Posts by keyboards

1) Message boards : Number crunching : More seeds or more decoys per seed? (Message 28704)
Posted 29 Sep 2006 by keyboards

Each WU has a different random number "seed". In computer programmer speak, a "seed" is a starting point for generating random numbers. If two machines had the same seed, they would crunch through the same exact models in sequence.

So when is a random number not a random number? To be technical it is a pseudo-random number generator ;-)

Just to be a bit of a wise a** :-)
2) Message boards : Number crunching : No annonymous moderators (Message 28087)
Posted 21 Sep 2006 by keyboards
Okies people Behave!!! I will not tolerate more off topic messages!!!!
Violators will be slapped silly with a wet trout.

ARGH!!!! I just channeled a moderator!!!!

I prefer my trout broiled please ;-)
3) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Suggestions for moderator handles (Message 28079)
Posted 21 Sep 2006 by keyboards
4) Message boards : Number crunching : Won't return until ghost WUs and black hole routers are gone. (Message 26624)
Posted 11 Sep 2006 by keyboards
You might try some of the tools at (they are mostly free).

If you look at this link there is information on the tool to use and some free software that will let you update your MTU setting (without editing the registry directly) to hopefully alleviate your "balck hole router" issue.

Best of luck if you so desire to venture onward. Worth a look, maybe?
5) Message boards : Number crunching : All crunchers are equally important (Message 23305)
Posted 19 Aug 2006 by keyboards
It seems that the original point of this thread has been totally hijacked.

One lowly P3 or a Cray, it all helps the science. Let's try to keep that in mind.

We all do what we can under our own specific circumstances.

6) Message boards : Number crunching : Thread Delete: Why I am pulling my machines out. (Message 23238)
Posted 18 Aug 2006 by keyboards
Sorry for a moment I thought this was professional !

Sorry Carl but unfortunately most of it is still volunteer - although an earlier modding would have been beneficial to the project and community.
7) Message boards : Number crunching : Thread Delete: Why I am pulling my machines out. (Message 23227)
Posted 18 Aug 2006 by keyboards
8) Message boards : Number crunching : All crunchers are equally important (Message 23223)
Posted 18 Aug 2006 by keyboards
SETI anyone :)

I've never been one to complain about this in the past, but if you ask me, SETI is proof of the depravity of man! LOL! For Pete's sake folks, it's about the sorriest excuse for serious science I've ever come across.

But I do wish Rosetta had their recruiting success!

At one time, SETI was the only DC project (long before BOINC - I started crunching WUs back in the 90's and had nearly 100k hours before they shut down classic) and seemed like a good use of spare CPU cycles. That's also where the strong base came from. Now, there are many choices and each can devote their resources as they see fit

To each their own, that's what makes the world go round ;-)

Crunch what your heart desires!
9) Message boards : Number crunching : All crunchers are equally important (Message 23187)
Posted 18 Aug 2006 by keyboards
SETI anyone :)

Been there, left that after all the "cheating" allegations, hope this doesn't turn into the same mess ;-)
10) Message boards : Number crunching : All crunchers are equally important (Message 23173)
Posted 18 Aug 2006 by keyboards
A look at your RAC says it all.

Your's too! Your RAC is the second lowest of all posters in this thread. *LOL*

RAC SCHMACK - The point of this thread is that all crunchers large and small are important. The luck of the draw (WU distribution) means that any cruncher has a chance to find the lowest RMSD or best fold for an unreleased protein.

Please keep it upbeat and keep crunching, there are many other threads for gripes and flames ;-)
11) Message boards : Number crunching : CASP WUs past CASP deadline (Message 21925)
Posted 6 Aug 2006 by keyboards
Setting the cache size very small (at least for a while) sure helps to receive always those workunits, that are currently needed and helps keep the CASP7 deadlines

Annas - My cahce is only 3 or 4 WUs deep at 8 hour crunch times. The questionable WUs (based on CASP expiry) were downloaded AFTER the official expiry, hence my question regarding the WUs being sent. All others are still before expiry and will be completed before the required time.
12) Message boards : Number crunching : CASP WUs past CASP deadline (Message 21858)
Posted 4 Aug 2006 by keyboards
Please don't misunderstand - if you look at my original post in this thread I have no intentions of abandoning any WUs. Just looking to give other projects their fair share since I suspended all projects (being mindful of their due dates) several weeks ago to help Rosetta during CASP. Also, I realize that project and CASP deadlines are different, and I was referring to the CASP expiry dates (based on the link in my earlier post to the CASP target page).

