Posts by Dingo

1) Message boards : News : Coronavirus update from David Baker. Thank you all for your contributions! (Message 99198)
Posted 30 Sep 2020 by Profile Dingo
I'm sorry that I partially caused this from pushing the PR subject over and over on the posts.
However, the number of responses alone in this thread point to a positive aspect, since people are participating, which is the whole point of this Forum.
Thanks again for the update, and please keep'em coming whenever possible!

Only positive out of this is that Rosetta@ home is losing participants and does not seem to care. Bye
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Rosetta 4.0+ (Message 90884)
Posted 1 Jul 2019 by Profile Dingo
I have been getting a lot of errors on my WIN10 machine .

Example Task is


Name	rb_06_30_5782_6008__t000__3_C1_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_848557_38_0
Workunit	973133938
Created	1 Jul 2019, 4:06:58 UTC
Sent	1 Jul 2019, 4:33:27 UTC
Report deadline	4 Jul 2019, 4:33:27 UTC
Received	1 Jul 2019, 5:11:25 UTC
Server state	Over
Outcome	Computation error
Client state	Compute error
Exit status	-1073741819 (0xC0000005) STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION
Computer ID	3397664
Run time	36 min 19 sec
CPU time	35 min 42 sec
Validate state	Invalid
Credit	0.00
Device peak FLOPS	4.46 GFLOPS
Application version	Rosetta v4.07 
Peak working set size	355.39 MB
Peak swap size	340.15 MB
Peak disk usage	485.85 MB
Stderr output
(unknown error) - exit code -1073741819 (0xc0000005)</message>
command: projects/boinc.bakerlab.org_rosetta/rosetta_4.07_windows_intelx86.exe -run:protocol jd2_scripting @flags_rb_06_30_5782_6008__t000__3_C1_robetta -silent_gz -mute all -out:file:silent default.out -in:file:boinc_wu_zip -nstruct 10000 -cpu_run_time 28800 -watchdog -boinc:max_nstruct 600 -checkpoint_interval 120 -database minirosetta_database -in::file::zip -boinc::watchdog -run::rng mt19937 -constant_seed -jran 2996448
Starting watchdog...
Watchdog active.

Unhandled Exception Detected...

- Unhandled Exception Record -
Reason: Access Violation (0xc0000005) at address 0x0099C0E8 write attempt to address 0x0FF6A12C

Engaging BOINC Windows Runtime Debugger...


BOINC Windows Runtime Debugger Version 7.9.0

Dump Timestamp    : 07/01/19 15:09:56
Install Directory : D:BOINC
Data Directory    : C:ProgramDataBOINC
Project Symstore  :
LoadLibraryA( C:ProgramDataBOINCdbghelp.dll ): GetLastError = 126
Loaded Library    : dbghelp.dll
LoadLibraryA( C:ProgramDataBOINCsymsrv.dll ): GetLastError = 126
LoadLibraryA( symsrv.dll ): GetLastError = 126
LoadLibraryA( C:ProgramDataBOINCsrcsrv.dll ): GetLastError = 126
LoadLibraryA( srcsrv.dll ): GetLastError = 126
LoadLibraryA( C:ProgramDataBOINCversion.dll ): GetLastError = 126
Loaded Library    : version.dll
Debugger Engine   :
Symbol Search Path: C:ProgramDataBOINCslots12;C:ProgramDataBOINCprojectsboinc.bakerlab.org_rosetta;srv*C:ProgramDataBOINCprojectsboinc.bakerlab.org_rosettasymbols*;srv*C:ProgramDataBOINCprojectsboinc.bakerlab.org_rosettasymbols*

ModLoad: 00000000006b0000 0000000003413000 C:ProgramDataBOINCprojectsboinc.bakerlab.org_rosettarosetta_4.07_windows_intelx86.exe (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : C:cygwinhomeboincRosetta_4.07mainsourceideVisualStudioBoincReleaserosetta_4.07_windows_intelx86.pdb

ModLoad: 0000000077db0000 000000000019a000 C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32ntdll.dll (6.2.18362.1) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : wntdll.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.1

