How many people are crunching Rosetta?

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Sid Celery

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Message 62433 - Posted: 26 Jul 2009, 2:56:35 UTC - in response to Message 54015.  

1)We're not all computer geniuses or biology majors. The BOINC websites (like RAH) are horrific to give the AVERAGE HUMAN an update on what is going on. I don't want or need all the mumbo jumbo nor do I understand it. Tell me basics like have we created any cures? Have we come much much closer to a cure for something? Etc.

I don't believe Rosetta is trying to make any cures. That's not it's purpose.

2)Updates on the RAH homepage are few and far between. I'm not talking about technology updates like server outages or new product updates, I'm talking about WHAT THE PROJECT HAS ACCOMPLISHED. Email updates 3-4 times a year would be awesome and would keep people involved. This could be another bullet point. If I don't feel appreciated, I am going to leave and donate my time/money/cpu elsewhere to people who can spend a few hours a year emailing me.

Dr Baker has posted 20 times this year to date. From what I've read, it's thought it's the users who don't want emails as they may be taken as spam.

3)BOINC is still not a very simple program for non-computer people to administer and run. I consider myself a computer guru yet BOINC every now and then gets caught in my various Firewall applications or gets cranky if the net connection is down and sometimes (very rarely) just seems to require a reboot to get it back and running... it will be running great for months and then bam! The firewall traps it. I of course know how to fix this but MOST PEOPLE would have no clue if they should choose Yes or No to allow BOINC to talk to the servers any longer. Furthermore, firewall/antivirus software is cryptic enough to promote the user to always choose the "get rid of it" option. BOINC does have it's Advanced view and Simple View... but I think the Simple view could be even better... the install.

Boinc is not Rosetta. Ask at Boinc.

3a)Installation and support... a complete joke for the non-computer savvy...


4)For the first day or 2 of installing BOINC (because it depends on how fast your cpu is, how often BOINC is running, and your net connection availability), it is constantly doing things which need human intervention. Sure, to you and me it's a quick few questions/annoyances but for mom and dad out there, they have no idea what the heck is happening.

Are you talking about firewall issues? This is not Boinc or Rosetta either. It's a firewall issue.

I really have no idea what you're asking for. The key to getting the answer you want is to ask the right question. Can you try again?
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Profile Emigdio Lopez Laburu

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Message 62620 - Posted: 30 Jul 2009, 9:59:20 UTC

Why many people exit the project?

Look at the incidents we have these last WEEKS and you will have big reasons.

Seams that R@H IT team doesnt have a Pre-Production environment and the test with the new versions, etc. are made in the Production environment. Very sad.

The result of this is that users (volunteers, dont forget it) has lot of time (weeks!) with lots of problems. If you find a more stable project, be sure that many people will migrate to it instead work with R@H.

My opinion is that Rosetta should have, after all these years, a computational power around 300-400 TFLOPS minimum but we are (normally) between 80 and 95 TFLOPS!. Exactly like more than one year ago. Someone, inside the project team, should ask why.


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Message 62675 - Posted: 31 Jul 2009, 8:27:54 UTC - in response to Message 52487.  
Last modified: 31 Jul 2009, 8:33:13 UTC


I was enrolled in an Oxford cancer research program a few years back, but that research ended.


That sounds like Find a Drug, run by Keith Davis. If so, welcome aboard from another ex-FaD'er.

I came over for much the same reasons, this project has tremendous potential in several areas: both pute bio-medical research, and the more practical aspects of being able to work on cures for diseases.
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Sid Celery

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Message 62716 - Posted: 2 Aug 2009, 11:55:39 UTC - in response to Message 62620.  

Why many people exit the project?

Look at the incidents we have these last WEEKS and you will have big reasons.

I'm not aware of any incidents over the last few weeks, apart from the major one on the 24th and all its (major) consequences. I can't remember any incidents of significance since New Year when we had a big shortage of WUs. I check my progress every single day.

