Posts by GrimJack

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Rosetta is not playing nice with my other projects. (Message 89696)
Posted 5 Oct 2018 by GrimJack
I have over 260k work units with R@H this is not a new issue; but I will monitor the user averages rather than just look at the active task list. Maybe my random glance that always shows R@H hogging the CPU is not a valid test of how the 2 play together.
2) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Personal Milestones (Message 89674)
Posted 2 Oct 2018 by GrimJack
If I stop Rosetta for a couple days, I can get Einstein over 1 million units (now at 996,333) while Rosetta will hit 260k sometime tonight (it is at 259,816).

I should fire up my laptop to see what my other projects are like - heck, yeah! BRB.

Acoustics - 18,002
Milkyway - 917,719
Seti - 134,843 (would be more but I lost my original account somewhere)
Universe 213,500

3) Message boards : Number crunching : Rosetta is not playing nice with my other projects. (Message 89673)
Posted 2 Oct 2018 by GrimJack
If I leave things normal, Rosetta has all the task slots taken up and Einstein seems to wait for ever to get a slot. I set resource share to 50 w/Einstein at 100 to no avail. Rather than go in and suspend the Rosetta tasks, I have taken to setting Rosetta to 'no new tasks' to give Einstein some run time. I really would prefer not to give up and remove Rosetta like I had to do with the Climate program. Is there something I can do to balance the programs task-sharing?

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