ModLoad: 0000000077040000 00000000000e0000 C:WINDOWSSystem32KERNEL32.DLL (6.2.18362.86) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : wkernel32.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.1

ModLoad: 0000000075630000 00000000001fc000 C:WINDOWSSystem32KERNELBASE.dll (6.2.18362.145) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : wkernelbase.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.1

ModLoad: 00000000765e0000 000000000005e000 C:WINDOWSSystem32WS2_32.dll (6.2.18362.1) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : ws2_32.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.1

ModLoad: 0000000076520000 00000000000bb000 C:WINDOWSSystem32RPCRT4.dll (6.2.18362.1) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : wrpcrt4.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.1

ModLoad: 0000000075580000 0000000000020000 C:WINDOWSSystem32SspiCli.dll (6.2.18362.1) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : wsspicli.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.1

ModLoad: 0000000075570000 000000000000a000 C:WINDOWSSystem32CRYPTBASE.dll (6.2.18362.1) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : cryptbase.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.1

ModLoad: 00000000766a0000 000000000005f000 C:WINDOWSSystem32bcryptPrimitives.dll (6.2.18362.175) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : bcryptprimitives.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.175 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.175

ModLoad: 0000000077810000 0000000000076000 C:WINDOWSSystem32sechost.dll (6.2.18362.1) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : sechost.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.1

ModLoad: 0000000075ce0000 0000000000195000 C:WINDOWSSystem32USER32.dll (6.2.18362.1) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : wuser32.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.1

ModLoad: 0000000075b10000 0000000000017000 C:WINDOWSSystem32win32u.dll (6.2.18362.207) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : wwin32u.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.207 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.207

ModLoad: 0000000077a00000 0000000000021000 C:WINDOWSSystem32GDI32.dll (6.2.18362.1) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : wgdi32.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.1

ModLoad: 0000000077ab0000 000000000015a000 C:WINDOWSSystem32gdi32full.dll (6.2.18362.175) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : wgdi32full.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.175 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.175

ModLoad: 0000000075f30000 000000000007c000 C:WINDOWSSystem32msvcp_win.dll (6.2.18362.1) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : msvcp_win.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.1

ModLoad: 00000000776f0000 000000000011f000 C:WINDOWSSystem32ucrtbase.dll (6.2.18362.1) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : ucrtbase.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.1

ModLoad: 0000000077a30000 0000000000079000 C:WINDOWSSystem32ADVAPI32.dll (6.2.18362.1) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : advapi32.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.1

ModLoad: 0000000075fb0000 00000000000bf000 C:WINDOWSSystem32msvcrt.dll (7.0.18362.1) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : msvcrt.pdb
    File Version          : 7.0.18362.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 7.0.18362.1

ModLoad: 0000000075e80000 0000000000025000 C:WINDOWSSystem32IMM32.DLL (6.2.18362.1) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : wimm32.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.1

ModLoad: 0000000075b00000 000000000000f000 C:WINDOWSSystem32kernel.appcore.dll (6.2.18362.1) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : Kernel.Appcore.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.1

ModLoad: 0000000074760000 0000000000029000 C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32ntmarta.dll (6.2.18362.1) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : ntmarta.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.1

ModLoad: 0000000070ac0000 000000000018f000 C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32dbghelp.dll (6.2.18362.1) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : dbghelp.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.1

ModLoad: 0000000075390000 0000000000008000 C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32version.dll (6.2.18362.1) (-exported- Symbols Loaded)
    Linked PDB Filename   : version.pdb
    File Version          : 10.0.18362.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
    Company Name          : Microsoft Corporation
    Product Name          : Microsoft&#174; Windows&#174; Operating System
    Product Version       : 10.0.18362.1

*** Dump of the Process Statistics: ***

- I/O Operations Counters -
Read: 68421, Write: 0, Other 12761

- I/O Transfers Counters -
Read: 0, Write: 201787, Other 0

- Paged Pool Usage -
QuotaPagedPoolUsage: 247184, QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage: 247456
QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage: 17872, QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage: 17872

