Getting WU's

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Message 64693 - Posted: 1 Jan 2010, 11:41:17 UTC

I have tried all the settings and I still can not get any Rosetta WU's. It's been a good couple of days. After reading in here, I went and set the days up to 10 with no help, I even tried to up the resoures to 300 with no help. I copied all the info as far as settings below... the first two are Rosetta's and the last is the general setting for Boinc... I also do work for World, GPUGRID, Einstein, SETI, and Spinhenge. I do not seem to have any problem with those at all. Once the work gets down to smaller numbers they update more work.

I am defintely a newbie, but want to get these six programs working together and then let them go when I am not around. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.

Rosetta's settings

Primary (default) preferences (Switch View)

Resource share
If you participate in multiple BOINC projects, this is the proportion of your resources used by Rosetta@home 100
Is it OK for Rosetta@home and your team (if any) to email you?
Emails will be sent from Rosetta/BOINC Admin ; make sure your spam filter accepts this address. no
Should Rosetta@home show your computers on its web site? yes
Default computer location home
Percentage of CPU time used for graphics not selected
Number of frames per second for graphics not selected
Target CPU run time 10 hours

Separate preferences for home
Resource share
If you participate in multiple BOINC projects, this is the proportion of your resources used by Rosetta@home 100
Percentage of CPU time used for graphics not selected
Number of frames per second for graphics not selected
Target CPU run time 10 hours


BOINC's settings

Primary (default) preferences (Switch View)

Processor usage
Suspend work while computer is on battery power?
(matters only for portable computers) yes
Suspend work while computer is in use? no
'In use' means mouse/keyboard activity in last 1 minutes
Suspend work if no mouse/keyboard activity in last
(Needed to enter low-power mode on some computers)
Enforced by version 5.10.14+ --- minutes
Do work only between the hours of (no restriction)
Leave applications in memory while suspended?
(suspended applications will consume swap space if 'yes') yes
Switch between applications every
(recommended: 60 minutes) 60 minutes
On multiprocessors, use at most 16 processors
Use at most
Enforced by version 5.6+ 100 percent of CPU time
Disk and memory usage
Use at most 10 GB disk space
Leave at least
(Values smaller than 0.001 are ignored) 10 GB disk space free
Use at most 50% of total disk space
Write to disk at most every 60 seconds
Use at most 80% of page file (swap space)
Use at most
Enforced by version 5.8+ 80% of memory when computer is in use
Use at most
Enforced by version 5.8+ 90% of memory when computer is not in use
Network usage
Computer is connected to the Internet about every
(Leave blank or 0 if always connected.
BOINC will try to maintain at least this much work.) 0 days
Maintain enough work for an additional
Enforced by version 5.10+ 10 days
Confirm before connecting to Internet?
(matters only if you have a modem, ISDN or VPN connection) no
Disconnect when done?
(matters only if you have a modem, ISDN or VPN connection) yes
Maximum download rate: no limit
Maximum upload rate: no limit
Use network only between the hours of
Enforced by version 4.46+ (no restriction)
Skip image file verification?
Check this ONLY if your Internet provider modifies image files (UMTS does this, for example).
Skipping verification reduces the security of BOINC. yes

ID: 64693 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote

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Message 64694 - Posted: 1 Jan 2010, 11:48:10 UTC - in response to Message 64693.  

I have tried all the settings and I still can not get any Rosetta WU's. It's been a good couple of days. After reading in here, I went and set the days up to 10 with no help, I even tried to up the resoures to 300 with no help. I copied all the info as far as settings below... the first two are Rosetta's and the last is the general setting for Boinc... I also do work for World, GPUGRID, Einstein, SETI, and Spinhenge. I do not seem to have any problem with those at all. Once the work gets down to smaller numbers they update more work.

I am defintely a newbie, but want to get these six programs working together and then let them go when I am not around. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.

Rosetta's settings

Primary (default) preferences (Switch View)

Resource share
If you participate in multiple BOINC projects, this is the proportion of your resources used by Rosetta@home 100
Is it OK for Rosetta@home and your team (if any) to email you?
Emails will be sent from Rosetta/BOINC Admin ; make sure your spam filter accepts this address. no
Should Rosetta@home show your computers on its web site? yes
Default computer location home
Percentage of CPU time used for graphics not selected
Number of frames per second for graphics not selected
Target CPU run time 10 hours

Separate preferences for home
Resource share
If you participate in multiple BOINC projects, this is the proportion of your resources used by Rosetta@home 100
Percentage of CPU time used for graphics not selected
Number of frames per second for graphics not selected
Target CPU run time 10 hours


BOINC's settings

Primary (default) preferences (Switch View)

Processor usage
Suspend work while computer is on battery power?
(matters only for portable computers) yes
Suspend work while computer is in use? no
'In use' means mouse/keyboard activity in last 1 minutes
Suspend work if no mouse/keyboard activity in last
(Needed to enter low-power mode on some computers)
Enforced by version 5.10.14+ --- minutes
Do work only between the hours of (no restriction)
Leave applications in memory while suspended?
(suspended applications will consume swap space if 'yes') yes
Switch between applications every
(recommended: 60 minutes) 60 minutes
On multiprocessors, use at most 16 processors
Use at most
Enforced by version 5.6+ 100 percent of CPU time
Disk and memory usage
Use at most 10 GB disk space
Leave at least
(Values smaller than 0.001 are ignored) 10 GB disk space free
Use at most 50% of total disk space
Write to disk at most every 60 seconds
Use at most 80% of page file (swap space)
Use at most
Enforced by version 5.8+ 80% of memory when computer is in use
Use at most
Enforced by version 5.8+ 90% of memory when computer is not in use
Network usage
Computer is connected to the Internet about every
(Leave blank or 0 if always connected.
BOINC will try to maintain at least this much work.) 0 days
Maintain enough work for an additional
Enforced by version 5.10+ 10 days
Confirm before connecting to Internet?
(matters only if you have a modem, ISDN or VPN connection) no
Disconnect when done?
(matters only if you have a modem, ISDN or VPN connection) yes
Maximum download rate: no limit
Maximum upload rate: no limit
Use network only between the hours of
Enforced by version 4.46+ (no restriction)
Skip image file verification?
Check this ONLY if your Internet provider modifies image files (UMTS does this, for example).
Skipping verification reduces the security of BOINC. yes

