Members of Forum - Public Offtopic []

NameTotal creditRecent average creditCountry
1) Systemroot 9,329 0.10 Germany
2) Milan aka DcBexter 12,045 0.10 Germany
3) audax 235,942 0.10 International
4) Dennis 49 0.09 Germany
5) plugnplay 2,627 0.09 Slovakia
6) Studendeknopp 497 0.09 Germany
7) DeineOmi 169 0.09 Germany
8) SwitchbladeAli 17,004 0.09 Germany
9) kRush 3,946 0.08 Germany
10) DeRocKK 6,606 0.08 Germany
11) mad_melone 91,103 0.08 Germany
12) Eiskrem-Kaiser 3,490 0.08 Germany
13) Freddy_Krueger 2,151 0.08 Germany
14) Elkano 54 0.08 Germany
15) schluppidui 122 0.08 Germany
16) sobrietas 67 0.08 Austria
17) p0p0c4t3p3t3l 25,041 0.07 Spain
18) Ballardbird_Lee 11,381 0.07 Germany
19) TheRealPlextor 1,999 0.07 Switzerland
20) rabbimaan 2,211 0.07 Germany
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