Old/New Credit system comparisons

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Message 25058 - Posted: 27 Aug 2006, 2:29:51 UTC

Does someone have a viewable system that they run 24/7 with a 512 Meg P4 running at 3Ghz with HT off? One with HT On? (With 2 or 3 hour WU run times selected).
So we can see the difference between old and new systems with Windows using a P4 with HT off, Windows using a P4 with HT on, Linux using a P4 with HT off, Linux using a P4 with HT on?
All systems preferably dedicated crunchers, not being left running Zoo Tycoon all night until the animals all croak.

What are suggestions for typical Macs? (High end, medium, low end)?

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Profile Feet1st

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Message 25059 - Posted: 27 Aug 2006, 2:43:12 UTC

I USED to have a system that would have been a comparable for you, sorry. It got replaced a few weeks ago, and now runs as a dual core.

I've been wishing they would publish a sort of "benchmark" WU that you could pull from the downloads directory and run. And everyone that runs it would use the same random number seed, and therefore I believe will crunch each model in the same mannar. This would really give you some comparables, if they could post such a WU.

I say this because even if you succeed at finding machines like you describe, there's still no way to get them all on the same WUs. And even when they are on the same WUs, there no way to assure they crunch they same models. ...now granted, with the new credit system it should all be comparable... on average. But a standardized WU would give you something pretty concrete and comparable.
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Message 25064 - Posted: 27 Aug 2006, 3:27:15 UTC - in response to Message 25058.  
Last modified: 27 Aug 2006, 3:35:55 UTC

Does someone have a viewable system that they run 24/7 with a 512 Meg P4 running at 3Ghz with HT off? One with HT On? (With 2 or 3 hour WU run times selected).
So we can see the difference between old and new systems with Windows using a P4 with HT off, Windows using a P4 with HT on, Linux using a P4 with HT off, Linux using a P4 with HT on?
All systems preferably dedicated crunchers, not being left running Zoo Tycoon all night until the animals all croak.

What are suggestions for typical Macs? (High end, medium, low end)?

I've got a P4 that meets those specs with HT on. It's a bog standard Dell Dimension 4600 running win XP. I'll give you two days 100% Rosetta.

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Message 25067 - Posted: 27 Aug 2006, 3:45:26 UTC
Last modified: 27 Aug 2006, 3:48:37 UTC

I have a 2.8 GHz/400 MHz P4 for comparison (Dell Dimension 8200 upgraded). It has 512 MB RDRAM. [edit] https://boinc.bakerlab.org/rosetta/results.php?hostid=225667 [/edit]
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Message 25068 - Posted: 27 Aug 2006, 3:45:39 UTC - in response to Message 25064.  
Last modified: 27 Aug 2006, 3:50:51 UTC

Does someone have a viewable system that they run 24/7 with a 512 Meg P4 running at 3Ghz with HT off? One with HT On? (With 2 or 3 hour WU run times selected).
So we can see the difference between old and new systems with Windows using a P4 with HT off, Windows using a P4 with HT on, Linux using a P4 with HT off, Linux using a P4 with HT on?
All systems preferably dedicated crunchers, not being left running Zoo Tycoon all night until the animals all croak.

What are suggestions for typical Macs? (High end, medium, low end)?

I've got a P4 that meets those specs with HT on. It's a bog standard Dell Dimension 3600 running win XP. I'll give you two days 100% Rosetta.

You will need to manually rebench between the switch (H.T. to non- H.T.) to make a valid conclusion.

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Profile Trog Dog

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Message 25070 - Posted: 27 Aug 2006, 3:51:54 UTC - in response to Message 25068.  

You will need to manually rebench between the switch (H.T. to non- H.T.) to make a valid conclusion.

Is it enough to just set use max cpu to 1 or do I have to completely disable HT in the bios?
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Message 25072 - Posted: 27 Aug 2006, 3:55:14 UTC

I realize it isn't simple; but I wanted enough data points to show the effect of the new credit system on P4s.

Graphing with enough data points shows that the credit system seems to be working - as I was showing here: link

That should help, Trog Dog.. Thanks.

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Message 25075 - Posted: 27 Aug 2006, 4:23:07 UTC - in response to Message 25070.  

You will need to manually rebench between the switch (H.T. to non- H.T.) to make a valid conclusion.

Is it enough to just set use max cpu to 1 or do I have to completely disable HT in the bios?

Disable in bios.

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Profile Trog Dog

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Message 25076 - Posted: 27 Aug 2006, 4:29:33 UTC - in response to Message 25072.  

I realize it isn't simple; but I wanted enough data points to show the effect of the new credit system on P4s.