I'd just let them run their course as well. From what I understand, Rosetta will continue to experiment with the Casp7 models even after Casp7 is complete.

Incidentally, after CASP7 is done, the SAP climate project ( is looking for a temporary boost to get the last 700 of their models finished, and they'd love it if people were to process a model or two each (each model takes roughly 12-18 CPU days to complete). I don't know what they intend to do after that, if they're shutting down or just going into hibernation...?

I have said I would let them run their course with BOINC managing the debt that other projects have accumulated - I was just looking to return my suspended projects to activity to give them their fair share. For instance, SETI-Beta has just released a new application for testing before releasing in the wild - 2 of my Beta crunchers haven't touched a WU in over 3 weeks and I think that project is now due its share.

The original question was whether or not the last of the WUs for CASP7 had been sent, in which case I would have allowed other projects to run. Since that is not the case, I am still on Rosetta 100% till Monday, then no new tasks for a while and let other projects catch up.
13) Message boards : Number crunching : CASP WUs past CASP deadline (Message 21850)
Posted 4 Aug 2006 by keyboards
I think that the date completed is more important than the WU's attatched deadline. All WU's are being generated with arbitrary one-week deadlines. However, regardless of the attatched deadline, If it's completed and returned before Monday's deadline, it will still be evaluated for CASP submission.

The Done Dates are important, not the Due Dates.

However, If you could, I'm sure that Dr. Baker would appreciate it if you could clear out your cues instead of abandoning them as they will still be valuable for method improvements.

I would just stop accepting new work an drain them. I don't know how deep your cues are. But you can probably guess the best time to stop accepting new work to free up machines for your other projects.

Please don't misunderstand - if you look at my original post in this thread I have no intentions of abandoning any WUs. Just looking to give other projects their fair share since I suspended all projects (being mindful of their due dates) several weeks ago to help Rosetta during CASP. Also, I realize that project and CASP deadlines are different, and I was referring to the CASP expiry dates (based on the link in my earlier post to the CASP target page).

On to the finish!

If I saw an older Wu on 1 of my computers I would pause it untill next week :)

Anders - I have already done that with one WU a T365, just I won't be able to monitor all systems over the weekend.
14) Message boards : Number crunching : CASP WUs past CASP deadline (Message 21842)
Posted 4 Aug 2006 by keyboards
I have started receiving CASP7 WUs that have passed their CASP expiry and wondered if that means that all targets due for CASP have been sent and I can start allowing some time to my poor neglected projects?

BTW - I realize that the science is still valid and these WUs will be completed, just would like to start re-balancing my debt numbers.

Hi keyboards

CASP 7 ends on monday so please hold on over the week end.

Anders n

Anders -

I realize it isn't over till its over (Monday), but based on the IDs on the WUs, their CASP expiry has passed (based on the deadlines shown here ). If their CASP expiry has passed, then isn't their submission time also passed or has there been some re-issuing of older targets?


Don L.
15) Message boards : Number crunching : CASP WUs past CASP deadline (Message 21835)
Posted 4 Aug 2006 by keyboards
I have started receiving CASP7 WUs that have passed their CASP expiry and wondered if that means that all targets due for CASP have been sent and I can start allowing some time to my poor neglected projects?

