I am completely confused

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Profile blbtate

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Message 5769 - Posted: 10 Dec 2005, 5:04:47 UTC

I am no, by any means, a computer expert, so just about everything I read since switching to Boinc is total greek to me. I have near 6500 work units with Seti Classic over the last 6 years, and understood [sort of] what I was looking at. Now I have no understanding of credits, The Statistics graph is totally meaningless to me.
But the reason I am posting is that for the first few days, Rosetta more or less worked, but now, it doesnt pick up new work, and the No/Allow New Work button is really screwy. If it reads NO New Work, the status is clear but when I update, it has a message that I am no requesting new work. If I press the button to Allow New Work, the status reads Will not accept new work. If I update either way,I dont get new work. Yes, I know that my other project, Seti has been a disaster for the last week.
Ive had so much trouble since going to Boinc that I am about ready to just take everything off my computer.
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Profile dgnuff

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Message 5783 - Posted: 10 Dec 2005, 7:42:11 UTC - in response to Message 5769.  

I am no, by any means, a computer expert, so just about everything I read since switching to Boinc is total greek to me. I have near 6500 work units with Seti Classic over the last 6 years, and understood [sort of] what I was looking at. Now I have no understanding of credits, The Statistics graph is totally meaningless to me.
But the reason I am posting is that for the first few days, Rosetta more or less worked, but now, it doesnt pick up new work, and the No/Allow New Work button is really screwy. If it reads NO New Work, the status is clear but when I update, it has a message that I am no requesting new work. If I press the button to Allow New Work, the status reads Will not accept new work. If I update either way,I dont get new work. Yes, I know that my other project, Seti has been a disaster for the last week.
Ive had so much trouble since going to Boinc that I am about ready to just take everything off my computer.

There is apparently a problem with seti that's preventing it from downloading WU's. The problem with this is that it eventually causes the whole system to wedge up. Go into Boinc manager, and suspend Seti. No new work isn't enough, you need to suspend it. Once that's done, try updating Rosetta and see if it gets work.
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Profile Paul D. Buck

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Message 5794 - Posted: 10 Dec 2005, 11:34:09 UTC

You are in a new world. The problem is that BOINC has orders of magnitude of additional capability over SETI@Home Classic. Thus, it is a little harder to get traction.

SETI@Home Classic was only a screen saver, then we added command line clients, 3rd party queue programs and a whole lot of effort. Most of the ugliness of the project was hidden from us, including the relevance of the work.

With BOINC we have so much information now it is easy to say that there are more problems with BOINC ... yet, many of these problems are with the individual projects. Even so, we are doing so much more, and for so many more projects that it should boggle the mind if it has not already.

All that being said, there is help, but you have to do your part ...

Read the Wiki ... I know ... Homework! Ugh!
If there are questions or problems with the content, let us know. Even if it is that it is hard to understand.

In there is all the information I have gathered about BOINC for going on two years now. Better, there are more people contributing now than before. The bad news, my health took a nose dive and I have not been able to work on it much recently. The good news, well, maybe, just maybe, I may be turning the corner ...

If that does happen, you can expect to see about 5-10 new pages a day of material ... that was what I was doing historically ... oh, and 20-50 edits elsewhere ...

There is even a short guide of what I suggest you read as a new comer ...

Welcome to BOINC ...
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Message 5811 - Posted: 10 Dec 2005, 19:19:20 UTC - in response to Message 5769.  

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Profile blbtate

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Message 5812 - Posted: 10 Dec 2005, 19:51:28 UTC - in response to Message 5811.  

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Message 5813 - Posted: 10 Dec 2005, 20:11:48 UTC - in response to Message 5812.  

Am I correct in assuming that it will only leave one WU at a time on my computer at a time?

You can change the ammount of WU by changing your settings in General preferences on your account.

Network usage
Connect to network about every
(determines size of work cache; maximum 10 days) 3 days

This is how I have mine and it works fine.

