Message boards :
Number crunching :
3.43 is causing pop-ups
(Message 74290)
Posted 14 Nov 2012 by Jeremy Post: Same issue here. Screen saver window pops open, but it's just a template of sorts. The graphics never actually populate their fields and the workunit doesn't do any work or use any CPU time. I have 4 Rosetta 3.43 tasks "running" right now and my CPU usage sits at 0.5% over 10 minutes since the pop ups sprang up. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Scheduling request completed: got 0 new tasks
(Message 64812)
Posted 5 Jan 2010 by Jeremy Post: I am still receiving 0 WUs on one of my quad core PCs. Any ideas?? Give it more time. It'll take the servers a bit to get caught up with everyone requesting work. Shouldn't take more than a day if everything is working correctly again. |
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