- Virtual Memory Usage -
VirtualSize: 1019084800, PeakVirtualSize: 1019260928

- Pagefile Usage -
PagefileUsage: 347602944, PeakPagefileUsage: 356671488

- Working Set Size -
WorkingSetSize: 362020864, PeakWorkingSetSize: 372654080, PageFaultCount: 724526

*** Dump of thread ID 15204 (state: Waiting): ***

- Information -
Status: Wait Reason: UserRequest, , Kernel Time: 120312496.000000, User Time: 21310781440.000000, Wait Time: 4658042.000000

- Unhandled Exception Record -
Reason: Access Violation (0xc0000005) at address 0x0099C0E8 write attempt to address 0x0FF6A12C

- Registers -
eax=09d5b765 ebx=00000000 ecx=0ff6a12c edx=09d5bb98 esi=09d5b750 edi=0ff6a12c
eip=0099c0e8 esp=09d5b6f4 ebp=09d5b6f4
cs=0023  ss=002b  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00010203

- Callstack -
ChildEBP RetAddr  Args to Child
09d5b6f4 0099b277 00000065 09d5b768 09d5b750 0099b20d rosetta_4.07_windows_intelx86!xmlParserInputRead+0x0 
09d5bbac 0099c3f5 00000005 00000000 0ff6a12c ffffffff rosetta_4.07_windows_intelx86!xmlParserInputRead+0x0 
09d5bbd0 009b72f4 00000005 00000000 0ff6a12c ffffffff rosetta_4.07_windows_intelx86!xmlParserInputRead+0x0 
09d5bbf4 009c6dae 0ff6a12c 02e3f36c 02e3f46c 00000421 rosetta_4.07_windows_intelx86!xmlParserInputRead+0x0 
09d5bc14 0099d384 0000000b 00000000 00000000 00000000 rosetta_4.07_windows_intelx86!xmlParserInputRead+0x0 
09d5bc34 009922ab c0000005 09d5bc68 00991980 fffffffe rosetta_4.07_windows_intelx86!xmlParserInputRead+0x0 
09d5fce0 77056359 03c41000 77056340 09d5fd4c 77e17a94 rosetta_4.07_windows_intelx86!xmlParserInputRead+0x0 
09d5fcf0 77e17a94 03c41000 db2142c3 00000000 00000000 KERNEL32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x0 
09d5fd4c 77e17a64 ffffffff 77e38e48 00000000 00000000 ntdll!RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath+0x0 
09d5fd5c 00000000 009922dd 03c41000 00000000 00000000 ntdll!RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath+0x0 

*** Dump of thread ID 13176 (state: Waiting): ***

- Information -
Status: Wait Reason: ExecutionDelay, , Kernel Time: 0.000000, User Time: 0.000000, Wait Time: 4658040.000000

- Registers -
eax=00000000 ebx=0000000a ecx=00000000 edx=00000000 esi=00000000 edi=2f3cf67c
eip=77e21fdc esp=2f3cf63c ebp=2f3cf6a0
cs=0023  ss=002b  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00000206

- Callstack -
ChildEBP RetAddr  Args to Child
2f3cf6a0 7573e61f 00000064 00000000 2f3cf8dc 01b9d11b ntdll!NtDelayExecution+0x0 
2f3cf6b0 01b9d11b 00000064 01b9d0f0 01b9d0f0 00000000 KERNELBASE!Sleep+0x0 
2f3cf8dc 77056359 00000000 77056340 2f3cf948 77e17a94 rosetta_4.07_windows_intelx86!xmlMutexLock+0x0 
2f3cf8ec 77e17a94 00000000 fdc846c7 00000000 00000000 KERNEL32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x0 
2f3cf948 77e17a64 ffffffff 77e38e48 00000000 00000000 ntdll!RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath+0x0 
2f3cf958 00000000 01b9d0f0 00000000 00000000 00000000 ntdll!RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath+0x0 

*** Dump of thread ID 9092 (state: Waiting): ***

- Information -
Status: Wait Reason: ExecutionDelay, , Kernel Time: 0.000000, User Time: 0.000000, Wait Time: 4657917.000000

- Registers -
eax=00000000 ebx=0a979001 ecx=00000000 edx=00000000 esi=00000000 edi=15dffb48
eip=77e21fdc esp=15dffb08 ebp=15dffb6c
cs=0023  ss=002b  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00000202