Graphing with enough data points shows that the credit system seems to be working - as I was showing here: link

That should help, Trog Dog.. Thanks.

OK, I've set all other projects to no new work, its part way crunching a long Einstein and it's got a couple of SIMAP wu's to crunch. I'll post once it's cleared it's cache. BTW here's the box
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Profile Trog Dog

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Message 25077 - Posted: 27 Aug 2006, 4:31:20 UTC - in response to Message 25075.  

You will need to manually rebench between the switch (H.T. to non- H.T.) to make a valid conclusion.

Is it enough to just set use max cpu to 1 or do I have to completely disable HT in the bios?

Disable in bios.

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Message 25086 - Posted: 27 Aug 2006, 6:43:08 UTC

seconds old new increase
time credit credit
371,461.23 545.14 975.76 1.789925524 P4 2.53Ghz HT off Linux machine.
converted to a 3.2Ghz cpu, and 598527.03 seconds, the new credit is 1988.58

362,114.13 265.61 525.5 1.978464666 P4 2.6Ghz HT on Linux machine.
converted to a 3.2Ghz cpu, and 1197054.06 seconds, the new credit is 2223.57

598,527.03 1,844.12 2,127.95 1.153910808 Athlon 64 2Ghz 3000+

If my assumptions hold true, it looks like the P4s are getting close to what they should; Linux is no longer an issue, and there's perhaps a 10% performance increase by turning on HT. Tough finding 24/7 P4 machines at 3Ghz running Linux.

Identical machines side by side would answer the question.. Or the same machine running 24 hours with HT off then HT on.

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Message 25096 - Posted: 27 Aug 2006, 8:39:31 UTC

Benny there is a marked difference in a P4 3.0GHz Prescott and a P4 3.0GHz Northwood.

The Prescott does better with HT on while the Northwood the opposite,IMO.
Not all Czech`s bounce but I`d like to try with Barbar ;-)

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Message 25101 - Posted: 27 Aug 2006, 9:26:14 UTC - in response to Message 25096.  
Last modified: 27 Aug 2006, 9:28:24 UTC

Benny there is a marked difference in a P4 3.0GHz Prescott and a P4 3.0GHz Northwood.

The Prescott does better with HT on while the Northwood the opposite,IMO.

I've found out that it depends on the Project you run with the Prescott Carl. I have quite a few 3.4 Northwoods & Prescott's running. It seems the Prescott's give you this considerably higher Benchmark but can't live up to it at certain Projects. In fact I have a few 3.06 P4's that will out run the 3.4 Prescott's at the right Project. None of my PC's are Overclocked so this is at stock speed, I don't know how the Prescott's would fair if Overclocked.

Even at the right Project the Prescott's don't run any better than the Northwood's do of the same speed but at least will keep up with them anyway.
Plus the Prescott's run a lot Hotter than the Northwoods, anywheres from 15-25 degrees Fahrenheit hotter ...
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Message 25103 - Posted: 27 Aug 2006, 9:33:07 UTC - in response to Message 25086.  
Last modified: 27 Aug 2006, 9:35:36 UTC

Or the same machine running 24 hours with HT off then HT on.

I've tried running a few WU's with HT off and the Credit's dropped 10% - 15% over what running 2 of them in HT Mode would give me. To me it seems the P4's with HT are just not up to the task of the Rosetta WU's, they can't get enough work done in the alloted time to get any appreciable Credit like the Dual Core or X2 or similar CPU's can get.

In their day the P4's with HT were king of the Hill but now they are just middle of the road anymore ... IMO
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Message 25104 - Posted: 27 Aug 2006, 9:45:03 UTC - in response to Message 25103.  

Or the same machine running 24 hours with HT off then HT on.

I've tried running a few WU's with HT off and the Credit's dropped 10% - 15% over what running 2 of them in HT Mode would give me. To me it seems the P4's with HT are just not up to the task of the Rosetta WU's, they can't get enough work done in the alloted time to get any appreciable Credit like the Dual Core or X2 or similar CPU's can get.

In their day the P4's with HT were king of the Hill but now they are just middle of the road anymore ... IMO

What happens if you try running it with Rosetta on 1 core and something else on

the other?

Anders n
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Message 25107 - Posted: 27 Aug 2006, 10:10:28 UTC - in response to Message 25104.  
Last modified: 27 Aug 2006, 10:56:41 UTC

What happens if you try running it with Rosetta on 1 core and something else on the other? Anders n

Yeah I know that can make a difference sometimes but it's also hard to get the HT CPU's to do that on their own. I'm doing that right now with 2 other Projects because the times for the 1 Project drop 25% to 30% over what they would be running 2 of the same WU's together, and the times for the other Project stay the same either way.

