Message boards :
Number crunching :
What? I thought this had stopped (Team Founder Change)
(Message 56948)
Posted 15 Nov 2008 by Adak Post: Great to have a deft handling of this, eh? You can't bother sending me an email or a pm? That's so odd, because I was sent emails saying I could become the team founder, and whenever I viewed my team's page, throughout the 60 day waiting period, it showed me the very date that the transfer could be completed. Thanks also for burying this change of policy, in the middle of an obscure thread. Meanwhile, I've been waiting for 11 weeks, and received nothing but a "no". It must be a hard choice between having a current team founder that never folded a single WU, versus myself, with other 390,000 points. I sincerely doubt that David E K, has the sense that God gave to geese, but I'm quite sure that he's completely turned an enthusiastic Rosetta folder, into someone who has no interest at all in this project. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
What? I thought this had stopped (Team Founder Change)
(Message 56907)
Posted 13 Nov 2008 by Adak Post: Not only that, he would gain access to the email address's our team members have trusted me with. I'm sure some of the lawyers in my team could sort some sort of charges out against you if it did happen, on privacy grounds. Peter, I checked with BOINC. They said it's up to Rosetta, that the transfer option has been enabled with BOINC. Of course, Rosetta sends you an email, confirming that you've applied for the position, and stating you need to wait 60 days for the current team founder to respond to their email query. Then, every time you log in, and look at your team page, it tells you that you've applied for team founder, and on what date you can make that transfer, if the current founder does not respond. Only after the 60 day wait, only when you click on the "assume founder" button, are you informed that the team founder transfer has been disabled. You don't have to worry about me slowing down, Peter. ;) |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
What? I thought this had stopped (Team Founder Change)
(Message 56892)
Posted 13 Nov 2008 by Adak Post: I by the off chance happen to notice an email pop in my many emails. This cuts both ways. I've been on the other side of this, trying to get a team founder change since August 22. Although our "team founder" never folded a single WU, and never posts regarding the project, we can't get rid of him. After no progress in my request, I'm shutting off my participation in this project. In three weeks time, after a 60 day waiting period, you could have done *something*. Adak |
Message boards :
Cafe Rosetta :
general chat here
(Message 56705)
Posted 4 Nov 2008 by Adak Post: I need some assistance from an administrator or moderator. I posted in the "moderators contact thread" 10 days ago, and still have received no response. Any suggestions or assistance, appreciated. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Team Founder Change Problem
(Message 56678)
Posted 3 Nov 2008 by Adak Post: I put this same message in Cafe Moderator contact point, 10 days ago, but have received no response. The founder of Overclockers.com Rosetta team, never stayed around. In fact, he never folded a single WU. I'm trying to assume the founders position for my team, and the 60 day wait period has expired. When I click on the "assume founder" button, it tells me: "The team founder transfer option is currently disabled" Would someone enable that transfer option for me, please? Thanks, Adak |
Message boards :
Cafe Rosetta :
Moderator contact thread archive
(Message 56462)
Posted 24 Oct 2008 by Adak Post: I am trying to change our team's founder - the old one isn't around. When I follow the directions, I get the message that "team founder changes have been disabled". Would someone either make that change over for me, or enable it for Overclockers.com? Thanks, Adak |
Message boards :
Cafe Rosetta :
Personal Milestones
(Message 56025)
Posted 25 Sep 2008 by Adak Post: just done personally 300k credits, rac=3800. now i'm at top 2k for total credits, top 150 for RAC. @Paul - Congratulations, two million ain't hay! :) Well done! A new member with 30 quads? OMG, You hit the mother lode! |
Message boards :
Cafe Rosetta :
Moderator contact thread archive
(Message 56017)
Posted 25 Sep 2008 by Adak Post: As to question #1, you will have to ask the stats sites about their content. From the Rosetta end, this thread discusses how there were a few days there where Rosetta's statistic summary job did not publish new stats for them to pull. I checked with BOINC, and they will attempt to d/l an XML feed from the projects, every two hours, if it's available. The Overclockers.com team is again being updated on BOINC stats. Whatever was not working, is working again - great! :) FYI, Rosetta@Home was not listed as an active project on the BOINC stats site when I first checked on this, yesterday. A few hours later, it *WAS* listed as an active project. Now Rosetta@Home is, again, *not* listed as an active project. I don't need a reply to this, just FYI. Thanks. |
Message boards :
Cafe Rosetta :
Moderator contact thread archive
(Message 56003)
Posted 24 Sep 2008 by Adak Post: Two questions: 1) I noticed that Rosetta is not listed as a project on the BOINC stats site, and our credits for the last few days, are also not being shown. Why is that? 2) I put in a Team founder change request, about a month ago. For several weeks, it showed a note to that effect, when I viewed the team page. Now that note (showing that I had made this change request and noting the day it would be changed), is gone. Since nobody knows a "Thomas Mitchell" on Overclockers.com, and he never folded a single WU, and doesn't post on the O/C'ers forum, I'm wondering why this has changed, and does that mean that my request has been turned down? Thanks, Adak |
Message boards :
Cafe Rosetta :
general chat here
(Message 55998)
Posted 24 Sep 2008 by Adak Post: I notice Rosetta is no longer on the BOINC stats site, as a listed project. Rosetta teams are there still, but according to it, we've had no points earned for the last few days. Any info on this? |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Optimized Rosetta
(Message 55555)
Posted 5 Sep 2008 by Adak Post: Since default is 3 hours does that mean that if I set it higher the client asks for more advanced WUs or spends more time looking for models in a WU? Yes. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Novice questions
(Message 55197)
Posted 21 Aug 2008 by Adak Post: I'm very new to Rosetta, please be patient. :) My questions are: 1) I have a box which runs "headless" (no keyboard or monitor), and I want it to send in it's finished WU's, every day, at least once. How can I make it do that, automatically? It is currently set to keep 5 days of new work units, if that matters. 2) What is minirosetta? Should I be using a different Rosetta program? I use BOINC in Windows (latest version). 3) I have used Linux in the past, and have used optimized clients with SETI, in both Windows and Linux. Would Rosetta prefer us to use an optimized client for faster results, or the standard client? I'm stirring up interest in our rather latent Rosetta team, so if you can explain the above thoroughly and clearly, I'll be able to pass it on to all the others, when they ask me. TIA |
Questions and Answers :
Windows :
No WU?
(Message 55152)
Posted 18 Aug 2008 by Adak Post:
Both my computers on Rosetta, now have work. I am new to Rosetta, and have no idea what the problem was. On my team's forum, (Overclockers.com), several new Rosetta folders commented that they were also unable to get work, as well. Perhaps the assignment server got overloaded? I believe it is important to keep a 4 to 5 day cache of work units for most of these BOINC projects. SETI has been infamous for not having work available, for example. Good luck, and if you're looking for a team, we're looking for you! |
Questions and Answers :
Windows :
No WU?
(Message 55121)
Posted 17 Aug 2008 by Adak Post: Same here, can't get any WU's, on my boxes. I hope this gets resolved quickly. |
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