- Callstack -
ChildEBP RetAddr  Args to Child
15dffb6c 7573e61f 000007d0 00000000 15dffc64 01418d91 ntdll!NtDelayExecution+0x0 
15dffb7c 01418d91 000007d0 3913a42a 0a979028 01418f70 KERNELBASE!Sleep+0x0 
15dffc64 01418f77 00000000 01b8a2f5 00000000 3913a4e6 rosetta_4.07_windows_intelx86!xmlMutexLock+0x0 
15dffca8 77056359 0a979028 77056340 15dffd14 77e17a94 rosetta_4.07_windows_intelx86!xmlMutexLock+0x0 
15dffcb8 77e17a94 0a979028 c72b429b 00000000 00000000 KERNEL32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x0 
15dffd14 77e17a64 ffffffff 77e38e48 00000000 00000000 ntdll!RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath+0x0 
15dffd24 00000000 01b8a29e 0a979028 00000000 00000000 ntdll!RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath+0x0 

*** Dump of thread ID 8756 (state: Waiting): ***

- Information -
Status: Wait Reason: EventPairLow, , Kernel Time: 0.000000, User Time: 0.000000, Wait Time: 4612556.000000

- Registers -
eax=00000000 ebx=2037ded0 ecx=00000000 edx=00000000 esi=2037ded0 edi=09f407c0
eip=77e2396c esp=3bfef670 ebp=3bfef828
cs=0023  ss=002b  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00000212

- Callstack -
ChildEBP RetAddr  Args to Child
3bfef828 77056359 09f407c0 77056340 3bfef894 77e17a94 ntdll!NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory+0x0 
3bfef838 77e17a94 09f407c0 e90a471b 00000000 00000000 KERNEL32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x0 
3bfef894 77e17a64 ffffffff 77e38e48 00000000 00000000 ntdll!RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath+0x0 
3bfef8a4 00000000 77e063a0 09f407c0 00000000 00000000 ntdll!RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath+0x0 

*** Debug Message Dump ****

*** Foreground Window Data ***
    Window Name      : 
    Window Class     : 
    Window Process ID: 0
    Window Thread ID : 0


3) Message boards : Number crunching : [error] negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00 (Message 66359)
Posted 30 May 2010 by Profile Dingo
That is an error in the RR Sim module ... as far as I have been able to tell it is of little consequence ... however, if you can replecate it at will can you capture a log for me so I can post it?

I need you to create a file named cc_config.xml in a text editor and add this:


Drop that file in the BOINC dir where the "client_state.xml" file resides ... on the "advanced Menu" click "read config file" check the messages log and you should see more messages wait a few seconds and then edit the file to set those flags to 0


and re-read the config file ...

copy the messages posted and I am going to PM you my e-mail address and I will post the log to the developers (I had the same problem but I cannot reproduce it at will) ...

As far as I can tell it is not a big deal other than RR Sim is not calculating the internal operations right meaning the internal scheduling is farbled ...


I believe that it was the DNETC project that was at fault. I had what appeared to be GPU work units running on the CPU or that is what it appeared to be in BoincManager.

I have detached from DENETC on all my PC's and the problem has gone away.

I am in the middle of a move so will retry if you want the logs in a few weeks ??

4) Message boards : Number crunching : [error] negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00 (Message 66351)
Posted 29 May 2010 by Profile Dingo
On one of my PC's I keep getting this error that repeats about every 10 second. I have checked the computer and cannot see any tasks that have errored ??

Can anyone help me with this error?

