Posts by pschoefer

1) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : BOINC Pentathlon 2020 (Message 95574)
Posted 30 Apr 2020 by Profile pschoefer
Rosetta@home has just been announced as the Marathon project of this year's Pentathlon. Teams can still sign up until this Saturday.
2) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : BOINC Pentathlon 2020 (Message 95070)
Posted 21 Apr 2020 by Profile pschoefer

Dear fellow volunteer crunchers,

5 May 2020, the starting day of the eleventh BOINC Pentathlon, is less than two weeks away. Even in difficult times, SETI.Germany invites all Volunteer Computing enthusiast teams to participate in the five disciplines over two weeks and to gather in front of their computers - everyone in front of their own computer, of course. Maybe some of us will go through a different illness than the Pentathlon fever or spend much of their time keeping important businesses such as healthcare or food supply running. Let's not forget the former and thank the latter by crunching a work unit for all of them!

While the process and rules remain largely unchanged from last year, a maximum of flexibility is needed for choosing the projects, as maybe one project needs the computing power more urgently than others or a project may be unavailable on short notice. To make the Pentathlon nevertheless as exciting and trouble-free as possible, not only the Marathon project, but all five projects are chosen by a small group of the organizers this year.

The teams can sign up until 2 May using this form. We're looking forward to welcoming you, because:

It will be exciting again at the BOINC Pentathlon!
3) Message boards : Number crunching : Rosetta 4.1+ and 4.2+ (Message 94914)
Posted 19 Apr 2020 by Profile pschoefer
Thanks for your replies, I aborted the tasks.
4) Message boards : Number crunching : Rosetta 4.1+ and 4.2+ (Message 94893)
Posted 19 Apr 2020 by Profile pschoefer
How much memory are these tasks using? How many hours of CPU have they received? What is your runtime preference set to?

RAM usage is quite low, only ~100 MB. CPU time is now close to 57 hours and 52 hours. Target runtime is set to default.
5) Message boards : Number crunching : Rosetta 4.1+ and 4.2+ (Message 94871)
Posted 19 Apr 2020 by Profile pschoefer
I have two of those monster 12v1n_* tasks that have been running on my old i7 980X for more than 2 days now (tasks 1152001896 and 1151897536). The graphics output says "Stage: unknown", "Model: 2 Step: 0", and has all energies and RMSDs at 0.

CPU time is close to elapsed time, and while there were no checkpoints that BOINC is aware of, there are two files in the respective slot directories that are modified every few minutes: rng.state.gz and a <task name>_check.txt. The latter file contains a lot of lines like "LAST x SUCCESS 0", where x is incrementing (now at 1200 and 1960). This leaves me with the impression that there is still something happening, which is why I hesitated to abort the tasks so far. Does anyone know what those files mean? I'd hate to abort the tasks after more than two days, but the deadline is approaching rapidly and I also do not want to waste even more time if there is no chance that these tasks may finish sometime in the foreseeable future.
6) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : BOINC Pentathlon 2018 (Message 88644)
Posted 7 Apr 2018 by Profile pschoefer

It's that time again, the BOINC Pentathlon is just a few weeks away. For the ninth time, SETI.Germany invites the passionate crunchers from all over the world to compete in this team competition from 05 May to 19 May in five disciplines at five projects.

The teams may sign up and vote for their favorite projects from a pre-selection using this registration form until 27 April. Late registration until 02 May is possible, but without the opportunity to vote for projects.

For more information about the BOINC Pentathlon, please visit the Pentathlon pages, where you can also find the full rules and the answers to frequently asked questions.

It will be exciting again at the BOINC Pentathlon! 8)
7) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : BOINC Pentathlon 2017 (Message 81417)
Posted 9 Apr 2017 by Profile pschoefer

Less than ten months have passed since the seventh BOINC Pentathlon came to an end. Now the Pentathlon is back to its usual date from May 5 to May 19 and SETI.Germany invites all BOINC teams to compete in five disciplines at five projects for the eighth time.

This year, the stable and popular project World Community Grid is set for the City Run discipline, with only one subproject being considered for the Pentathlon.

The teams may enter their favorite WCG subproject and three additional project suggestions while signing up using the registration form at until April 27. The suggestions will be taken into account in the project selection as described here. Late registration without project suggestions is possible until May 2.

All information about the BOINC Pentathlon is available at Pentathlon pages, while you can find the answers to many questions in the FAQ.

Looking forward to seeing you at the Pentathlon! :)
8) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : BOINC Pentathlon 2016 (Message 79997)
Posted 1 May 2016 by Profile pschoefer
Dear fellow crunchers,

after a hacker had caused havoc on the server and the Pentathlon pages had been offline for one week, the BOINC Pentathlon 2016 has now been rescheduled to start one month later, i.e. on 05 June 2016 (see also this announcement). Registration for teams that wanted to participate but could not sign up in time is open again until 28 May.
9) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : BOINC Pentathlon 2016 (Message 79855)
Posted 7 Apr 2016 by Profile pschoefer

The seventh BOINC Pentathlon is around the corner. As usual, SETI.Germany invites all BOINC teams to find out which team copes best with the challenges of five disciplines at five projects between May 5 and May 19.

While there are no major rule changes this year, it is ensured that there will be only one winner after the shared gold medal last year. Furthermore, the Pentathlon pages have undergone an optical refresh, all the rules and later on the stats are there, as well. Many questions are answered in the FAQ.

Each team that wants to participate can sign up and enter four project suggestions using this registration form until April 27. Later registration is possible until May 2, but without the possibility of suggesting projects.

Therefore, explore the interest within your team and sign up. We're looking forward to your participation in the BOINC Pentathlon! :)
10) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : BOINC Pentathlon 2014 (Message 76586)
Posted 5 Apr 2014 by Profile pschoefer

For the fifth time, SETI.Germany invites all BOINC teams to the BOINC Pentathlon, a competition inspired by the Pentathlon in ancient Greece. Between May 5 and May 19, five disciplines at five different BOINC projects are held to find the overall winner.

Each team that wants to participate has to sign up using the registration form at Registration is open until April 27.

For all but the Marathon discipline, the teams may suggest their favorite project when signing up. A list of possible projects is available at, you may suggest other projects as long as you think they are able to handle the increased load. Note that projects that were part of last year's Pentathlon are excluded for this year.

For more information including the full rules, please visit the BOINC Pentathlon page at

Please spread the word and gauge the interest within your team. Looking forward to seeing you at the Pentathlon! :)

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