Detaching and reataching

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Profile Gerry Rough

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Message 53575 - Posted: 7 Jun 2008, 0:36:04 UTC

I've been thinking about detaching from a couple of projects in my list. The question is what happens if I reattach to those projects in the future, say in a year or so? When I reattach, will they still recognize the old hosts, or will they create new accounts for a new host?

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Message 53586 - Posted: 7 Jun 2008, 23:15:08 UTC - in response to Message 53575.  

I've been thinking about detaching from a couple of projects in my list. The question is what happens if I reattach to those projects in the future, say in a year or so? When I reattach, will they still recognize the old hosts, or will they create new accounts for a new host?

It's unlikely a client-installation will keep the same <host_cpid> for a whole year, especially if you've attached/detached from various projects during this time... So, it's very likely you'll get assigned a new <hostid> on re-attach after so long time. But, you can most likely merge the hostid's, so credit-wise it'll look like the same. So, appart from losing a lower hostid and older "created"-time, it doesn't really matter.

Even if you've deleted a host, the User-Account will still keep all it's credits, so whatever detachs/re-attachs you're doing doesn't really matter.

The only place it can matter is in your cross-project stats on various BOINC-stats-sites. If none of your active computers is attached to some of the projects, it's possible the <cross_project_id> gets changed, leading to credits "fragmented" across that looks like multiple accounts to the stats-sites. If this is a concern for you, the easy method is to keep 1 active computer attached to all projects, and just set "No new work" on whatever project(s) don't want to run actively. On any other computers you can detach whatever projects you wants.

"I make so many mistakes. But then just think of all the mistakes I don't make, although I might."
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Profile Gerry Rough

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Message 53588 - Posted: 8 Jun 2008, 2:55:31 UTC - in response to Message 53586.  
Last modified: 8 Jun 2008, 2:56:08 UTC

The only place it can matter is in your cross-project stats on various BOINC-stats-sites. If none of your active computers is attached to some of the projects, it's possible the <cross_project_id> gets changed, leading to credits "fragmented" across that looks like multiple accounts to the stats-sites. If this is a concern for you, the easy method is to keep 1 active computer attached to all projects, and just set "No new work" on whatever project(s) don't want to run actively. On any other computers you can detach whatever projects you wants.

Thanks for your reply. I am definitely aware of the CPID problem: had it once, been there, done that.

Would it be better to put the resource share at zero for projects that are offline for a few months? If I set NNT as you suggest, the unused resources will be distributed to the other projects evenly, without me saying what shares go where. Isn't that the way it goes with unused resources?

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Message 53591 - Posted: 8 Jun 2008, 13:20:01 UTC - in response to Message 53588.  

Thanks for your reply. I am definitely aware of the CPID problem: had it once, been there, done that.

Would it be better to put the resource share at zero for projects that are offline for a few months? If I set NNT as you suggest, the unused resources will be distributed to the other projects evenly, without me saying what shares go where. Isn't that the way it goes with unused resources?

AFAIK any projects set to "No new work" and no work left on computer will be treated as if not attached as far as calculations of which project to ask for more work and so on, even in BOINC Manager it is used then displaying resource-share...

As for setting resource-share to zero, a quick test with BOINC alpha reveals it's impossible, so while likely possible on projects that isn't running up-to-date server-code, wouldn't recommend to try it since it will possibly give client-problems, especially if client tries to divide by a resource-share of zero...

"I make so many mistakes. But then just think of all the mistakes I don't make, although I might."
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