Posts by efren

1) Message boards : Rosetta@home Science : 10 reasons I crunch R@H and you should too (Message 26782)
Posted 14 Sep 2006 by Profile efren

2) Message boards : Rosetta@home Science : 10 reasons I crunch R@H and you should too (Message 26781)
Posted 14 Sep 2006 by Profile efren
The rest of my BOINC projects presently say "no new work"... here's some reasons,

Why Rosetta gets my crunch time:

10) Runs on Mac and Linux too. Everyone can help.

9) Winning CASP team, I like being a part of a winning team.

8) If your in to credits and on a team, the project is new enough it's not as hard to climb to the top spots.

7) Work always ready for download from top notch servers, no lost crunch time waiting for work.

6) Helpful message board community

5) Dr. Baker gives science updates personally.

4) Active and responsive project team.

3) Graphics help you understand how it works.

2) *I* control how long I want each work unit to run.

1) Compelling mission, technology that could basically wipe out disease as we know it!

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