Anders n
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Message 5833 - Posted: 11 Dec 2005, 1:41:33 UTC
Last modified: 11 Dec 2005, 1:42:20 UTC

I'd like to point out that it SOUNDS like it's working perfectly at the moment! You can really just sit back, let it crunch and (if you like) watch your stats grow.

Depending on the settings, you can have a number of workunits at one time. Sometimes you might have only one, but USUALLY (especially if you're connected to multiple projects) you'll have more than one, and often more than one per project. But you should know that you don't HAVE to adjust these settings. Unless you're on dialup and don't want to connect to the internet every time a WU is done, there's no reason to change these settings.

This allows you to crunch work without taking a break for the uploading and downloading.

The reason SETI isn't working, is that they've been having intermittant network problems for the last couple of days. It just means that Rosetta will take more time now, and SETI will make up the time later.

Basically, the default settings should work perfectly. Of course, Rosetta still has a few bugs, and you might get an occasional error message... Again, it's not your fault. If you REALLY want a stable project, you might suspend rosetta for a while as they're still working out all the kinks here. But I like helping out new projects -- particularly ones that are so potentially useful!
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Profile Ed and Harriet Griffith

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Message 5836 - Posted: 11 Dec 2005, 2:43:35 UTC

I am glad you haven't given up. Einstein@home is also a very stable project. If you have each resource share set at 100 in your preferences then each project will get an equal amount of work averaged out over time. Because I like Rosetta I have given it a 200 and the other projects a 100 so Rosetta gets twice as much work. A nice thing about BOINC is that your computer can crunch on other projects if one is down. Over the long haul, BOINC will give each project the time share you designate.

I believe seti will come back eventually, all projects do this from time to time. With the massive transition, I believe it will be early January until things start to settle down at SETI.

If you ask a question in one of these forums, you can subscribe to it so they e-mail you when a response is posted. Connect when it is convenient for you, BOINC does not mind uploading several work units from several projects at once. Work units are also of different sizes, even from the same project, because BOINC is more flexible on taking different sized investigations.

You are doing very well, just take one problem at a time and don't be afraid to ask questions. BOINC people are generally very nice as long as you don't accuse them of evil destroyers of classic and carry on about how awful BOINC is. Thank you very much for giving BOINC a chance!

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Profile blbtate

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Message 5839 - Posted: 11 Dec 2005, 3:45:10 UTC - in response to Message 5836.  


You are doing very well, just take one problem at a time and don't be afraid to ask questions. BOINC people are generally very nice as long as you don't accuse them of evil destroyers of classic and carry on about how awful BOINC is. Thank you very much for giving BOINC a chance![/quote]

Thanks for the comments, and my apologies if I have sounded cranky, or blaming BOINC. I am probably more frustrated with myself for not being willing to do more research into the system. Not to mention that this works so differently from Seti. I have been on cable internet, so Seti just crunched away, and imediatly sent the results, and acquired a new one. Running that way with no concern for six years. Today Rosetta finished a WU and just sat there for several hours before uploading the results. It just leaves me wondering what is wrong, when actually, there isnt anything wrong. I will just let things alone, and see what happens.
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Profile Paul D. Buck

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Message 5864 - Posted: 11 Dec 2005, 14:53:17 UTC - in response to Message 5839.  

Rosetta finished a WU and just sat there for several hours before uploading the results. It just leaves me wondering what is wrong, when actually, there isnt anything wrong. I will just let things alone, and see what happens.

Which version of BOINC are you running?

Reporting is a two stage process with the first stage sending back the result data file (you real data output) and the second to "report" the result(s). The confusing wiki does have a longer description of this, and since I wrote both, not sure if I can make it clearer ... :)

Again, for the most part, BOINC runs just as well unattended as did the SETI@Home Classic, but, because it does have more controls and data displays people seem to have a tendency to want to "fiddle" with it. This of course is complicated by the problems the SETI@Home project is having with their servers which gets blamed on BOINC ... even though these problems are the same as those sufferred by Classic at various times, and other problems were hidden from view the assumption is that they did not exist.

Welcome to BOINC.