Seems that R@H IT team doesn't have a Pre-Production environment and the test with the new versions, etc. are made in the Production environment. Very sad.

Yes, when something finally did go wrong it made a lot of highly intelligent people look dumber even than me, which no doubt is a great embarrassment to them and seems to have involved a lot of distracting work to repair it. It comes to something when the best solution for these highly intelligent people boils down to a check-listidiot-board for releasing new product versions.

The result of this is that users (volunteers, don't forget it) has lot of time (weeks!) with lots of problems. If you find a more stable project, be sure that many people will migrate to it instead work with R@H.

Good luck finding that more stable project, from what I read elsewhere. Those few projects doing worthwhile work (ie not SETI, which is a comedy project at best) also suffer a dearth of WUs and much more downtime. LHC? Milkyway? Cosmology? Hydrogen? Many other smaller projects that have burned themselves out completely. There are still a few good projects out there.

With a 1.5 day buffer of WUs I think I was out of work for a day, which is unfortunate but not the end of the world. I don't think users lost anything but a few credits, which is neither here nor there.

My opinion is that Rosetta should have, after all these years, a computational power around 300-400 TFLOPS minimum but we are (normally) between 80 and 95 TFLOPS!

Did you make that number up? That's nice for you.
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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 62723 - Posted: 2 Aug 2009, 15:35:09 UTC
Last modified: 2 Aug 2009, 15:35:35 UTC

Stable 2nd project for me: Einstein at home. Rarely any troubles.
Black hole hunting is much more interesting than listening for alien life forms.

DEK made a post here which says in part: "ralph is definitely used. our standard procedure is to send all jobs through ralph first before running them on Rosetta. If there are some people in our group skipping this and may be causing problems, they shouldn't and I'll make sure they don't do it again."

As for work buffer I keep 5 extra days of work for both of my projects and ran out of work one time for RAH. Since then any server problems have been solved within my work buffer.
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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 62740 - Posted: 3 Aug 2009, 10:35:33 UTC
Last modified: 3 Aug 2009, 10:37:51 UTC

just signed up on grid republics app.
took a look at the stats
july 1 82784 total active computers for RAH
july 31 77820 total active computers for RAH

that's a 4964 loss of computers in a month or about a loss of 165 a day.
that is not a good sign!
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Message 62742 - Posted: 3 Aug 2009, 12:46:03 UTC - in response to Message 62723.  

Stable 2nd project for me: Einstein at home. Rarely any troubles.
Black hole hunting is much more interesting than listening for alien life forms.

DEK made a post here which says in part: "ralph is definitely used. our standard procedure is to send all jobs through ralph first before running them on Rosetta. If there are some people in our group skipping this and may be causing problems, they shouldn't and I'll make sure they don't do it again."

As for work buffer I keep 5 extra days of work for both of my projects and ran out of work one time for RAH. Since then any server problems have been solved within my work buffer.

Yeah, this is what I do... Keep about 2-3 days work buffer.

And regarding statistics... it's probably due to the amount of people that didnt have any work buffer and had their PCs on idle.
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Profile Emigdio Lopez Laburu

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Message 62743 - Posted: 3 Aug 2009, 12:49:35 UTC
Last modified: 3 Aug 2009, 12:55:00 UTC

Unfortunately... credits are down as well... 1 million less than one month ago
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Message 62747 - Posted: 3 Aug 2009, 18:51:34 UTC - in response to Message 62743.  

Unfortunately... credits are down as well... 1 million less than one month ago

A drop in credits is just a reflection that we have had a drop in TFLOPS during the recent server troubles (85 TFLOPS down to 30 TFLOPS but now back to 78 TFLOPS).

The activity statistics that Greg Hall posted are more meaningful.