29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM Collatz Conjecture Computation for task collatz_1273617017_157900_2 finished
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM Collatz Conjecture [error] collatz_1274651302_263590_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_347078_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_346986_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_346823_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM Collatz Conjecture [error] collatz_1274651302_263590_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_347078_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_346986_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_346823_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM Collatz Conjecture [error] collatz_1274651302_263590_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_347078_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_346986_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_346823_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM Collatz Conjecture [error] collatz_1274651302_263590_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_347078_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_346986_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_346823_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM Collatz Conjecture [error] collatz_1274651302_263590_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_347078_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_346986_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_346823_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM Collatz Conjecture [error] collatz_1274651302_263590_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_347078_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_346986_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_346823_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM Collatz Conjecture [error] collatz_1274651302_263590_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_347078_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_346986_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_346823_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM Collatz Conjecture [error] collatz_1274651302_263590_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_347078_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_346986_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_346823_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM Collatz Conjecture [error] collatz_1274651302_263590_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_347078_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_346986_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_346823_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM Collatz Conjecture [error] collatz_1274651302_263590_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_347078_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_346986_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_346823_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM Collatz Conjecture [error] collatz_1274651302_263590_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_347078_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_346986_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_346823_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM Collatz Conjecture [error] collatz_1274651302_263590_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_347078_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_346986_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_346823_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM Collatz Conjecture [error] collatz_1274651302_263590_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_347078_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_346986_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_346823_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM Collatz Conjecture [error] collatz_1274651302_263590_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_347078_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_346986_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_346823_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM Collatz Conjecture [error] collatz_1274651302_263590_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_347078_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_346986_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_346823_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM Collatz Conjecture [error] collatz_1274651302_263590_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_347078_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_346986_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_346823_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM Collatz Conjecture [error] collatz_1274651302_263590_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_347078_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_346986_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_346823_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM Collatz Conjecture [error] collatz_1274651302_263590_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_347078_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_346986_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_346823_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM Collatz Conjecture [error] collatz_1274651302_263590_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_347078_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_346986_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_346823_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM Collatz Conjecture [error] collatz_1274651302_263590_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_347078_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_346986_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_346823_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM Collatz Conjecture [error] collatz_1274651302_263590_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_347078_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_346986_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM Collatz Conjecture [error] collatz_1274651302_263590_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM DNETC@HOME [error] dnetc_gpu_ATI_normal_347078_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM Collatz Conjecture [error] collatz_1274651302_263590_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_10-14_21255_72_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] rb_05_25_174_665_t000__t0559_IGNORE_THE_REST_06_09_21272_97_1: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_4-5_21255_58_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [error] T0553_Wh001_SAVE_ALL_OUT_IGNORE_THE_REST_7-10_21255_6_0: negative FLOPs left -1.#IND00
29/05/2010 2:57:13 PM rosetta@home [err
5) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : BOINC Australia (Message 53487)
Posted 31 May 2008 by Profile Dingo
I thought an update was about due

All Australians and anyone who is interested, is invited to join a team involved in all BOINC projects, become part of the Aussie Alliance and compete with the largest national teams.

BOINC@AUSTRALIA has a great member retention and participation rate, better than most other teams. Please pop in and find out why.

We're here for the science but enjoy the fun. We have a team web site, active forum, team camaraderie and best of all great team members. If you're interested please click on the link in my signature.

* BOINC@AUSTRALIA is in the top 10?
* We're ranked 10th out of 74,461 world teams for combined BOINC projects.
* We're the #1 Aussie team, with more than 330 Million credits - That's a lot of science!
* The team is active in all current BOINC projects.
* We're still growing and looking for more members in any BOINC project.
* Your existing BBC Climate credits come with you.
* Future credits from all projects will help build a powerful Aussie Alliance.
* BOINC@AUSTRALIA has over 2,000 members.

Together, we'll not only be the top Australian team, but in the top 10 of the world.

We are open to new suggestions, new members and new science. Come and look us over - You can check out our web site by clicking on the team logo below and also have a look around our forum.

Once you are a member of the Team join the Forum using the same name and email address so that I can confirm you are a member of the Team.

6) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems with Rosetta version 5.81 (Message 48684)
Posted 15 Nov 2007 by Profile Dingo
Yes you are correct. I have the same error on at least one other PC that is the same name MFR_SYMM_FOLD_ etc.

7) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems with Rosetta version 5.81 (Message 48666)
Posted 14 Nov 2007 by Profile Dingo
I am getting multiple wu's with errors on this PC but not all wu's just a few. But it is waisted time if I do not get credit ?? I don't seem to be having any problems with other PC's.

