One Computing Preferences to rule them all?

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Message 62829 - Posted: 8 Aug 2009, 0:26:47 UTC

I've been running Rosetta for the last year or so. I just got an nvidia gpu so I added GPUGrid to my list of projects. I'm now finding that the computing and community preferences are set at each project but are apparently universally applied to the BOINC clients.

Would someone explain to me (or link me somewhere) how exactly this works, and if I need to maintain the same preferences at each to get them all to be the same or if there's some way to determine which project's preferences are being applied to my client.

I also have an account at as I'm trying to get a BOINC wide team setup, so if that's the place to set universal preferences, or if there's a master account somewhere else I can sign up for that.

To get off topic a bit, I'm having a hard time finding good, and recent, (technical) information on BOINC in general. Are there some hidden gems to be found somewhere, or is this just kinda the state of things as it currently stands?

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Message 62830 - Posted: 8 Aug 2009, 1:13:47 UTC

I believe the preferences are just taken from the most recently updated site. So, if you establish some new preferences over on GPUgrid, then your machine (assuming it is configured as being at the venue you've changed) will pick those up rather then the ones on Rosetta.

If you haven't already seen it, berkeley has moved all their stuff into a wiki now. I won't comment on whether it is "good" or "recent". Be sure to note carefully on that first page whether you are looking for "BOINC projects" (the server software used by the scientists) or "BOINC client" (the software used by the crunchers at home).
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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Profile daemox

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Message 62831 - Posted: 8 Aug 2009, 2:04:17 UTC - in response to Message 62830.  

I believe the preferences are just taken from the most recently updated site. So, if you establish some new preferences over on GPUgrid, then your machine (assuming it is configured as being at the venue you've changed) will pick those up rather then the ones on Rosetta.

If you haven't already seen it, berkeley has moved all their stuff into a wiki now. I won't comment on whether it is "good" or "recent". Be sure to note carefully on that first page whether you are looking for "BOINC projects" (the server software used by the scientists) or "BOINC client" (the software used by the crunchers at home).

Thanks for the response.

I just discovered the wiki and it's at least better than the old stuff I was pulling up on google.

After logging into Ralph after not touching it in months I realized it must be doing what you described above, going off of the last updated preferences.

Sorry for the hassle! :D
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Message 62833 - Posted: 8 Aug 2009, 10:56:52 UTC - in response to Message 62830.  

I believe the preferences are just taken from the most recently updated site. So, if you establish some new preferences over on GPUgrid, then your machine (assuming it is configured as being at the venue you've changed) will pick those up rather then the ones on Rosetta.

Which as a Boinc cruncher is just plain bad programming, IMHO! Why would I want the exact same preferences for Rosetta as I have over on Einstein, or Malaria or Aqua or ABC or, or, or? I understand Boinc is a program that works on all of the projects mentioned, but if I set a 3 day cache at Malaria and a 1 day cache at Einstein why does Rosetta care? Why can't Boinc just pick that up and adjust itself accordingly? I know these are not the kind of questions anyone here can answer so I will stop now! Thanks for letting me at least ask!!
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Message 62837 - Posted: 8 Aug 2009, 15:25:00 UTC

True mikey, the proper venue for such questions is at Berkeley. But notice that there are two preferences sections on each project website. There are computing preferences and project preferences.

I think the basic idea, especially so far as your comments on cache size, is that the underlaying reason people establish a cache like that is due to the internet access of the host machine. And so that is an attribute that all projects the machine is running would have in common. % of memory, disk and CPU are all shared resources. This is why these are all in the shared preferences area rather then the project-specific area.

BOINC is based on the whole idea that it exists with or without Berkeley. There is no one central ID or server required. Each project can do entirely it's own thing and control preferences. This has it's merits, and disadvantages as well. Account Managers have now been enabled and developed to attempt to put a blanket over a collection of BOINC projects and provide a more central focal-point for configuration and settings.

When BOINC first starts up, it posts a message indicating which project it is currently using for it's "general prefs".
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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Message 62850 - Posted: 9 Aug 2009, 12:38:49 UTC - in response to Message 62837.  

True mikey, the proper venue for such questions is at Berkeley. But notice that there are two preferences sections on each project website. There are computing preferences and project preferences.

I think the basic idea, especially so far as your comments on cache size, is that the underlaying reason people establish a cache like that is due to the internet access of the host machine. And so that is an attribute that all projects the machine is running would have in common. % of memory, disk and CPU are all shared resources. This is why these are all in the shared preferences area rather then the project-specific area.

BOINC is based on the whole idea that it exists with or without Berkeley. There is no one central ID or server required. Each project can do entirely it's own thing and control preferences. This has it's merits, and disadvantages as well. Account Managers have now been enabled and developed to attempt to put a blanket over a collection of BOINC projects and provide a more central focal-point for configuration and settings.

When BOINC first starts up, it posts a message indicating which project it is currently using for it's "general prefs".

Yea that is sorta why I go thru and change the settings on each computer thru the Boinc Manager and then click ok. I like to have the default at multiple cpu's but for some machines that just doesn't work for me, and rather than do a Work, School and Home setting for each computer it is easier for me this way, and I think it works across projects too.
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