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L'Alliance Francophone


257,207.81 None International

0.06 None United States
Sothern Alliance of Computer Krunchers

come join us! if you're from arkansas, texas, oklahoma, etc, and even if you'er not and wanna join us, feel free!

0.10 None None
The Jedi Alliance

A group of Jedi masters on a search for intelligent life in a galaxy far, far away...

0.07 None International
The Davis Family Alliance

0.07 None United States
Austin Nerd Alliance

Friends of the world from Austin, Texas. Help us fight the good fight, help us combat Covid-19!

With our nerd powers combined we can defeat Covid-19.

Please feel free to join we would love to have you!


4,708.81 Local/regional United States
Ocean Alliance

Ocean Alliance studies whales. Why? Generally speaking, most people and countries around the world want to save whales – only a few countries still hunt whales. Commercial whaling, particularly during the 20th century, devastated whale populations and left many teetering on the verge of extinction. Only by the dedicated efforts of the Save the Whale movement, of which our Founder and President Dr. Roger Payne was a key part, were they saved. Many species have yet to recover from commercial whaling, and today they face a new barrage of threats including climate change, noise pollution, and chemical pollution. The problem is that we don’t know how best to protect them. They are difficult to study, and difficult to understand. The solution to this is conservation science – collecting data that will help us protect these animals. Only conservation science can help us better understand whales, so that we can more effectively protect them.

13.17 University or department United States
Oberberg CPU Alliance

Oberberg CPU Alliance

0.09 Local/regional Germany
Alliance Limousine

0.10 None France
Aussie Alliance

As do all boinc teams, We crunch to expand the broader knowledge pool for all humanity current and future generations. More solution seekers be most welcome. Do have a good day folks, The Crew.

0.07 None International
Star Alliance

Loose alliance of friends and family in the quest....

0.09 None United States
International Alliance for BOINC

International team to help projects bound to medizin and space. Everybody has the opportunity to help scientific projects thanks to BOINC, and "International Alliance for BOINC" is here to allow people to work together and with no border such as nationality for example.

0.10 None International
Rising Alliance

The Rising Alliance is a diverse group of people who gathered initially to play Kings of Chaos, a web browser based game. Since then we have evolved into a community that knows no boundaries.

0.00 None International
Secular Student Alliance

The mission of the Secular Student Alliance is to organize, unite, educate, and serve students and student communities that promote the ideals of scientific and critical inquiry, democracy, secularism, and human-based ethics. We envision a future in which nontheistic students are respected voices in public discourse and vital partners in the secular movement's charge against irrationality and dogma. The Secular Student Alliance is a 501(c)3 educational nonprofit. We work to organize and empower nonreligious students around the country. Our primary goal is to foster successful grassroots campus groups which provide a welcoming community for secular students to discuss their views and promote their secular values. Though our office is based in Columbus, Ohio and our affiliated campus groups are predominantly in the United States, we do support affiliates around the world.

0.06 Non-profit organization International
UBC Alliance

UBCers, unite!

0.00 University or department Canada
Internet Alliance, Inc.

0.00 Company United States

First Team of Grlitz ,Germany !

0.00 None Germany
The Snowblind Alliance

0.00 Computer type United Kingdom
Hellenic@BOINC Alliance

0.00 None Greece
Klingon/StarFleet Alliance

To gain honour by crunching work units and any Romulans who get in the way. Together we will find out what makes humans tick.

0.06 None United Kingdom
Changez d'équipe

Probl�me de doublon d'�quipe relatif � l'espace entre le le ' et le A.

Il faudrait donc que toutes les personnes de cette �quipe rejoignent la bonne �quipe qui est 13�me sur Rosetta :

Appuyer sur ce lien
Puis sur le bouton "Join team"


L'Alliance Francophone

0.10 None None
Tix Against Covid

An alliance of those working in the ticketing industry. Ticketweb Ticketmaster Livenation

0.09 Company United Kingdom
French Allies, don’t use

Cette équipe ici fait doublon. Merci de regrouper vos participations sur l’équipe nommée «L'Alliance Francophone» (avec l’article, l’apostrophe simple, sans espace). Pour rejoindre «L'Alliance Francophone», consultez: puis cliquer sur «Join»

0.08 None International
Friends in Tech (FiT)

Friends in Tech is an oxymoronic group of podcasters and bloggers — that is, we are a loose, but tight-knit alliance — individual, but still a group. Each of the members focus on the technology and technology issues that interest them most, including IT, computers, networking and more. We are also friends — as much as the geographic distances allow, hence the name. Each member produces his or her own show or blog, yet we each attempt to help fellow members however we can. Collectively, we each bring with us certain special talents and contributions that we volunteer to the group. There are no “assigned” roles or positions — the only requirement being the desire to actively participate within the group in some fashion.

0.09 None International


Australians that want to participate in BOINC and give a definite Aussie Presence. Australians world wide are welcome and encouraged to join the #1 Aussie Alliance. As the song goes: Come on Aussie come on, come on.

BOINC@AUSTRALIA has a team in all the active BOINC projects.

155,623.62 None Australia
Spatial Instability [SPIN]

Eve Online Alliance Team

0.09 None United States

Team of people who are interested in Grid based distributed and parallel high performance computing (HPC). Originally based in the USA, with the TeraGrid project, it is now a world based project. IBM members worldwide are encouraged to join, from the Health Grid Practice to the Security, Privacy, Governance and Wireless practice. People from the Michigan Core Technology Alliance, the University of Michigan, Michigan State University, Wayne State University, Eastern Michigan University, Oakland University, Grand Valley State University, Walsh College are especially encouraged to join. Everyone is welcome to join!!!

0.07 None International
Shard Exchange/PIF

Members of the Shard Exchange/PIF Alliance

0.09 None International

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