Posts by Bryn Mawr

21) Message boards : Number crunching : Beyond newbie Q&A (Message 108938)
Posted 8 Mar 2024 by Bryn Mawr
I'm sorry, but neither answer directly responds to my question.

Maybe my question wasn't clear enough, but I'm asking the meaning of TQJ given the variable sizes, not what a work unit is or how long the server will take to process work units.

Your confusion appeared to be in thinking that a WU had a time allocated to it thus you were getting 36 hour WUs and there were 2 hour WUs. Each job in the queue is a WU and that WU will take as long as you allow it through your configuration (or less if it completes first) and will complete as many decoys as it has time to. Thus your question as stated really has no meaning - the total number of queued jobs is the total number of queued jobs regardless of the variable size which is under your control.
22) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems and Technical Issues with Rosetta@home (Message 108928)
Posted 8 Mar 2024 by Bryn Mawr
I tried again after doing a reset and got computation errors for each task after under a minute. Is there anything else I can do to debug?

You are running a very old version of the Boinc Manager. Try updating to a more current version (7.16.n or 7.20.n).
23) Message boards : Number crunching : Beyond newbie Q&A (Message 108927)
Posted 8 Mar 2024 by Bryn Mawr
How do I interpret the server status page?
Today it says "Total queued jobs: 431,868"

For most projects one job is one work unit, but here we have variable work unit sizes creating multiple models apiece.
My 36 hour work units have hundreds of models, and the beta ones have thousands.

The lowest common denominator is a two-hour work unit.
So are the total queued jobs 863,736 hours of work?
Are they 431,868 models of various complexity, completed in minutes to hours apiece?
Are they part of a pool with the in-progress models, totaling 717,885 iterative calculations bouncing between users until they reach a undisclosed limit and retire out of the pool?

Each WU will work either until it has completed or until the end of the iteration that takes it closest to your requested run time.

If you have set 36 hours as your run time it will run for 36 hours but it is the same WU that would run for 8 hours on another box with the default setup.
24) Message boards : Number crunching : Why no work on my computer since Feb 17, 2024 (Message 108926)
Posted 8 Mar 2024 by Bryn Mawr
Did you actually exit Boinc and restart before copying that?

What is needed is the start of the file after a restart - about the first 40 lines.
25) Message boards : Number crunching : Run time of new tasks. (Message 108883)
Posted 27 Feb 2024 by Bryn Mawr
As I said, Folding has been running on this machine for years, the "problem" I started the thread about is VERY recent. All the tasks from that last download have completed and returned now, they show quite a variety of run times 73K to 90k. There are also other tasks downloaded the same day, but at an earlier time, that do not show the extended run time.

Then look at you logs and see what else was running on your machine during the period in question.

This is not a Boinc problem, this is within your machine.
26) Message boards : Number crunching : Run time of new tasks. (Message 108878)
Posted 26 Feb 2024 by Bryn Mawr
The runtime for the last few work units has jumped up considerably. CPU time and credit haven't changed noticeably, but run time has increased from 60 thousand to 90 thousand on the same machine, (very approximate - illustrates the point though).

On both my crunchers the run time was 10,800 and is still 10,800.
27) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems and Technical Issues with Rosetta@home (Message 108871)
Posted 25 Feb 2024 by Bryn Mawr
Seems like 5 million tasks have become available to run !!
As of 24 Feb 2024, 8:02:19 UTC [ Scheduler running ]
Total queued jobs: 4,921,248
In progress: 115,690
Successes last 24h: 43,490

My crunchers thank you :-)
28) Message boards : Number crunching : Rosetta Beta 6.00 (Message 108764)
Posted 13 Dec 2023 by Bryn Mawr
What is the error that shows in the stderror file - click on the workunit in the tasks link of your account.
Here's the output of one Task.

process exited with code 127 (0x7f, -129)</message>
../../projects/boinc.bakerlab.org_rosetta/rosetta_beta_6.05_x86_64-pc-linux-gnu: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


Installation/permissions issue?

