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Profile Siran d'Vel'nahr

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Message 99277 - Posted: 8 Oct 2020, 21:00:53 UTC - in response to Message 98355.  


I predict that on or about October 6, 2020, I will hit my second million credits. It seems to take this PC 9 days now to hit 100K. Let's see how close I get. :)

Have a great day! :)



Well, I didn't make the 10/6 prediction. Bummer. I do believe I will make my second million this month however. I'm about 150K away, so we'll see. :)

Have a great day! :)

CAPT Siran d'Vel'nahr XO
USS Vre'kasht NCC-33187

"Logic is the cement of our civilization with which we ascend from chaos using reason as our guide." - T'Plana-hath
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Message 99290 - Posted: 9 Oct 2020, 11:15:25 UTC - in response to Message 99277.  


I predict that on or about October 6, 2020, I will hit my second million credits. It seems to take this PC 9 days now to hit 100K. Let's see how close I get. :)

Have a great day! :)



Well, I didn't make the 10/6 prediction. Bummer. I do believe I will make my second million this month however. I'm about 150K away, so we'll see. :)

Have a great day! :)


Good luck!!! At around 10k to 11k per day that seems like a resonable goal, I hope you can keep getting the tasks to do it!!
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Message 99305 - Posted: 10 Oct 2020, 13:33:56 UTC

Why are there no usefull descriptions in the name of the work unit like "cancer" or "covid".
I would like to know what subjects/diseases i donate my computer resources to.
"rb_10_09_38963_39355__t000__2_C1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1014666_38" or "vegf_site3_graft_v1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_8zg3qb2l_1013396_6" isn't helping me much.
I know the scientists are very busy, but 1 second of typing in a subject in the name of the batch is not asking for much is it?
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Bryn Mawr

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Message 99306 - Posted: 10 Oct 2020, 14:44:04 UTC - in response to Message 99305.  

Why are there no usefull descriptions in the name of the work unit like "cancer" or "covid".
I would like to know what subjects/diseases i donate my computer resources to.
"rb_10_09_38963_39355__t000__2_C1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_1014666_38" or "vegf_site3_graft_v1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_8zg3qb2l_1013396_6" isn't helping me much.
I know the scientists are very busy, but 1 second of typing in a subject in the name of the batch is not asking for much is it?

I would suggest that the naming of the batches is to help the researchers keep track of their work rather than to tell the volunteers what they’re donating their computer resources to.
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Message 99308 - Posted: 10 Oct 2020, 14:53:35 UTC - in response to Message 99306.  

But why not both?
What do they gain by not telling what we are working on.
I'm just trying to understand.
But maybe i'm the only one that would like to know that.
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Message 99309 - Posted: 10 Oct 2020, 19:47:54 UTC - in response to Message 99308.  
Last modified: 10 Oct 2020, 19:50:38 UTC

Having little to no information on this project is normal and it has been like that for a very long time.
I think you/we just have to accept that you are doing some good work while not usually knowing what it is about.

vegf could be this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vascular_endothelial_growth_factor

rb means it's work from Robetta, which is a service that allows researchers from anywhere in the world to submit work that can run on Rosetta@home.
Usually you don't what it is but sometimes you get tags like COVID.
I believe this is the Robetta job your computer did work for on that Robetta workunit- https://robetta.bakerlab.org/queue.php?id=39355&username=&target=&seq=
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Profile Grant (SSSF)

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Message 99312 - Posted: 10 Oct 2020, 23:13:29 UTC - in response to Message 99305.  
Last modified: 10 Oct 2020, 23:15:06 UTC

Why are there no usefull descriptions in the name of the work unit like "cancer" or "covid".
Occasionally that is the case, but because many of the models being run can be of benefit to multiple disciplines and not just one particular disease or illness they don't have a specific reference to them in their name.
While everyone has their own disease or illness of interest, all of the modelling done here is important. And while some of it is targeted towards a specific affliction, most are of benefit to many research projects and naming them to reflect all of the projects they could be of use to just wouldn't be possible.
Darwin NT
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Message 99314 - Posted: 11 Oct 2020, 9:06:23 UTC

Thanks for all the info.
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Profile Darren_F

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Message 99381 - Posted: 23 Oct 2020, 21:16:09 UTC - in response to Message 98942.  

For those looking to upgrade their systems for crunching Rosetta work (or other CPU based projects), don't want to wait for Ryzen3 to be released (and have more money than sense...)

128 threads at 4.0GHz, sustained.

today AMD and SPEC is announcing that the Magnetar X64T workstation, a system that you can buy, will off-the-shelf give the best performance in SPECworkstation3 ever seen.

VERY NICE!!! That could put a hurting on those 3 million workunits in the queue!!!

Do they sell that at Best-Buy? HaHa
Sorry new guy just poking around these message boards trying to figure where to start.