Hopefully people have just taken a short break from Rosetta and will return later when they see that the problems have been resolved.
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Profile rochester new york

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Message 62748 - Posted: 3 Aug 2009, 19:19:32 UTC - in response to Message 52451.  
Last modified: 3 Aug 2009, 19:22:36 UTC

I've been scouring the Statistics pages trying to find the total number of people participating in Rosetta, but I've been unsuccessful. Would someone point me in the right direction? Thanks.
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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 62753 - Posted: 3 Aug 2009, 22:09:34 UTC - in response to Message 62748.  

I've been scouring the Statistics pages trying to find the total number of people participating in Rosetta, but I've been unsuccessful. Would someone point me in the right direction? Thanks.

it's here:

there are 4 items in blue text just above the first graph.
first one is users overview which basically confirms what i posted earlier.
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Message 62754 - Posted: 3 Aug 2009, 22:14:16 UTC

Interesting news on the Rosetta home page.

Aug 3, 2009
We'd like to welcome new users from the recently released Progress Thru Processors Facebook application. We'll be posting more information about current research so please stay tuned.

It will be interesting to see how the TFLOPS is affected in the next few weeks and months.
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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 62755 - Posted: 3 Aug 2009, 22:18:14 UTC - in response to Message 62754.  

Interesting news on the Rosetta home page.

Aug 3, 2009
We'd like to welcome new users from the recently released Progress Thru Processors Facebook application. We'll be posting more information about current research so please stay tuned.

It will be interesting to see how the TFLOPS is affected in the next few weeks and months.

I just joined that app last night. Takes about 10 mins to get setup then it will look for a preferences file on its side and if it can't find that it will take it from the old boinc manager program.
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Profile Chilean

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Message 62758 - Posted: 4 Aug 2009, 0:02:54 UTC - in response to Message 62755.  

Interesting news on the Rosetta home page.

Aug 3, 2009
We'd like to welcome new users from the recently released Progress Thru Processors Facebook application. We'll be posting more information about current research so please stay tuned.

It will be interesting to see how the TFLOPS is affected in the next few weeks and months.

I just joined that app last night. Takes about 10 mins to get setup then it will look for a preferences file on its side and if it can't find that it will take it from the old boinc manager program.

Ahh... finally! Added :D
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Message 62763 - Posted: 4 Aug 2009, 10:06:10 UTC - in response to Message 62753.  
Last modified: 4 Aug 2009, 10:06:38 UTC

it's here:

there are 4 items in blue text just above the first graph.
first one is users overview which basically confirms what i posted earlier.

It also says that most crunchers have 2 machines on line:
Users 44,823
Hosts 76,429

This is only Active users, but what does that mean for those that have multiple machines? I think the stats are off a bit. I mean Muraski has 2 pc's on line, Greg has 1 pc, Felipe's are hidden, Rochester has 1 pc, but Emigdio has 7 pc's!! And that is only a small representation of users and their numbers, I am not sure that works for the real numbers. Either there are A LOT of users here with only one pc or one of those numbers is off!
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Message 62764 - Posted: 4 Aug 2009, 11:04:04 UTC - in response to Message 62763.  

it's here:

there are 4 items in blue text just above the first graph.
first one is users overview which basically confirms what i posted earlier.

It also says that most crunchers have 2 machines on line:
Users 44,823
Hosts 76,429

This is only Active users, but what does that mean for those that have multiple machines? I think the stats are off a bit. I mean Muraski has 2 pc's on line, Greg has 1 pc, Felipe's are hidden, Rochester has 1 pc, but Emigdio has 7 pc's!! And that is only a small representation of users and their numbers, I am not sure that works for the real numbers. Either there are A LOT of users here with only one pc or one of those numbers is off!

I don't see a problem with those stats. I myself am running 4 hosts so that would be enough for 2 other single machine crunchers to count as having 2 machines. Some of the people on here run it from their business and so have hundreds of machines under their name.
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Message 62776 - Posted: 5 Aug 2009, 9:10:31 UTC - in response to Message 62764.  

it's here:

there are 4 items in blue text just above the first graph.
first one is users overview which basically confirms what i posted earlier.