Certainly looks like it.
29) Message boards : Number crunching : Rosetta Beta 6.00 (Message 108761)
Posted 12 Dec 2023 by Bryn Mawr

my computer specs:

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790 CPU @ 3.60GHz [Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3]
Number of processors 8
Operating System Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) [6.1.0-15-amd64|libc 2.36]
BOINC version 7.20.5
Memory 7833.52 MB

Rosetta v4.20 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu are completing normally as expected
Rosetta Beta v6.05 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu errors out, every single one gives "Error while computing"

Is there any option to block the "beta 6*" series until this is sorted out ?


UPDATE: currently the errors are at 116 and counting.
Just for the record, this is a headless install of Debian stable and no overclocking applied to the hardware,
which has been set up just for Rosetta & WCG.

What is the error that shows in the stderror file - click on the workunit in the tasks link of your account.
30) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems and Technical Issues with Rosetta@home (Message 108748)
Posted 6 Dec 2023 by Bryn Mawr
Holy sh*t indeed. Finally got some work, all tasks errored out within 30 seconds.

Is it me? Is it the work? Anybody else have this problem?

Cheers - rumple

So far 6 errors and 99 good.

The errors are hard with my wingman also failing and appear to be a data error in the config file.

I’d say it’s all old7scaff units but I’ve had one, an old7scaff_7aa_hall_9 that’s completed and validated.

I had a lot of failures with old8scaff and old7scaff Rosetta Beta tasks too, but they were all received and returned by 30 Nov - also with a fair few successes tbf.

The new batch all seem to be named new7snme_7aa_ndif and are running fine here (7hrs+) but I haven't returned any yet to confirm they validate successfully.
They certainly don't crash after 5-20secs, which is the issue rumple seems to have.

Yes, another 100 new7 tasks completed and validated since then with no fails :-)
31) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems and Technical Issues with Rosetta@home (Message 108742)
Posted 5 Dec 2023 by Bryn Mawr
Holy sh*t indeed. Finally got some work, all tasks errored out within 30 seconds.

Is it me? Is it the work? Anybody else have this problem?

Cheers - rumple

So far 6 errors and 99 good.

The errors are hard with my wingman also failing and appear to be a data error in the config file.

I’d say it’s all old7scaff units but I’ve had one, an old7scaff_7aa_hall_9 that’s completed and validated.
32) Message boards : Rosetta@home Science : Unable to get any work (Message 108728)
Posted 29 Nov 2023 by Bryn Mawr
Hi there. Apologies if this is posted in the wrong area, but I am unable to get work.
I bought this new computer about a month ago. it has an Intel(R) Arc(TM) A770 Graphics card and a 13th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-13700F processor.
I hope you can help.
I've tried attaching to several boinc projects, and I'm not getting any work.
Is this just bad luck or is something else wrong?

Which projects? Several are short of work at the moment.
33) Message boards : Number crunching : Rosetta Beta 6.00 (Message 108684)
Posted 13 Nov 2023 by Bryn Mawr
Out of the 13 WUs I got, 11 of the had computation error within 30 secs. The other 2 have so far run for 2 hours.

Forkert funktion.
(0x1) - exit code 1 (0x1)</message>
command: projects/boinc.bakerlab.org_rosetta/rosetta_beta_6.04_windows_x86_64.exe @07aaNewf_af2_7aa_hal_9.flags -nstruct 10000 -cpu_run_time 28800 -boinc:max_nstruct 20000 -checkpoint_interval 120 -mute all -database minirosetta_database -in::file::zip -boinc::watchdog -boinc::cpu_run_timeout 36000 -run::rng mt19937 -constant_seed -jran 1920894
Using database: database_0f7f01a1b07database

ERROR: Unable to find desired residue 'LEU:N_Methylation' with variant 'LOWER_TERMINUS_VARIANT'. Attempted to add target variant(s) to ResidueType using both ResidueType base name 'LEU' and base ResidueType. Was attempting to add new variant type 'LOWER_TERMINUS_VARIANT'
ERROR:: Exit from: src/core/chemical/ line: 980
BOINC:: Error reading and gzipping output datafile: default.out
19:41:27 (11480): called boinc_finish(1)


Yes, I've just come in to report the same error.