I'm getting a new PC next week I'm going to commit to this project.
Getting a new i7 10th Gen and hoping to get crunching soon.

Any advice on why (or if) I should join a team?
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Bryn Mawr

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Message 99382 - Posted: 23 Oct 2020, 21:54:01 UTC - in response to Message 99381.  

For those looking to upgrade their systems for crunching Rosetta work (or other CPU based projects), don't want to wait for Ryzen3 to be released (and have more money than sense...)

128 threads at 4.0GHz, sustained.

today AMD and SPEC is announcing that the Magnetar X64T workstation, a system that you can buy, will off-the-shelf give the best performance in SPECworkstation3 ever seen.

VERY NICE!!! That could put a hurting on those 3 million workunits in the queue!!!

Do they sell that at Best-Buy? HaHa
Sorry new guy just poking around these message boards trying to figure where to start.

I'm getting a new PC next week I'm going to commit to this project.
Getting a new i7 10th Gen and hoping to get crunching soon.

Any advice on why (or if) I should join a team?

I joined because I could not think of a reason not to give someone a copy of my credits.
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Profile Grant (SSSF)

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Message 99383 - Posted: 23 Oct 2020, 22:19:07 UTC - in response to Message 99381.  
Last modified: 23 Oct 2020, 22:20:07 UTC

I'm getting a new PC next week I'm going to commit to this project.
Getting a new i7 10th Gen and hoping to get crunching soon.
Before you spend your money, i strongly suggest you checkout some reviews to see just how well those CPUs perform.
And how much better other CPUs perform, at often similar (and often enough cheaper) prices.

And given that in a couple of weeks Zen3 is being released, and if the initial leaks are true, the price for all other CPUs will drop significantly once the new ones are available in volume in order to clear that old stock.
Passmark CPU scores (The Ryzen5 5600X is at the bottom end of the new releases- Ryzen 7 5800X, the Ryzen 9 5900X and the Ryzen 9 5950X are the others to be released initially).
Darwin NT
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Sid Celery

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Message 99390 - Posted: 24 Oct 2020, 3:06:20 UTC - in response to Message 99383.  

I'm getting a new PC next week I'm going to commit to this project.
Getting a new i7 10th Gen and hoping to get crunching soon.
Before you spend your money, i strongly suggest you checkout some reviews to see just how well those CPUs perform.
And how much better other CPUs perform, at often similar (and often enough cheaper) prices.

And given that in a couple of weeks Zen3 is being released, and if the initial leaks are true, the price for all other CPUs will drop significantly once the new ones are available in volume in order to clear that old stock.
Passmark CPU scores (The Ryzen5 5600X is at the bottom end of the new releases- Ryzen 7 5800X, the Ryzen 9 5900X and the Ryzen 9 5950X are the others to be released initially).

WTF! Thanks for that info.

I've managed to survive until now with my increasingly flaky AMD FX8370 and I've had my eye on a potential upgrade, but I may have recalibrate everything I previously thought if those price-cuts come through.
January sounds about right. I'm going to start praying I survive until then.
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Message 99392 - Posted: 25 Oct 2020, 0:20:19 UTC - in response to Message 99381.  
Last modified: 25 Oct 2020, 0:24:02 UTC

Any advice on why (or if) I should join a team?

Joining a Team is about shared interests and sharing your thoughts with others on a common message board. There are dozens of Teams so you have lots of research to do. You can also join a team and then leave it just as quickly if it isn't what you thought it was going to be. Some Teams have specialized Boinc add-ins that help you tweak Boinc to your liking while others are more about conversation.

Any points you earn are always yours forever but if you join a Team they will also get an equal amount of your credits when you leave they keep them and at your new Team they will NOT transfer over. This prevents a problem from some years ago from recurring.
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Profile Grant (SSSF)

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Message 99393 - Posted: 25 Oct 2020, 5:09:52 UTC - in response to Message 99390.  
Last modified: 25 Oct 2020, 5:14:13 UTC

I've managed to survive until now with my increasingly flaky AMD FX8370 and I've had my eye on a potential upgrade, but I may have recalibrate everything I previously thought if those price-cuts come through.
The current series should get some price cuts, however for the new series they are actually going to charge $50 over the price of the previous (current) equivalent model. That's how confident AMD are in their new series.

January sounds about right. I'm going to start praying I survive until then.
Jan/Feb should be a good time to buy. A chance for the initial frenzy to die down & retailers to clear unsold Christmas inventory.
March/April is usually the better time to buy as new hardware often gets released then, but with this release in early November nothing really new in the way of CPUs is expected for at least another 6 months.
Darwin NT
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Sid Celery

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Message 99394 - Posted: 25 Oct 2020, 11:32:19 UTC - in response to Message 99393.  