Oh, and if you tell us where we confused you in the Wiki, we can take a look to see if we can make it clearer. But, if you keep that to yourself, well, it helps no one ...
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Profile blbtate

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Message 5874 - Posted: 11 Dec 2005, 17:31:51 UTC - in response to Message 5864.  

Which version of BOINC are you running?

Oh, and if you tell us where we confused you in the Wiki, we can take a look to see if we can make it clearer. But, if you keep that to yourself, well, it helps no one ...

I am running version 5.2.13 which I just started on at the first of this month. I guess I should have made it clear that my confusion is actually my fault, due to my ignorance of the inner workings of computer programs, so when I say that the WIKI is confusing, it is basically that I dont understand the terminology, etc. That makes it difficult to even know what questions to ask, or look for. I checked this morning, and Rosetta had done fine, and of course, Setti is still just sitting there, not uploading due to inability to connect with their servers. I might add that Comcast is going through one of its fits this weekend...I believe they have sold to too many customers, without the infrastructure [just my opinion], so in the last few months,sometimes I have no, or very slow connectivity.
I am beginning to think that if I just be patient, and realize this this system just works differently, my 'problems' will disappear. My apologies if I stepped on any toes..Im just old and cranky.

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Profile Paul D. Buck

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Message 5951 - Posted: 12 Dec 2005, 11:36:45 UTC - in response to Message 5874.  

...so when I say that the WIKI is confusing, it is basically that I dont understand the terminology, etc. That makes it difficult to even know what questions to ask, or look for.

You might be older, but I doubt you could get crankier than I ... :)

Yes there are a lot of new terms to learn, which is why we put so much time and trouble into defining the terms. For a little while, you just need to follow them around and get the gist.

Then one day things will start to make more sense.
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Profile KSMarksPsych

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Message 5965 - Posted: 12 Dec 2005, 12:46:34 UTC - in response to Message 5951.  

Yes there are a lot of new terms to learn, which is why we put so much time and trouble into defining the terms. For a little while, you just need to follow them around and get the gist.

Then one day things will start to make more sense.

Listen to Paul. He is very wise. I've been pointed to the Wiki on more than one occassion.

Personally, I like to read it via the show random page. That gets you started on something, then you just follow the links until you've either torn your hair out or had an epiphany. For me, I'm nearly bald now ;)

Kathryn :o)
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Profile blbtate

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Message 6085 - Posted: 13 Dec 2005, 3:18:34 UTC - in response to Message 5965.  

Yes there are a lot of new terms to learn, which is why we put so much time and trouble into defining the terms. For a little while, you just need to follow them around and get the gist.

Then one day things will start to make more sense.

Listen to Paul. He is very wise. I've been pointed to the Wiki on more than one occassion.

Personally, I like to read it via the show random page. That gets you started on something, then you just follow the links until you've either torn your hair out or had an epiphany. For me, I'm nearly bald now ;)


................................................................................Just wanted to write that I hadnt gotten mad and stomped off..since Sat. my cable access has been in and out, went out completely Sunday, and just now it is working..dont know for how long. The tech is scheduled out Wed., so it will probably work fine until he leaves. Thanks everyone for your patience with me, and yes, I think if I am as patient, I will be fine. Bruce

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Profile Paul D. Buck

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Message 6107 - Posted: 13 Dec 2005, 12:22:22 UTC - in response to Message 6085.  

ust wanted to write that I hadnt gotten mad and stomped off ... Thanks everyone for your patience with me, and yes, I think if I am as patient, I will be fine. Bruce

Well, I had not thought that. :)

For the most part I think you will find most of us pretty darn patient if you are likewise. On the other hand, there are those times when *I* certainly do lose my patience. It usually centers around people that want to cling to ingnorance instead of learning ... but I digress ...

Though never feeling as wise as I have been labeled, *MY* recommendation is that when you see words used that you do not understand, look them up in the Wiki first. Read what is there. If it is still not clear, then you can ask.

When we get clear indications of problems with the definitions there, changes can be made. I truncated the history, but, before I did, most of the pages had at least one edit cycle. Many had quite a few. I trimmed the history because it takes up database space (which is limited for me by the provider) and is not used that much by anyone but us editors to see what changed.

