No work for weeks

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Message 54634 - Posted: 23 Jul 2008, 17:03:28 UTC

Hi all,

I'm occasionally crunching on Rosetta units whenever I have my computer do something different from my main-project (which - apologies - is seti due to historical reasons).
Thus, Rosetta is often disabled, but I usually turn it on at least once a week to do some crunching.
When I last turned on Rosetta about 2 weeks ago, I didn't think anything about not getting any work-units. However, I haven't gotten anything in the past weeks though Rosetta was constantly waiting for work. That's a bit confusing and I dare say I haven't encountered this so far.

Any hints on this are appreciated!
The other apps are running fine.


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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 54636 - Posted: 23 Jul 2008, 18:16:17 UTC - in response to Message 54634.  

you should repost this in the number crunching board.
maybe mod will catch it before you do and move it.

Hi all,

I'm occasionally crunching on Rosetta units whenever I have my computer do something different from my main-project (which - apologies - is seti due to historical reasons).
Thus, Rosetta is often disabled, but I usually turn it on at least once a week to do some crunching.
When I last turned on Rosetta about 2 weeks ago, I didn't think anything about not getting any work-units. However, I haven't gotten anything in the past weeks though Rosetta was constantly waiting for work. That's a bit confusing and I dare say I haven't encountered this so far.

Any hints on this are appreciated!
The other apps are running fine.


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Message 54646 - Posted: 25 Jul 2008, 11:19:13 UTC

Review the BOINC messages. When you send your scheduler request to Rosetta, how many seconds of work is your client requesting? My guess (since Rosetta is virtually always loaded with available work) is that it will say zero.

So, why won't your client request any Rosetta work? Basically, it believes that your resource shares, along with accounting for periods of time the project has been suspended or marked for no new work, indicate that you would prefer to do more crunching for other projects first.
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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Message 54687 - Posted: 27 Jul 2008, 11:22:14 UTC - in response to Message 54646.  


So, why won't your client request any Rosetta work? Basically, it believes that your resource shares, along with accounting for periods of time the project has been suspended or marked for no new work, indicate that you would prefer to do more crunching for other projects first.

Hello again,

thanks for your response.
In fact, this pretty much hit the core of the problem, though I don't quite understand. Rosetta and SETI are both set to 100 Resource-shares, so they should get equal attention when enabled.
I got around that problem by temporarily disabling all current SETI tasks, but that's not what I would expect BOINC to behave like.
During the time-period I'm talking about, a few SETI tasks have finished and no attention has been paid to Rosetta, though it was enabled. It shouldn't care that it had been disabled previously, should it?!?


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Message 54695 - Posted: 27 Jul 2008, 20:33:34 UTC - in response to Message 54687.  

Rosetta and SETI are both set to 100 Resource-shares, so they should get equal attention when enabled.

Rosetta is often disabled, but I usually turn it on at least once a week to do some crunching

BOINC tries to level the amount of crunched tasks for your projects according to the resource share. But suspending a project or setting it to NoNewTasks effectively tells BOINC "I do not want this project being crunched for some time" - all attempts to behave so will be stopped, until you enable the project again.

BOINC internally calculates a set of debts for each project - "how much did this project already calculate". While calculating, this number goes down. When it gets too negative, no work will be crunched and/or downloaded. When other projects are calculated, the numbers go back up. If they get "positive enough", project is again enabled to be downloaded and/or crunched. (Simplified a bit, but it goes this way.)

It is possible, that while crunching Rosetta tasks, Rosetta's debt value got down a lot. When finished, you've disabled Rosetta and fixed its negative debt value. Afterwards, your computer might have crunched something else (although it is not obvious, what, during at least last two months, except Rosetta) and Rosetta's debt for sure did not get any bit more positive.

Now that you've enabled Rosetta, BOINC started to level out the negative debt and if you'd left it alone, once it would for sure download some tasks.

You can download and start the BOINC Debt Viewer to see your projects' debt values. If you'll tell them, we can elaborate more.

I'm occasionally crunching on Rosetta units whenever I have my computer do something different from my main-project (which - apologies - is seti due to historical reasons).

I got around that problem by temporarily disabling all current SETI tasks, but that's not what I would expect BOINC to behave like.
During the time-period I'm talking about, a few SETI tasks have finished and no attention has been paid to Rosetta, though it was enabled. It shouldn't care that it had been disabled previously, should it?!?

What's interesting, your SETI computer has not crunched anything for your main project for years (exactly, no contact since 19 Sep 2006 ;-)

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Message 54792 - Posted: 31 Jul 2008, 23:00:35 UTC - in response to Message 54695.  

What's interesting, your SETI computer has not crunched anything for your main project for years (exactly, no contact since 19 Sep 2006 ;-)


Not quite correct, but I'm not crunching on my own account on Seti, but joined another account.

I'll have a look at the debt's stuff... back in a few days!


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