1) Message boards : Rosetta@home Science : hope for cures (Message 46510)
Posted 18 Sep 2007 by MIGHTYMAN

Here's a fact about vitamin C and cancer: "Three prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled trials were conducted by Moertel et al. at the Mayo Clinic; all three failed to prove a benefit for megadoses of vitamin C in cancer patients"

Link here

[But who would do such a bogus study, the treatment protocol was so simple an idiot could have followed it? You track down a doctor known to hate alternative medicine, one Dr. Moertel of the Mayo Clinic.

In response to the success of the Cameron/Pauling studies, the NIH funded a totally bogus "study" at the Mayo Clinic on Vitamin C that did not even remotely follow the same patient selection protocol or the same treatment protocol. Of course since they made no attempt to replicate the Cameron and Pauling study, they did not get the same results. Was the protocol too complicated for them to follow?

When Cameron and Pauling complained that the study was so overtly and grossly bogus (this ridiculous study was actually published in a major medical journal - the New England Journal of Medicine), a second bogus "study" was commissioned by the same NIH. You might call this: "a bogus study replacement technique" for Big Pharma and corrupt scientists. Needless to say, the Mayo Clinic again refused to follow the simple treatment protocol and again they did not obtain the same results. There was even a third study, and guess what, again they did not follow the same treatment protocol and did not get the same results (Note: technically this third study was done by a different group, but this group was affiliated with the Mayo Clinic). Do you see a pattern here? ]

[Finally, after he had said the Mayo Clinic has shown that vitamin C has no value in the treatment of cancer, I said that Mayo Clinic study was a fraud. And I can explain just how. The Mayo Clinic people didn't follow the procedure that Dr. Ewan Cameron used at all. They say that they did, but they didn't. We know that they didn't. So you can't rely on that.]

Linus Pauling Interview (page: 7 / 9)

Nobel Prizes in Chemistry and Peace
2) Message boards : Rosetta@home Science : hope for cures (Message 46189)
Posted 14 Sep 2007 by MIGHTYMAN

In your link most all of the references are to Griffin's own book and the Oasis Cancer clinic, which is his own center. The AMA ( which is not the best, but it's all we've got in the US) did studies on what Griffin is selling and has no evidence that it works. If Griffin could find a handful of people that his treatment has actually helped all he has to do is show the scientific community his verifiable results. He can't do that because there are no verifiable results.

I buried a friend 5 years ago because she went off her chemo and on to one of these miracle cures like Griffin is selling. They don't work. I'm sorry. I wish they did.

Griffin isn't selling a cure hes just giving you information you either take it on or you don't. Chemo isn't the answer, people are still dying from cancer even with chemo, after all these years there has not been one cure to cancer, ask yourself what would happen if there was a cure and no one dies from cancer no more? Do you trust the FDA do you trust Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center? That link i gave is just one link of many, my mother has cancer i don't want her to suffer she dosen't deserve it, no one else should either, i'm just someone who has an open mind to look at everything and whats happening in this world.

Hes another quote'

"Everyone should know that the 'war on cancer' is largely a fraud."
Two Time Nobel Prize Winner Linus Pauling, author of several books on Vitamin C and cancer
3) Message boards : Rosetta@home Science : hope for cures (Message 46110)
Posted 13 Sep 2007 by MIGHTYMAN

G. Edward Griffin is a quack. Some of us who contribute here have cancer, please don't post this type of thing without doing some research first.

My mother has cancer i've done my research have you? The quackwatch site do a bit of research and see who the real quack is.
4) Message boards : Rosetta@home Science : hope for cures (Message 46061)
Posted 12 Sep 2007 by MIGHTYMAN

{A control for cancer is known and it comes from nature but it is not widely available to the public because it cannot be patent and therefore is not commercially attractive to the pharmaceutical industry.]

G. Edward Griffin
5) Message boards : Number crunching : Who is the official tech here (Message 9621)
Posted 23 Jan 2006 by MIGHTYMAN
Simap@Home have got there forum up to scratch Simap Forum
this is what is needed here... its easy to find info easy..

When i first came here it was hell on earth trying to find information.

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