Anyway, if you ask in the forums you will get answers, but the best answers are in the Wiki. Oh, and read the FAQs there ...
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Profile Neal Chantrill

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Message 6180 - Posted: 13 Dec 2005, 23:37:22 UTC - in response to Message 5874.  

Which version of BOINC are you running?

Oh, and if you tell us where we confused you in the Wiki, we can take a look to see if we can make it clearer. But, if you keep that to yourself, well, it helps no one ...

I am running version 5.2.13 which I just started on at the first of this month. I guess I should have made it clear that my confusion is actually my fault, due to my ignorance of the inner workings of computer programs, so when I say that the WIKI is confusing, it is basically that I dont understand the terminology, etc. That makes it difficult to even know what questions to ask, or look for. I checked this morning, and Rosetta had done fine, and of course, Setti is still just sitting there, not uploading due to inability to connect with their servers. I might add that Comcast is going through one of its fits this weekend...I believe they have sold to too many customers, without the infrastructure [just my opinion], so in the last few months,sometimes I have no, or very slow connectivity.
I am beginning to think that if I just be patient, and realize this this system just works differently, my 'problems' will disappear. My apologies if I stepped on any toes..Im just old and cranky.

Seti have been having issues over the last few days as far as I can gather from my forum friends and is just getting back to normal. But on the other hand thats the beauty with BOINC, if you have another project running that takes up the slack if one project goes down(ie if you run out of work). You may need to check your prefernces on your account page to see what your settings are but I wouldn't worry at all about having a few units(Whether seti, rosetta or otherwise) in the cache waiting to be returned, they all have a deadline date which is shown on the work tab. I mayself have 4 units unreturned on this computer and I have one thats not net connected which I send in once a day manually. As you can see from my post I'm not a computer person at all, it just takes some getting used to when you switch from one platform to another. Stick with it and you'll find it as easy to use as classic, even I do.



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Profile nasher

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Message 6298 - Posted: 15 Dec 2005, 8:52:56 UTC

dont be ashamed or worry if you dont understand something please ask

there are alot of people with questions or misconseptions about things and are afrade to ask cause they dont want to look stupid or such...

if you dont ask you may never get the answer or you may get a wrong answer...

most people wont care if you post a question that others have posted before they might quote from the other post or such but they will try to answer your question

remember the timeing of seti clasic and Find a drug both closing within 1 day of each other and the influx on Boinc as well as other distributed computing networks has to be bafling some of the scinetists as well as makeing the people incharge of the upload/download servers pull there hair out.

Hope you enjoy Boinc and hope it causes you less problems in the future..

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Profile Paul D. Buck

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Message 6311 - Posted: 15 Dec 2005, 12:34:12 UTC - in response to Message 6298.  

dont be ashamed or worry if you dont understand something please ask

Oh, my yes ...

I live to explain things ...
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Profile blbtate

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Message 6527 - Posted: 17 Dec 2005, 5:52:14 UTC

I am getting slowly less confused, and after setting my preferences to allow a larger download, it seems to be working pretty good. Wish I could say the same about my cable connection...got a real love/hate relationship with it. Love it when it works, but periodically it allows no, or very limited signal, so the last almost two weeks, I have had two days of good operation. Techs were supposed to come twice, and didnt, or even call..have them coming next tuesday. Believe it when I see them. I got a clear shot for now, hope this goes through. I believe that was also increasing my confusion,and not allowing Boinc to operate properly. Also is still making it difficult to connect to the WIKI, to try to learn. Thanks for listening to my rant, and if this connection ever improves, maybe I can try to get educated a little.
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Profile Paul D. Buck

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Message 6541 - Posted: 17 Dec 2005, 8:40:56 UTC

That is the flaw in the current "Internet Revolution" that some are so enamored of ...

There really is only a real revolution if it all works and you have a high capacity connection. Not true or far too many people.

It is at the point for me that if Comcast goes down even for 15-20 minutes it can basically screw up my whole day. I have often been tempted to get a DSL line for just those occasions so it will not put me dead in the water.
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