last request too recent

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space plowboy

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Message 74780 - Posted: 24 Dec 2012, 21:06:19 UTC

I click allow new tasks because I'm at a wifi and hit update and I get "last request too recent" in the log. Why was there a request if there can't be downloads? Then when I get done surfing and I'm ready to go I have to wait for a stock of downloads to proceed. Lately they've been getting stuck a lot and I end up having to abott the transfer to start ones that really get going. Something's not quite right.
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Message 74782 - Posted: 25 Dec 2012, 15:46:16 UTC

The msg about the last request being too recent just means that BOINC has recently made a scheduler request to the project. BOINC only allows a request every 3 minutes I think it is. If BOINC is always allowed to use the network, perhaps it began a request when the Wifi came active, and then if you clicked update on the project, then that would be a second request (too recent to the first).

Aborting transfers is not a great way to improve your situation. If a transfer times out and is waiting to retry, you might retry it to get it to try again sooner than the timer. But aborting it basically kills all tasks that needed that file, so now the scheduler has to request more work, which may need different files, and cause the downloads to still be in progress when you are finished surfing.

Depending on how often you have access to the internet, you might want to configure your preferences to keep more work on-hand. For example, if you currently have the "connect about every..." setting to 1 day (see the network preferences), and only have network access once a day, you basically need all downloads to complete, or you will have all of the tasks completed before you connect again. But if you increase the setting to 2.5 days, then you wouldn't be so tied down to any given connection. You should be able to take what you have time for, and leave the rest for next time. Basically, that should be sufficient to allow you to stop babysitting BOINC Manager.
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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Message boards : Number crunching : last request too recent

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