Posts by Not2Nutz

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Minirosetta v1.40 bug thread (Message 57106)
Posted 20 Nov 2008 by Not2Nutz
It looks like this problem has been ongoing for several weeks. And not one word about it on the Rosetta project web site face page. I am glad my frustration and curiosity finally rose to the level that caused me to visit this forum.

I too, have 8 WU's of Mini 1.40 in progress for 15+ hours and stuck at above 98% completion, and still showing 9 hours 57 minutes left to completition. In fact the time-to-completion hasn't changed in over 10 hours.

One WU did complete in a timely fashion with a computation error.

I don't think my problem is for lack of RAM as I have 24GB installed. I am running Vista X64 on twin dual-core Xeons at 3.0GHz.

I have suspended all but one WU and I have bumped the task priority by two levels, just to see if I could hasten this one WU along. It doesn't seem to be helping as my CPUs are hardly even taxed at this point. So the problem does not seem to be a shortage of compute power. And I have over 1 Terabyte of free disk space. So it can't be for a lack of disk space either.

I am really at a loss of what to do here. Should I just abort them all and wait for the detectives to do the forensic thing and a fix to be implemented?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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