No need to reply after seeing a post just out on how many others are having the same problem, hopefully we do not have to wiat to long for WU's
ID: 64694 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote

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Message 64725 - Posted: 2 Jan 2010, 10:32:05 UTC - in response to Message 64694.  

[quote]I have tried all the settings and I still can not get any Rosetta WU's. It's been a good couple of days. After reading in here, I went and set the days up to 10 with no help, I even tried to up the resoures to 300 with no help. I copied all the info as far as settings below... the first two are Rosetta's and the last is the general setting for Boinc... I also do work for World, GPUGRID, Einstein, SETI, and Spinhenge. I do not seem to have any problem with those at all. Once the work gets down to smaller numbers they update more work.

I am defintely a newbie, but want to get these six programs working together and then let them go when I am not around. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.

No need to reply after seeing a post just out on how many others are having the same problem, hopefully we do not have to wiat to long for WU's

Think the new work week before any new units are flowing again. Then of course all the servers will be jam packed with requests for units so it may still be a bit before everyone gets all the units they want. Run your other Projects for a couple of days and then come back here.
ID: 64725 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Profile Neil

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Message 64827 - Posted: 5 Jan 2010, 23:59:46 UTC

The story from Dave and Ramona Girard demonstrates that when there is a Project outage -- but no information on the homepage or Technical News webpage is provided acknowledging that outage -- how much time and trouble some people will uselessly spend trying to get their Rosettas to work.

Of course, these man-hours are multiplied for each concerned user whom mostly duplicates the efforts of their fellow users, all trying their best to get their computers working again for the benefit of the Project.

It demonstrates that when there is a project outage, it affects not only the Project, but also the users.

The Girard’s story is the clearest example of why the organizers of the project, with all these users trying to do their best for the project, might provide the consideration of taking a few minutes to put a message on the Rosetta homepage and/or the Technical News webpage when there are interruptions on the Project's end.

These two locations are where I go first to confirm if there is a problem on the Project's end. It is my first step in troubleshooting when my Rosetta isn't working.
ID: 64827 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote

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Message 64830 - Posted: 6 Jan 2010, 9:40:42 UTC - in response to Message 64827.  

The story from Dave and Ramona Girard demonstrates that when there is a Project outage -- but no information on the homepage or Technical News webpage is provided acknowledging that outage -- how much time and trouble some people will uselessly spend trying to get their Rosettas to work.

Of course, these man-hours are multiplied for each concerned user whom mostly duplicates the efforts of their fellow users, all trying their best to get their computers working again for the benefit of the Project.

It demonstrates that when there is a project outage, it affects not only the Project, but also the users.

The Girard’s story is the clearest example of why the organizers of the project, with all these users trying to do their best for the project, might provide the consideration of taking a few minutes to put a message on the Rosetta homepage and/or the Technical News webpage when there are interruptions on the Project's end.

These two locations are where I go first to confirm if there is a problem on the Project's end. It is my first step in troubleshooting when my Rosetta isn't working.

I don't dispute what you are syaing, Seti went thru this very same thing years ago, they were down for days and no one took the time to post anything. Their reasoning was that it takes time to post, time needed to fix things. Would you rather get a note saying 'we are down' or the project up and running was their thinking. They said 'you KNOW we are down'! Also if the users really feel a need to support one particular Project over another they will come back. We went thru all this over at Seti and they STILL got more users than they lost after they came back up. Sometimes publicity, even bad publicity, is not all bad! Some people may hear about the outage and after it is back on line want to come check it out and then stay for their own reasons. I think Rosie will be back up and running very shortly, if not already, and all this will become a memory.
ID: 64830 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Sid Celery

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Message 64835 - Posted: 6 Jan 2010, 13:27:07 UTC - in response to Message 64827.  

The story from Dave and Ramona Girard demonstrates that when there is a Project outage -- but no information on the homepage or Technical News webpage is provided acknowledging that outage -- how much time and trouble some people will uselessly spend trying to get their Rosettas to work.

...without reading the last half dozen threads in the same forum they're posting in.

I don't know how long it took the OP to create this thread, but within 7 minutes of doing so could re-post realising the issue had already been raised.

Not mentioned as a criticism, but confirmation what Mod.Sense has previously written, that whatever's posted, some people still won't read it.
ID: 64835 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Profile staffann

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Message 64837 - Posted: 6 Jan 2010, 17:12:05 UTC - in response to Message 64830.  

Their reasoning was that it takes time to post, time needed to fix things. Would you rather get a note saying 'we are down' or the project up and running was their thinking. They said 'you KNOW we are down'!

They must have had bad luck when doing their thinking. Taking a couple of minutes to inform the users is a very small investment to reduce a very large cost in terms of time invested by the users. And if the project comes up 3 minutes later because of giving information then it is well worth it. It isn't only what is the best for the project - it is as much showing that you care about the crunchers who contribute.

When it comes to companies like ISPs their information when they have technical problems tells alot about how/if they care about their customers. This is not a commercial company and christmas/new year is a natural explanation but still the same goes here.
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