I haven't tried it with the Rosetta WU's because of the set Times they run, I guess the only way I could tell is by the Credit received ... NOTE: I'm trying that right now to see if I tell if theres any difference in Credit received, it may take a few WU's to tell or not ...
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Dave Wilson

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Message 25114 - Posted: 27 Aug 2006, 10:48:21 UTC - in response to Message 25058.  

Does someone have a viewable system that they run 24/7 with a 512 Meg P4 running at 3Ghz with HT off? One with HT On? (With 2 or 3 hour WU run times selected).
So we can see the difference between old and new systems with Windows using a P4 with HT off, Windows using a P4 with HT on, Linux using a P4 with HT off, Linux using a P4 with HT on?
All systems preferably dedicated crunchers, not being left running Zoo Tycoon all night until the animals all croak.

What are suggestions for typical Macs? (High end, medium, low end)?

You are welcome to look at my computers before they don't have anything to show anymore.

They are,

131105 - daves-bronze.local = 500mhz G4 - dedicated
174102 - dave-1-8-ghz = P4 3.0 ghz - dedicated
198349 - daves-1gx2.local = Duel 1 ghz G4 - dedicated
193340 - dave-g5.local = Duel 2.5 ghz G5 - occasional editing jobs
195348 - daves-2x500.local = Duel 500mhz G4 - dedicated
191526 - davesti.local = 1 ghz G4 - used for email
195357 - dave-bw-g3.local = 400mhz G3 - dedicated
203677 - si-studio-imac.local = 400mhz G4 - dedicated

The results may not stay for long since I have stopped all machines for now.
They were very consistent to the point that if I did an editing job that took the G5 off line for 3 hours I could see it in the RAC and the daily totals.
These should cover your low,middle and high end Macs.

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Profile Trog Dog

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Message 25120 - Posted: 27 Aug 2006, 11:20:50 UTC - in response to Message 25114.  

You are welcome to look at my computers before they don't have anything to show anymore.

They are,

131105 - daves-bronze.local = 500mhz G4 - dedicated
174102 - dave-1-8-ghz = P4 3.0 ghz - dedicated
198349 - daves-1gx2.local = Duel 1 ghz G4 - dedicated
193340 - dave-g5.local = Duel 2.5 ghz G5 - occasional editing jobs
195348 - daves-2x500.local = Duel 500mhz G4 - dedicated
191526 - davesti.local = 1 ghz G4 - used for email
195357 - dave-bw-g3.local = 400mhz G3 - dedicated
203677 - si-studio-imac.local = 400mhz G4 - dedicated

The results may not stay for long since I have stopped all machines for now.
They were very consistent to the point that if I did an editing job that took the G5 off line for 3 hours I could see it in the RAC and the daily totals.
These should cover your low,middle and high end Macs.


Isn't 4.44 an optimised client? A drop would be expected.

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Message 25124 - Posted: 27 Aug 2006, 11:45:49 UTC - in response to Message 25114.  

You are welcome to look at my computers before they don't have anything to show anymore.

They are,

131105 - daves-bronze.local = 500mhz G4 - dedicated
174102 - dave-1-8-ghz = P4 3.0 ghz - dedicated
198349 - daves-1gx2.local = Duel 1 ghz G4 - dedicated
193340 - dave-g5.local = Duel 2.5 ghz G5 - occasional editing jobs
195348 - daves-2x500.local = Duel 500mhz G4 - dedicated
191526 - davesti.local = 1 ghz G4 - used for email
195357 - dave-bw-g3.local = 400mhz G3 - dedicated
203677 - si-studio-imac.local = 400mhz G4 - dedicated

The results may not stay for long since I have stopped all machines for now.
They were very consistent to the point that if I did an editing job that took the G5 off line for 3 hours I could see it in the RAC and the daily totals.
These should cover your low,middle and high end Macs.

You should resume the P4 since it profits from the new credit system (still a bit less with optimized boinc client but more than before with the standard client).
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Dave Wilson

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Message 25125 - Posted: 27 Aug 2006, 12:00:13 UTC - in response to Message 25124.  

You should resume the P4 since it profits from the new credit system (still a bit less with optimized boinc client but more than before with the standard client).

It's also funny that the PC started to improve, it is running an optimized client.

I should note that "Optimized" means more work more efficiently not a method to cheat.

That just adds to the reason I shut them all down.

The credit system may be more accurate now but the clients are not fair or equal.

1 half the problem seems to be solved at least to some degree, now the other half needs to be addressed.

The clients.

For me it's all or nothing, I am a Mac guy and if the Macs can not contribute then you don't get my PC either.

I'll be watching and waiting to see.
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