Running Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS with Boinc 7.20.5 the tasks are Beta v6.05 with a name starting 08aaNewf_af2_8aa_dif_8

I've reset the project to pull down a new set of master files but it's a hard error.
34) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems and Technical Issues with Rosetta@home (Message 108521)
Posted 26 Aug 2023 by Bryn Mawr
The answer is simple, don't close Boinc. And set it to leave apps in memory when suspended.

And the jobs still fail
35) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems and Technical Issues with Rosetta@home (Message 108511)
Posted 25 Aug 2023 by Bryn Mawr
Rosetta Units resetting to 0 progress.

When I close BOINC with Rosetta work units in progress then on restarting all the Rosetta units are reset to 0 progress and all the previous work is repeated from the start.
This seems a complete waste of computer time and electricity.
Not sure when it started but I have noticed it for about a week now.
This is not related to checkpointing since other projects are not affected and even if the Rosetta unit is 80 -90% complete it still goes back to zero.

It is related to checkpointing, the current set of tasks is not completing a decoy and is not checkpointing therefore they run over the agreed time limit and restart from zero after interruption.

The tasks appear to be getting into an internal loop and not making progress. The processing time goes up and, after the task gets close to the agreed deadline, the progress % and the time to completion do not come down.

All that can be done is to abort them or leave them running until the watchdog aborts them for you.
36) Message boards : News : Rosetta's role in fighting coronavirus (Message 108458)
Posted 14 Jul 2023 by Bryn Mawr
Oops, thank you - not thinking.

thinking is a dangerous sport , I prefer crunching , but not when I am driving a car , makes a horrible noise if I get reverse instead of 5th
considering the amount of spam on rosetta forum it hardly maters what go`s anywhere ,
just a smidgen better chance of getting a reply that`s not drowned in spam

37) Message boards : News : Rosetta's role in fighting coronavirus (Message 108454)
Posted 12 Jul 2023 by Bryn Mawr
Is Rosetta@home still running? I've been a member of this project for years, and I'm not getting any tasks. I looked at my Projects page and it says "Won't get new tasks." What did I do? How do I get new tasks?

Like Bryn Mawr sed the project has very few tasks for us , But .
It sounds like your boinc manager is set to not ask for any new tasks from rosetta even if there was any ,
on the `projects` page/tab left click on "rosetta@home" line to highlight it ,
then on the left of that is a section named "commands" third button down [on mine] is a button that will now read "allow new tasks" left click on it and the "wont get new tasks" on the `Rosetta` line should disappear ,
You may now get some tasks from Rosetta sometime before the next ice age on earth . . . . .

and it is best to ask questions like this in the "number crunching" forum .

Oops, thank you - not thinking.
38) Message boards : News : Rosetta's role in fighting coronavirus (Message 108452)
Posted 12 Jul 2023 by Bryn Mawr
Is Rosetta@home still running? I've been a member of this project for years, and I'm not getting any tasks. I looked at my Projects page and it says "Won't get new tasks." What did I do? How do I get new tasks?

Be patient!

Work is intermittent at the moment, I’ve just processed 8 WUs but they’re the first I’ve had for a month.
39) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Rosetta@Home server (Message 108364)
Posted 10 May 2023 by Bryn Mawr
Now is in "ESM" phase, that is not for free.

500$ per year per machine.
I don't think they are paying 1500$ every year.
Have Rosetta@Home some agreement with Ubuntu for free security support??

Or has the list of server details not been updated in several years?
40) Message boards : Number crunching : Как удалить аккаунт (Message 108357)
Posted 7 May 2023 by Bryn Mawr
Собственно сабж. Более не имею возможности участвовать в проекте Rosetta@home, хочу полностью удалить имеющийся аккаунт.

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