BTW - I realize that the science is still valid and these WUs will be completed, just would like to start re-balancing my debt numbers.
16) Message boards : Number crunching : Newly built 5.4.10 optimized windows boinc client (Message 21673)
Posted 2 Aug 2006 by keyboards

I feel like I've said this so many times that either I'm the stupidest person in history or I don't know how to say it to get across my meaning.
If anyone doesn't understand what I am saying, please say so. Otherwise tell me what is wrong with my thinking. If not, why all the discussion, just implement it and lets get on with the next issue.
Thanks for your time,
A very frustrated Movieman

David : you are not are the most dedicated Rosetreer I know. I for one have to thank you for having hooked me into Rosetta.

Te he te he (Insert blushing Smilie here) I was the one that proposed doing away with the credits. I was playing the devil advocate.., I just wanted to show that credits fluffy are they are do have a role in the DC Community. :)

I agree with you ...a credit systems that measures work produced, simple and secure is the way to go.

Thanks for caring as you do for the well being of the project.

Who cares about the "cheating" of an optimized client. First of all, a fix has been promised after CASP is finished (last expiry is 7-AUG-06), and right now that is (or should be) the primary focus. Secondly, it has no bearing on the science being done (claim 10 credits or 1000 credits, valid results are what matters).

My only comment relative to credit is that the number of decoys (as some have suggested) is not a sufficient qualifier. It also needs to take into account the number of proteins since the larger the number of proteins the longer it usually takes per decoy.

Let's just wait until after CASP and see what the programmers have come up with for an equitable, fudge-proof (hopefully) credit system.

Can't we all just get along and help the science ;-)?
17) Message boards : Number crunching : When are CASP 7 WU's finished? (Message 21667)
Posted 2 Aug 2006 by keyboards
OK I apologize. Since CASP 7 ends AUG 7 then feel free on that date to turn your other pojects back on since CASP 7 participation (S.O.S.) won't bee needed after that date.

But Dr. Baker would appreciate it if you could clear out your cues instead of abandoning them, if that's possible.

No problem, as long as the science is useful all cached WUs will be completed.

18) Message boards : Number crunching : When are CASP 7 WU's finished? (Message 21664)
Posted 2 Aug 2006 by keyboards
The science is useful either way. I wanted to point out that Keith is talking about the CASP deadlines, not the WU deadline.

After CASP, they will continue to study the proteins and the results of what we crunched on them, and try to learn ways to arrive at the best answer faster. But, ideally, you'd get the result reported prior to Aug 7... who knows! You might be the predictor of the day with that one! And THAT's the one they want to submit to CASP.

My only concern was meeting the CASP deadline, and when I can turn my other projects back on. The latter has not really been answered. Are we going to continue to receive CASP labeled WUs after the CASP expiry has passed?

It would make more sense to me to set the due date for the CASP expiry date (this would allow for BOINC EDF mode to try and make the CASP deadline), but I'm not running the project ;-) For instance, I have a T382 (CASP due 5-AUG) at the bottom of my list with a later Rosetta due date than a T386 (CASP due 7-AUG) even though the CASP expiry date on the T386 is later than the T382. Both should return before their CASP expiry, but might not if I were not giving 100% crunch time to Rosetta.
19) Message boards : Number crunching : When are CASP 7 WU's finished? (Message 21658)
Posted 2 Aug 2006 by keyboards
CASP targets

If the last expiry is 7-AUG-06 (according to chart linked to above), why am I getting CASP7 WUs with 9-AUG-06 report deadlines (I will complete them before the 7th, but still ...)?

[EDIT:] If the deadline has passed, should these be aborted or will the science still be useful, even if not for CASP? [/EDIT]
20) Message boards : Number crunching : An informal poll (Message 20829)
Posted 21 Jul 2006 by keyboards
Heck - compared to when I was in school he is downright respectable looking. Where have all the long haired hippy freaks (like me in a past life) gone? I guess most of us grew up, joined the work force, and became respectable (?) citizens (fotunately, my hair has stayed ;-). So much for youthful optimism to change the world ;-)

Yes, I too remember using slippy dip sticks (slide rules), punch card decks, and acoustic coupled modems running at 150 baud! Glad to see them go or evelove as well, even if we as a species haven't (evolved much that is).

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