I've managed to survive until now with my increasingly flaky AMD FX8370 and I've had my eye on a potential upgrade, but I may have recalibrate everything I previously thought if those price-cuts come through.
The current series should get some price cuts, however for the new series they are actually going to charge $50 over the price of the previous (current) equivalent model. That's how confident AMD are in their new series.

January sounds about right. I'm going to start praying I survive until then.
Jan/Feb should be a good time to buy. A chance for the initial frenzy to die down & retailers to clear unsold Christmas inventory.
March/April is usually the better time to buy as new hardware often gets released then, but with this release in early November nothing really new in the way of CPUs is expected for at least another 6 months.

I've just had a glance at my usual supplier.
They've got the 3700X at £20 off, but their provisional price for the 5600X is £10 lower still. I know it's 8-core(16T) v 6-core(12T) but that's encouraging
I'm 3 generations behind atm, soon to be 4. I really do need to make a jump.
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Profile Siran d'Vel'nahr

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Message 99396 - Posted: 25 Oct 2020, 13:36:35 UTC - in response to Message 99383.  

I'm getting a new PC next week I'm going to commit to this project.
Getting a new i7 10th Gen and hoping to get crunching soon.
Before you spend your money, i strongly suggest you checkout some reviews to see just how well those CPUs perform.
And how much better other CPUs perform, at often similar (and often enough cheaper) prices.

And given that in a couple of weeks Zen3 is being released, and if the initial leaks are true, the price for all other CPUs will drop significantly once the new ones are available in volume in order to clear that old stock.
Passmark CPU scores (The Ryzen5 5600X is at the bottom end of the new releases- Ryzen 7 5800X, the Ryzen 9 5900X and the Ryzen 9 5950X are the others to be released initially).

Hi Grant,

For me, the only advantage AMD has over Intel is they stuck with PGA and ZIF vs Intel switching to LGA. Bent pins on the CPU are much easier to fix than on the LGA socket.

The only other major thing I do besides crunch here is playing World of Warcraft. Intel has always been better at gaming with their CPUs than AMD.

The PGA/ZIF vs the LGA is not enough advantage for me to switch to AMD after all these years of using Intel. Even AMD's pricing isn't enough. You know the saying: "You get what you pay for." ;)

Have a great day! :)

CAPT Siran d'Vel'nahr XO
USS Vre'kasht NCC-33187

"Logic is the cement of our civilization with which we ascend from chaos using reason as our guide." - T'Plana-hath
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Profile Grant (SSSF)

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Message 99401 - Posted: 26 Oct 2020, 8:30:59 UTC - in response to Message 99396.  

Intel has always been better at gaming with their CPUs than AMD.
That's why we're waiting for the release- all the leaked benchmarks are showing AMD leading Intel, and not by a bit, but a lot, in single threaded applications.

The indications are that AMD will lead with not only multi-threaded loads (as they do now)- but have an even greater lead. They will also increase their lead in power efficiency. They will also increase their lead in performance per $ (even with their higher pricing). And they will have the best IPC (Instructions Per Clock, single threaded performance).

You know the saying: "You get what you pay for." ;)
Unless you're paying good money for an average or poor product. And spending money on anything other than a Ryzen 3 series system, is paying more money for less performance and higher power usage. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.
Darwin NT
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Profile Siran d'Vel'nahr

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Message 99431 - Posted: 29 Oct 2020, 21:19:55 UTC


I am out of tasks!

I reached 2 mil a few days ago, I upped my hours to 8 and we started getting sporadic tasks ready to send out. There are no tasks ready to send and there are no jobs on the main page... :-|

Have a great day! :)

CAPT Siran d'Vel'nahr XO
USS Vre'kasht NCC-33187

"Logic is the cement of our civilization with which we ascend from chaos using reason as our guide." - T'Plana-hath
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Message 99452 - Posted: 31 Oct 2020, 23:34:38 UTC - in response to Message 99431.  


I am out of tasks!

I reached 2 mil a few days ago, I upped my hours to 8 and we started getting sporadic tasks ready to send out. There are no tasks ready to send and there are no jobs on the main page... :-|

Have a great day! :)


Yup with the popularity of everyone wanting to crunch for Covid the tasks run out VERY quickly. The batch of tasks you ran today will be used to generate the next group of tasks, meaning there is a slight delay inbetween batches of tasks. When you add the two together it comes out as an almost perfect storm but it ALSO means Covid is one step closer to being solved due to the short time it takes to get the results back to the Developers.
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Profile Grant (SSSF)

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Message 99586 - Posted: 6 Nov 2020, 9:04:04 UTC

It's confirmed, Ryzen 3 leaves Intel behind.

And for those of you running older AMD hardware, here's a graph to show how much of an improvement it is over their previous products.

Darwin NT
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