Team credit

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Message 59220 - Posted: 1 Feb 2009, 15:00:28 UTC

I am already on one of the U S AirForce teams and have been quite a while crunching SETI. I have branched out to also doing Rosetta and Climatprediction. I see now my team is not getting the credits for my Rosetta and Climateprediction accounts, using the same email addy and PW for all my account projects. How do I fix this so my team gets credits please? My accounts pages on Rosetta and Climateprediction shows I am not a member of any team, clicking to join a team seems counter to common sense since I am already on a team. Thank you in advance and /salute.
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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 59221 - Posted: 1 Feb 2009, 15:32:18 UTC - in response to Message 59220.  

I am already on one of the U S AirForce teams and have been quite a while crunching SETI. I have branched out to also doing Rosetta and Climatprediction. I see now my team is not getting the credits for my Rosetta and Climateprediction accounts, using the same email addy and PW for all my account projects. How do I fix this so my team gets credits please? My accounts pages on Rosetta and Climateprediction shows I am not a member of any team, clicking to join a team seems counter to common sense since I am already on a team. Thank you in advance and /salute.

each project does not know that you are on a team, so you need to select a team for rosetta and for any other projects you will join in the future. I am doing rosetta and ralph and einstein and I had to select the team I belong to for each project, despite being a member of this team.
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Message 59222 - Posted: 1 Feb 2009, 16:12:28 UTC - in response to Message 59220.  

I am already on one of the U S AirForce teams and have been quite a while crunching SETI. I have branched out to also doing Rosetta and Climatprediction. I see now my team is not getting the credits for my Rosetta and Climateprediction accounts, using the same email addy and PW for all my account projects. How do I fix this so my team gets credits please? My accounts pages on Rosetta and Climateprediction shows I am not a member of any team, clicking to join a team seems counter to common sense since I am already on a team. Thank you in advance and /salute.

Greg is correct, when I see your account I see that you are not on a Team yet. Click on one of our names and you will see our data.
If you think of Boinc as similar to Windows you can sort of understand what is going on. Boinc is just the program that lets alot of projects get us users to help using a base program, like Windows. BUT each project is seperate and distinct from every other project. That means that while you are on Seti as a user and with a Team, Rosetta has no idea who you are or anything else about you. This info is not shared between projects to respect user privacy issues. That means that for each project you decide to crunch for you will need to create an account and sign up for the Team you wish to crunch for. You can for instance crunch for the Air Force Team on Seti but some other team on a different project. Like my Team, The Final Front Ear, or Greg's Team, USA.
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Message boards : Number crunching : Team credit

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