Work Units Hang near 97%

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Message 58718 - Posted: 11 Jan 2009, 7:43:23 UTC

I have noticed that the workunits lately seem to be taking longer than the expected time. I have had a few lately which would get to 97% and then restart. These have ended up being late reporting and have hanged on my computer a number of times.
Is anyone else experiencing the same? It has caused problems with other data crunching and often have had to abort it losing any credit which may have been gained from the hours of computer time used.
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Message 58719 - Posted: 11 Jan 2009, 12:31:03 UTC - in response to Message 58718.  

I have noticed that the workunits lately seem to be taking longer than the expected time. I have had a few lately which would get to 97% and then restart. These have ended up being late reporting and have hanged on my computer a number of times.
Is anyone else experiencing the same? It has caused problems with other data crunching and often have had to abort it losing any credit which may have been gained from the hours of computer time used.

Under Your Account, Computing Preferences do you have the setting "Leave applications in memory while suspended?" set to yes or no? If no change it to yes and see if that fixes the problem. by setting it to no you are not remembering, in ram, where you left off when the pc swaps to the next project of the several that you crunch for. That means your harddrive has to do it and it may be having problems with these units.
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Message 58731 - Posted: 11 Jan 2009, 14:06:45 UTC

When applications are not left in memory, the hard drive doesn't get the chance to do it. The work is lost when BOINC switches to another project. However, BOINC attempts to only make such switches at the time a task takes a checkpoint, thus preserving the work.

There have been a number of Long-Running models recently. The Project Team is working on some changes to eliminate many of them. Please review the original post of the long-running models thread and see if perhaps your tasks are running long enough to warrant cancelling them.
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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Message boards : Number crunching : Work Units Hang near 97%

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