID: 27804 · Rating: -3 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive

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Message 27806 - Posted: 20 Sep 2006, 19:27:06 UTC - in response to Message 27796.  
Last modified: 20 Sep 2006, 19:36:40 UTC

2 Nemesis, I see you were unable to revise your signiture line in an acceptable mannar. I am sending a recommending to the project team to revoke your user ID.

Make sure you send them here to read all the posts about this, including all the deleted ones.

Maybe they can explain why we're not allowed to guess about moderators.

Nemesis n. A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent.

ID: 27806 · Rating: -4 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive

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Message 27825 - Posted: 20 Sep 2006, 19:57:06 UTC - in response to Message 27717.  

The identity discussions will also continue in the cold hard light of the USENET forum as well, where it can't be stifled by the paranoia of the mods here.

That is the best place I think. Those interested in the discussion can follow it there and don't have to fear moderator paranoia or intervention.

I wrote boring but meant tiring. Tiring from a mod perspective since it makes us trouble. ;-) In fact it's interesting, any kind of identity guessing is interesting and I even share the view that mods should not be afraid to disclose their second participant identity, however it's tradition here that mods can stay anonymous if they want.

That's even MORE outrageous! You are deleting posts based on a TRADITION? That is totally absurd.

Don't confuse what I said. Based on tradition mods have the choice to stay anonymous here at Rosetta. Derived from that choice there is a rule not to guess the identity of mods. Posts which do guess are deleted because they violate this rule.

Ethan never was annonymous.

Tradition is not a rule except in revealed-truth religion. Rosetta is not religion is science.

DE are you going back on what you promised me?
This and no other is the root from which a Tyrant springs; when he first appears he is a protector.”
ID: 27825 · Rating: -3 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive
zombie67 [MM]

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Message 27872 - Posted: 20 Sep 2006, 22:00:09 UTC - in response to Message 27790.  

The policeman is also a citizen, and have every right of both roles.

Bad analogy.

Once cannot be player and referee in the same game. Even if the referee is completely honest, it reeks of impropriety.

Be moderator or member, but not both. If you want to post as a regular joe, and have your opinions heard? Then step down as moderator.

As a bonus, moderator identity then becomes moot.
Reno, NV
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Message 27884 - Posted: 20 Sep 2006, 23:11:45 UTC - in response to Message 27872.  

The policeman is also a citizen, and have every right of both roles.

Bad analogy.

Once cannot be player and referee in the same game. Even if the referee is completely honest, it reeks of impropriety.

Be moderator or member, but not both. If you want to post as a regular joe, and have your opinions heard? Then step down as moderator.

As a bonus, moderator identity then becomes moot.

Applying the same logic... if you crunch for any projects other then Rosetta, you cannot have a truely open mind. Therefore, the ONLY forum you can post on is... well... ummm... which are you? Rosetta? Or other project A? Or other project B?

...I am many things to many people. I am a boss and an employee. I am a moderator and a participant. And if you were over at my place, I'm a bartender and a fun person to hang out with... when I don't require several hours per day to read megabytes of pointless accusations, insinuations, insults, swearing, bickering, nit-picking, and... oh! There's a user question.
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
ID: 27884 · Rating: 1 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive
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Message 27893 - Posted: 20 Sep 2006, 23:35:22 UTC - in response to Message 27884.  

Arguing with me is pointless. I have no say in the matter. I am only offering my opinion.

But I think you are missing the point: I have offered you a solution to the anonymity issue. You get to keep your anonymity, and you also get to solve the perception of improprieity for the regular members.

Do it or not, that is up to you and R@H.

But the situation is only going to get worse as it stands today.
Reno, NV
ID: 27893 · Rating: -2 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive
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Message 27935 - Posted: 21 Sep 2006, 8:46:10 UTC
Last modified: 21 Sep 2006, 8:48:08 UTC

As requested by Mod.Sense in this thread, let us discuss this here. My view is quite simple. We have an official thread, started by a moderator and pinned, which has adverts for teams as it's raison de'tre. We now also have 2 additional threads in the Cafe which are recruitment threads for specific teams.

I posted in the first questioning why they were getting away with doing so? I may well have misunderstood your reply, I believe it should have been deleted, but considered as the thread pre-dated you, well - hey, and there was only one.

Then another thread started. I ask the same question, why are they getting away with that?

In my opinion, both threads should be deleted, or, it should be made clear that ALL teams are free to post advert threads. Posting a new thread plonks the teams name back at the top of the Cafe, and has "new" status. If creatively, (or controversially), named, it gets read.

Leaving your advert in the pinned thread which never get's "new" status is less effective, nobody reads it. Those teams that are following the "official line" are effectively being penalised for doing so.

I, personally would not like to see the Cafe cluttered up with team threads. We have had enough "team issues" already without introducing new venues.
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Message 27977 - Posted: 21 Sep 2006, 14:41:32 UTC - in response to Message 27935.  

As requested by Mod.Sense in this thread, let us discuss this here. My view is quite simple. We have an official thread, started by a moderator and pinned, which has adverts for teams as it's raison de'tre. We now also have 2 additional threads in the Cafe which are recruitment threads for specific teams.

I posted in the first questioning why they were getting away with doing so? I may well have misunderstood your reply, I believe it should have been deleted, but considered as the thread pre-dated you, well - hey, and there was only one.

Then another thread started. I ask the same question, why are they getting away with that?

In my opinion, both threads should be deleted, or, it should be made clear that ALL teams are free to post advert threads. Posting a new thread plonks the teams name back at the top of the Cafe, and has "new" status. If creatively, (or controversially), named, it gets read.

Leaving your advert in the pinned thread which never get's "new" status is less effective, nobody reads it. Those teams that are following the "official line" are effectively being penalised for doing so.

I, personally would not like to see the Cafe cluttered up with team threads. We have had enough "team issues" already without introducing new venues.

Team threads have been allowed for a long time, Our team has one, but got bored of the forum software as did many, I'll bump it up to show.
When the 'team advert' thread started we had both going side by side, was never a problem (Moderator9 did it). so why should it be now ?
btw, that is also one of the reasons we asked for a 'team section' to be added to keep then seperate from teh Cafe. Team would generally use these threads to have some inter-team chant and maybe some intra-team fun ;-)
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Message 28038 - Posted: 21 Sep 2006, 17:01:47 UTC

2 Adrian, I don't recall if it was fluffy or not. But there was mention elsewhere that having some sort of team support on the boards would perhaps be one way to motivate teams to participant more in the project. Since I can't change the boards to accomodate a test of such an idea, and the cafe is very quiet anyway, I was trying to float the idea and see how it goes.

Because it is generally quiet, and new threads are always at the top, I don't feel some team threads will be disruptive to that board. I was hoping the teams would use a thread for more then just team promotion, but that is up to them.

I agree, this is in essence a policy change, and I should more prominantly post that such a change has been made. I will do so within the next week.

If we do find the Cafe gets cluttered with team threads, and becomes disruptive to other cafe threads, then it would demonstrait the need for a separate board just for the teams. And once such a board is created, then we could separate teams from the Cafe.
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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Message 28085 - Posted: 21 Sep 2006, 19:04:57 UTC

I agree, this is in essence a policy change, and I should more prominantly post that such a change has been made. I will do so within the next week.

Good enough for me.
Wave upon wave of demented avengers march cheerfully out of obscurity into the dream.
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