655532 SWAN 313.95 4,418.22 GenuineIntel Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz [x86 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 11] Microsoft Windows XP
Professional Edition, Service Pack 2, (05.01.2600.00)

Exapmle of the wu's

8) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : BOINC Australia (Message 48655)
Posted 14 Nov 2007 by Profile Dingo
I thought an update was warranted as we are now 10th in the world and have over 199 Million Credits. AA10 is starting on the 01 December 07, which project will it be ???

All Australians and anyone who is interested, is invited to join a team involved in all BOINC projects, become part of the Aussie Alliance and compete with the largest national teams.

BOINC@AUSTRALIA has a great member retention and participation rate, better than most other teams. Please pop in and find out why.

We're here for the science but enjoy the fun. We have a team web site, active forum, team camaraderie and best of all great team members. If you're interested please click on the link in my signature.

* BOINC@AUSTRALIA is in the top 10?
* We're ranked 10th out of 65,000 world teams for combined BOINC projects.
* We're the #1 Aussie team, with more than 199 Million credits - That's a lot of science!
* The team is active in all current BOINC projects.
* We're still growing and looking for more members in any BOINC project.
* Your existing BBC Climate credits come with you.
* Future credits from all projects will help build a powerful Aussie Alliance.
* BOINC@AUSTRALIA has over 1,000 members.

Together, we'll not only be the top Australian team, but in the top 10 of the world.

We are open to new suggestions, new members and new science. Come and look us over - You can check out our web site by clicking on the team logo below and also have a look around our forum.

Once you are a member of the Team join the Forum using the same name and email address so that I can confirm you are a member of the Team.

9) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : BOINC Australia (Message 43568)
Posted 12 Jul 2007 by Profile Dingo
I live in Canada BUT

All Australians and anyone who is interested, is invited to join a team involved in all BOINC projects, become part of the

Aussie Alliance and compete with the largest national teams.

BOINC@AUSTRALIA has a great member retention and participation rate, better than most other teams. Please pop in and find out why

We're here for the science but enjoy the fun. We have a team web site, active forum, team camaraderie and best of all great team

members. If you're interested please click on the link in my signature.

* BOINC@AUSTRALIA is in striking distance of the top 15?
* We're ranked 19th out of 57,000 world teams for combined BOINC projects.
* We're the #1 Aussie team, with more than 127 Million credits - That's a lot of science!
* The team is active in all current BOINC projects.
* We're still growing and looking for more members in any BOINC project.
* Your existing BBC Climate credits come with you.
* Future credits from all projects will help build a powerful Aussie Alliance.
* BOINC@AUSTRALIA has over 1,000 members.

Together, we'll not only be the top Australian team, but in the top 20 of the world.

We are open to new suggestions, new members and new science. Come and look us over - You can check out our web site by clicking

on the team logo below and also have a look around our forum. You can join by clicking on the "Join.." hyperlink and follow the prompts.

You can ask for assistance in the forum too.

10) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Oh Canada? (Message 36219)
Posted 6 Feb 2007 by Profile Dingo
I live in Canada, in Ontario but I am the founder of BOINC@AUSTRALIA. So if you are an Aussie or want to be one come and have a look at us.
11) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Last one to post here wins! (Message 31792)
Posted 29 Nov 2006 by Profile Dingo
There's always one of these nonsense posts to post in.

OH by the way I win !!!!
12) Message boards : Number crunching : Report Problems With BOINC SERVER UPGRADE (Message 18467)
Posted 11 Jun 2006 by Profile Dingo

I am not sure if this has anything to do with the update but my Tasks started erroring. My last sucessfull task was 10 Jun 2006 5:48:24 UTC. I have reset the project, but not downloaded any new tasks yet.


