Members of Swiss Boincers

NameTotal creditRecent average creditCountry
1) res 763,654 5.98 Switzerland
2) bluedog 239,734 0.09 Switzerland
3) Witchesglider 192,220 0.08 Switzerland
4) effea18 184,974 0.08 Switzerland
5) Burak 174,154 0.08 Switzerland
6) Zoink [Founder] 146,378 0.07 Switzerland
7) Jidehem 104,013 0.07 Switzerland
8) Hans Lustenberger 94,262 0.07 Switzerland
9) high05 88,480 0.09 Switzerland
10) Premtim 85,435 0.09 Switzerland
11) Blaise Pidoux 55,408 0.07 Switzerland
12) Fabian 54,828 0.10 Switzerland
13) Dalmo 49,365 0.07 Switzerland
14) swiss_man 37,745 0.07 Switzerland
15) Boomerang 31,390 0.07 Switzerland
16) Bananenaffe 29,804 0.09 Switzerland
17) Omvdc 27,688 0.00 Switzerland
18) alex.x 23,278 0.09 Switzerland
19) Powercomp54 10,667 11.02 International
20) pumi 10,330 0.08 Switzerland
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