Message boards :
Number crunching :
Problems and Technical Issues with Rosetta@home
(Message 108736)
Posted 4 Dec 2023 by .clair. Post: Holy sh*t! And not a python among them that lot will help keep a house warm through the winter |
Message boards :
Rosetta@home Science :
Unable to get any work
(Message 108733)
Posted 1 Dec 2023 by .clair. Post: is there a way to choose which projects I can do? Cheers. No , We get whatever Rosetta work is sent , if there is anything . |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Problems and Technical Issues with Rosetta@home
(Message 108719)
Posted 24 Nov 2023 by .clair. Post: I'd never sit in a dark room and read something on light pages, definitely not good for eyes. For office type of work I like office type of light, i.e. lots of light. sometimes while stuck at the desk for hours (at this time of year) I realise "oops its got dark" and have to switch a light on . I was more thinking about something like OLED or LCD with background light, which adjusts itself to what's needed. Eh , What , Alien tecknology :-) Me still in age of steampunk :-) |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Problems and Technical Issues with Rosetta@home
(Message 108715)
Posted 22 Nov 2023 by .clair. Post: Or does it use less electric to have dark webpages ?On some types of screens, yes. And it's a lot better for the eyes, some people even use add-ons like DarkReader to have all pages dark. Some pages are automatically light or dark, depanding on your OS or browser settings. One problem with dark pages is that I need to have a light on in the room to see the keyboard to type (or anyone else as crap as me that has to look at it) and yes I know about illuminated tecknicolour keyboards , this mouse is one of them and is as good as christmass decorations in a dark room On some types of screens, yes Like the "Aug2001 vintage 17" CRT monitor" I have just sold on ebay for £80 (and it is sitting on the floor here to be packed) They have to be VERY well packed , Royal Snail =Parcel Force , costs about £15 to anywhere in UK And then buy two 17" led monitors from ebay for £30 (used IT recycling , tested working with 90 day warranty) so in the end I get about £25 and two monitors that take up a lot less shelf space , use less electric and no scan beam radiation Mad int it :-) |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Problems and Technical Issues with Rosetta@home
(Message 108714)
Posted 22 Nov 2023 by .clair. Post: All cpu`s are crunching cosmology , yes , I have joined the dark side , anyone that has looked @ the web site will know it`s so . Cosmo is a zombie project with even less input from Admin than Rosetta (if that's possible) work still flows (usualy) unless the server disks are full (again) and go`s offline for a few day`s (or longer) and when it gets fixed (eventualy) no admin posts (if there are any) on the forum as to why (because the forum login is broken) and has been for a long time (etc) [etc] {etc} |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Problems and Technical Issues with Rosetta@home
(Message 108711)
Posted 21 Nov 2023 by .clair. Post: Day two and still no WU , I wunders how long this will last , I will get bored typing about it real quick . I have also given up trying to get regular work from rosetta All cpu`s are crunching cosmology , yes , I have joined the dark side , anyone that has looked @ the web site will know it`s so . Maybe they went Gothic . Or does it use less electric to have dark webpages ? |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Problems and Technical Issues with Rosetta@home
(Message 108708)
Posted 20 Nov 2023 by .clair. Post: ~Oh , what fun , Rosetta has expired - Tasks in progress 0 Not a single work unit to it`s name Now if only it could do that to the spammers |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Ralph test spotted
(Message 108657)
Posted 1 Nov 2023 by .clair. Post: I believe the idea is a Squid thing like LHC crunchers use to download tasks to a single pc then send them out to multiple pc's and then return them from the original pc that downloaded them thereby bypassing one of the security features built into Boinc that is that the pc that downloads a task must be the one that returns it back to the project. A`Superhost` was considered some time ago , page "Last modified 13 years ago" https://boinc.berkeley.edu/trac/wiki/SuperHost |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Ralph test spotted
(Message 108648)
Posted 31 Oct 2023 by .clair. Post: Incredible - they have 11 `tasks in progress` on ralph . I thunkd it was ded . Though even if they did release another million python`s upon us , nnnnnn . . . . for me this winter`s project , I am all in on cosmology@gnome , |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Problems and Technical Issues with Rosetta@home
(Message 108625)
Posted 16 Oct 2023 by .clair. Post: When will rosetta beta stop being beta and replace rosetta 4.20?And where did version 5 go? The same place as windows 9 . . . . . . . . String is either a theory , so therefore not a definitive thing that can be measured accurately Or can be used as in "The Goodies" episode for replacing knee joints , Raymond Baxter seemed ok with it :) |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Problems and Technical Issues with Rosetta@home
(Message 108617)
Posted 9 Oct 2023 by .clair. Post: When will rosetta beta stop being beta and replace rosetta 4.20? How long is a piece of string . . . . . . |
Message boards :
Cafe Rosetta :
Moderators Contact Point (Explanations, Assistance etc) Post here!