2006-06-11 10:10:19 [rosetta@home] Resuming computation for result t296__CASP7_ABINITIO_SAVE_ALL_OUT_hom013__638_3836_1 using rosetta version 522
2006-06-11 10:10:20 [---] using earliest-deadline-first scheduling because computer is overcommitted.
2006-06-11 10:11:47 [rosetta@home] Result t296__CASP7_ABINITIO_SAVE_ALL_OUT_hom013__638_3836_1 exited with zero status but no 'finished' file
2006-06-11 10:11:47 [rosetta@home] If this happens repeatedly you may need to reset the project.
2006-06-11 10:11:47 [---] Rescheduling CPU: application exited
2006-06-11 10:11:58 [rosetta@home] Restarting result t296__CASP7_ABINITIO_SAVE_ALL_OUT_hom013__638_3836_1 using rosetta version 522
2006-06-11 10:14:20 [rosetta@home] Result t296__CASP7_ABINITIO_SAVE_ALL_OUT_hom013__638_3836_1 exited with zero status but no 'finished' file
2006-06-11 10:14:20 [rosetta@home] If this happens repeatedly you may need to reset the project.
2006-06-11 10:14:20 [---] Rescheduling CPU: application exited
2006-06-11 10:14:20 [rosetta@home] Restarting result t296__CASP7_ABINITIO_SAVE_ALL_OUT_hom013__638_3836_1 using rosetta version 522
2006-06-11 10:14:57 [---] Rescheduling CPU: application exited
2006-06-11 10:14:57 [rosetta@home] Computation for result t296__CASP7_ABINITIO_SAVE_ALL_OUT_hom013__638_3836_1 finished
2006-06-11 10:14:59 [rosetta@home] Starting result t314__CASP7_ABRELAX_SAVE_ALL_OUT_hom003__666_12281_0 using rosetta version 522
2006-06-11 10:16:11 [rosetta@home] Result t314__CASP7_ABRELAX_SAVE_ALL_OUT_hom003__666_12281_0 exited with zero status but no 'finished' file
2006-06-11 10:16:12 [rosetta@home] If this happens repeatedly you may need to reset the project.
2006-06-11 10:16:12 [---] Rescheduling CPU: application exited
2006-06-11 10:16:12 [rosetta@home] Unrecoverable error for result t296__CASP7_ABINITIO_SAVE_ALL_OUT_hom013__638_3836_1 (<file_xfer_error>
2006-06-11 10:16:12 [rosetta@home] Restarting result t314__CASP7_ABRELAX_SAVE_ALL_OUT_hom003__666_12281_0 using rosetta version 522
2006-06-11 10:48:03 [---] Rescheduling CPU: application exited
2006-06-11 10:48:03 [rosetta@home] Computation for result t314__CASP7_ABRELAX_SAVE_ALL_OUT_hom003__666_12281_0 finished
2006-06-11 10:48:05 [rosetta@home] Starting result t299__CASP7_JUMPABINITIO_SAVE_ALL_OUT_BARCODE_hom003__676_7666_0 using rosetta version 522
2006-06-11 10:48:08 [rosetta@home] Started upload of t314__CASP7_ABRELAX_SAVE_ALL_OUT_hom003__666_12281_0_0
2006-06-11 10:48:32 [rosetta@home] Finished upload of t314__CASP7_ABRELAX_SAVE_ALL_OUT_hom003__666_12281_0_0
2006-06-11 10:48:32 [rosetta@home] Throughput 721 bytes/sec
2006-06-11 11:06:12 [---] Rescheduling CPU: project reset by user
2006-06-11 11:06:12 [rosetta@home] Resetting project
13) Questions and Answers : Windows : ***UNHANDLED EXCEPTION**** (Message 676)
Posted 28 Sep 2005 by Profile Dingo
Another WU another error. WU

- exit code -1073741819 (0xc0000005)

Reason: Access Violation (0xc0000005) at address 0x7C911BF4 write attempt to address 0x00000000


I have detached all my PC's till the project is more stable. I have been involved in a lot of Beta's, others can do the hard work this time.

14) Questions and Answers : Windows : ***UNHANDLED EXCEPTION**** (Message 665)
Posted 27 Sep 2005 by Profile Dingo

The first WU I tried a while back did not finish. I started again because I heard that the application was more stable. The first WU to finish with this new stable version errored. I have no problem with any of the other projects. I know this is Beta so this is not a winge but a bug report.

The WU is
I am using the new version of the application 4.77. The error seems to be in BOINC ???

- exit code -1073741819 (0xc0000005)

Reason: Access Violation (0xc0000005) at address 0x7C910F29 read attempt to address 0x3FA2F214



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