It also says that most crunchers have 2 machines on line:
Users 44,823
Hosts 76,429

This is only Active users, but what does that mean for those that have multiple machines? I think the stats are off a bit. I mean Muraski has 2 pc's on line, Greg has 1 pc, Felipe's are hidden, Rochester has 1 pc, but Emigdio has 7 pc's!! And that is only a small representation of users and their numbers, I am not sure that works for the real numbers. Either there are A LOT of users here with only one pc or one of those numbers is off!

I don't see a problem with those stats. I myself am running 4 hosts so that would be enough for 2 other single machine crunchers to count as having 2 machines. Some of the people on here run it from their business and so have hundreds of machines under their name.

So if you have 4 under your own name doesn't that mean that even fewer people have more than one machine orrr that the numbers are bad? I mean if you have 4 than 3 other people have to have only 1 machine! Then if you have people with "hundreds" of machines, that is "hundreds" that have to have only one machine! I think we have a problem with the stats, either too many people or not enough machines. I wonder when the last time is that they were updated?
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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 62779 - Posted: 5 Aug 2009, 13:06:09 UTC - in response to Message 62776.  
Last modified: 5 Aug 2009, 13:11:39 UTC

it's here:

there are 4 items in blue text just above the first graph.
first one is users overview which basically confirms what i posted earlier.

It also says that most crunchers have 2 machines on line:
Users 44,823
Hosts 76,429

This is only Active users, but what does that mean for those that have multiple machines? I think the stats are off a bit. I mean Muraski has 2 pc's on line, Greg has 1 pc, Felipe's are hidden, Rochester has 1 pc, but Emigdio has 7 pc's!! And that is only a small representation of users and their numbers, I am not sure that works for the real numbers. Either there are A LOT of users here with only one pc or one of those numbers is off!

I don't see a problem with those stats. I myself am running 4 hosts so that would be enough for 2 other single machine crunchers to count as having 2 machines. Some of the people on here run it from their business and so have hundreds of machines under their name.

So if you have 4 under your own name doesn't that mean that even fewer people have more than one machine orrr that the numbers are bad? I mean if you have 4 than 3 other people have to have only 1 machine! Then if you have people with "hundreds" of machines, that is "hundreds" that have to have only one machine! I think we have a problem with the stats, either too many people or not enough machines. I wonder when the last time is that they were updated?

there may be lots of members, but if you look at the pie chart at the end of the page you will see that "active users" (credit granted in the last 'month'" only 17.7% of the users,not cores, have reported in the last month. In terms of 'hosts' the stats show only 10% of the total hosts have reported credit in the last month. even the team stats show a drop in total "active users". Also only 38.5% of the total teams are active. The "hosts" chart shows the same story. Of all the hosts on this project, currently in the last 30 days only 10% are active.

This could change with all the new users coming online, as recent as 150+ on Aug. 4. What would be interesting to see is a chart showing the average gain/loss per day of users. another factor besides the technical difficulties with the project is as one person pointed out vacation time. so people could have their systems offline due to vacation.

Now, if you look at the homepage here, it is showing that just yesterday they had 422 users (people) join with 667 systems (hosts) if I am reading the terminology correctly. That is a good sign.

Perhaps September will show a sharp increase as people come back from vacation and as long as the project does not have any more significant difficulties.
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Profile Emigdio Lopez Laburu

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Message 62780 - Posted: 5 Aug 2009, 14:41:49 UTC

I totally agree with Greg.

By the way, I should like to see statistics of:

- Credits by day
- Number of active users
- Active hosts

with the evolution since R@H begun (some years ago)... I have not founded this info anywhere. :(

Does anyone knows where this info could be founded?.

Thanks a lot.

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Profile Emigdio Lopez Laburu

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Message 62791 - Posted: 6 Aug 2009, 5:35:54 UTC

I have founded a graphic since 2007:

Any opinions?.
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