(Message 108596)
Posted 15 Sep 2023 by .clair. Post: The reason you are not getting any work of late is because rosetta has very little work to send out to anyone . |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Rosetta Beta 6.00
(Message 108528)
Posted 26 Aug 2023 by .clair. Post: Oops , Turns out that one was HAL9000 I just looked it up on wiki I must have been thinking of HAL7600 that works with win7 and missed the edit hour |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Rosetta Beta 6.00
(Message 108526)
Posted 26 Aug 2023 by .clair. Post: I have not been paying much attention rosetta lately so I didn't notice till just now that a broken `beta` has wasted 20 hours stuck in loop These Hal7000 tasks have got a mind of their own . . . 7hal_nme_af2_hal_07 Hmm . . was`nt there some computer that sied " I`m sorry Dave but I can`t allow you to process that" |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Rosetta Beta 6.00
(Message 108512)
Posted 25 Aug 2023 by .clair. Post: I have not been paying much attention rosetta lately so I didn't notice till just now that a broken `beta` has wasted 20 hours stuck in loop |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
50 Errors with Rosetta 6.0 BETA !
(Message 108466)
Posted 25 Jul 2023 by .clair. Post: I have two systems that are build identical except , one runs Linux mint and is crunching its way through the beta tasks quickly and without any bother . the other is still running win 7 and has not even completed one task after over 12 hours of crunching , crashing , bsod`s , lockups and has turned into a crash test dummy PITA and all this since it downloaded the latest batch of workunits from rosetta . I have aborted the offending two wu and will see wot the rest do . . . . is this another bad batch of work that is ok on Linux and a total screw up on windows , it has happened before , though it can be the other way round sometimes , Memory use is around 2GB per workunit on both systems , are the rest of you seeing this ? Technologov - that's one heck of a long list of computers you have :-) |
Message boards :
News :
Rosetta's role in fighting coronavirus
(Message 108456)
Posted 14 Jul 2023 by .clair. Post: Oops, thank you - not thinking. thinking is a dangerous sport , I prefer crunching , but not when I am driving a car , makes a horrible noise if I get reverse instead of 5th considering the amount of spam on rosetta forum it hardly maters what go`s anywhere , just a smidgen better chance of getting a reply that`s not drowned in spam |
Message boards :
News :
Rosetta's role in fighting coronavirus
(Message 108453)
Posted 12 Jul 2023 by .clair. Post: Is Rosetta@home still running? I've been a member of this project for years, and I'm not getting any tasks. I looked at my Projects page and it says "Won't get new tasks." What did I do? How do I get new tasks? Like Bryn Mawr sed the project has very few tasks for us , But . It sounds like your boinc manager is set to not ask for any new tasks from rosetta even if there was any , on the `projects` page/tab left click on "rosetta@home" line to highlight it , then on the left of that is a section named "commands" third button down [on mine] is a button that will now read "allow new tasks" left click on it and the "wont get new tasks" on the `Rosetta` line should disappear , You may now get some tasks from Rosetta sometime before the next ice age on earth . . . . . and it is best to ask questions like this in the "number crunching" forum . |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
(Message 108413)
Posted 11 Jun 2023 by .clair. Post: Nobody takes care of the spam in his forum ? it is the red square with an X in it to the left of the "Reply" and "Quote" buttons . |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Message from server:rosetta python projects needs 19073.49MB more disk space
(Message 108399)
Posted 30 May 2023 by .clair. Post: Oh , well there you go , I can still post in my thread , so I will bump it up the forum so it can be seen as the problem is still lurking in the config files . |
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