Posts by KAMasud

1) Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Trying to get new crunchers (Message 99253)
Posted 7 Oct 2020 by KAMasud
Hello everyone, heard your S.O.S call. Am back.
2) Message boards : News : Coronavirus update from David Baker. Thank you all for your contributions! (Message 99252)
Posted 7 Oct 2020 by KAMasud
I am F89479uierfij pissed. This video has shown up as a new page in my browser since yesterday every 30 minutes or so. I am not clicking on anything to get it. Yes that means a lot of new tabs, I am sick of it. I don't know how you are doing it, but it keeps showing up as a new tab. I want it to stop. NOW. Or I am going to be really f489-43y8794try pissed off. If I have to deal with this crap any longer this will escalate to whom ever will listen, and I will demand retribution. This is not what I asked for. Once is enough. STOP IT. And If you think I am mad now, just keep sending them. PS - YouTube is who is streaming it. And as I write this, I got another one. This is shit. STOP IT.

Send an email directly to David Anderson at Boinc, he's the one responsible for the terrible programming allowing Boinc to do this. He'll sort it if you threaten him with a lawsuit. He certainly needs a good kick up the behind.

Is he still alive?
3) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems with web site (Message 49201)
Posted 29 Nov 2007 by KAMasud
:( As others. Same here. The WU's have uploaded but when i try to report i get the error.
4) Message boards : Number crunching : Merging computers (Message 47637)
Posted 12 Oct 2007 by KAMasud

:) thats pretty confusing ;)
5) Message boards : Number crunching : Work @LHC (Message 33989)
Posted 3 Jan 2007 by KAMasud

:-) Who had 2 understand, understood :-)Matey.
6) Message boards : Number crunching : Work @LHC (Message 33749)
Posted 30 Dec 2006 by KAMasud
:-) Plenty of work at LHC :-)
7) Message boards : Number crunching : Problems with Rosetta version 5.43 (Message 33447)
Posted 26 Dec 2006 by KAMasud

:-) Funny i have five machines crunching 5.43 and never had a problem? i have from P2 to P4 Prescott but never ran graphics. :-)If i have had problems then i have usually found a virus or a worm on that machine :-( Now i run anti virus and spy remover as soon as i get an itchy feeling about any thing, first!. :-( Usually the feeling is correct :-( hope that observation helps :-)
:-) As 2 the why the virus effects The WU's :-) LoL:-) it would/ should effect any thing.:-)
8) Message boards : Rosetta@home Science : How can we bring more users to the Rosetta project? (Message 31579)
Posted 22 Nov 2006 by KAMasud
Yes to be honest I would. :-)
The involvement of Dr. Baker keeps me hooked to reading and CRUNCHING Rosseta.

Whoa! Anything that has US government/military associations on it, even the most tenuous link, will send crunchers flooding away from the project. You will need to be VERY careful here. The projects probably won't want that kind of association either.

That was exactly my thoughts. Whilst those who are live in the US may not mind too much, there are certainly crunchers in the rest of the world that would...


9) Message boards : Number crunching : Rosetta project is down or i have a some problem?? (Message 29530)
Posted 17 Oct 2006 by KAMasud
Any way i am also not getting any new work units for the last one week and there is nothing wrong at my end.
I have run out of patience and only now put Rosseta on suspension until they wake up.

It is from yesterday that boinc manager it is in activities suspended, and the tab "transferts" is in downloading. it is a problem mine or the project is suspended?

10) Message boards : Number crunching : Limiting CPU usage (Message 29529)
Posted 17 Oct 2006 by KAMasud
I forgot to thank you Jack for your time and patience so now i will do so, THANKS.
Thread Master is not a dud. I have put it to work on my lap top.

Ok! dont worry, just know i have uninstalled it. When i install it again then i give it another try. Thanks

:-) As you can see the two statments dont exactly match and i had tried the first one. Yes, i had restated the computer every time. Maybe the second statment will work. Should i put it in as it looks exactly?
Yes my system does sound like a turo prop and starts to vibrate. But its not that it is the smell of frying electronics that gets to me.

Either example should work. One would run Rosetta at 60% and the other at 80%

I have run out of ideas.


11) Message boards : Number crunching : Limiting CPU usage (Message 29304)
Posted 13 Oct 2006 by KAMasud
Ok! dont worry, just know i have uninstalled it. When i install it again then i give it another try. Thanks

:-) As you can see the two statments dont exactly match and i had tried the first one. Yes, i had restated the computer every time. Maybe the second statment will work. Should i put it in as it looks exactly?
Yes my system does sound like a turo prop and starts to vibrate. But its not that it is the smell of frying electronics that gets to me.

Either example should work. One would run Rosetta at 60% and the other at 80%

I have run out of ideas.


12) Message boards : Number crunching : Limiting CPU usage (Message 29303)
Posted 13 Oct 2006 by KAMasud
Mine are on 17th. and the rest i understand

KAMasud, the deadlines are currently 7 days. Your PC is currently in transition as you adjust with Threadmaster how much of the time it is crunching. BOINC (not Rosetta) keeps track of what % of the time your machine is crunching and will "learn" over time how much work it should be requesting to keep your BOINC projects happily crunching within their deadlines. So, presently your computer may think it is "overcommitted", but it will learn not to download quite so much work and adjust to your new usage.

13) Message boards : Number crunching : Limiting CPU usage (Message 29260)
Posted 13 Oct 2006 by KAMasud
Application Key
Value name: Value Data:
rosetta_5.25_windows_intelx86.exe 80

Value name: Value Data:
rosetta_5.32_windows_intelx86.exe 80

:-) As you can see the two statments dont exactly match and i had tried the first one. Yes, i had restated the computer every time. Maybe the second statment will work. Should i put it in as it looks exactly?
Yes my system does sound like a turo prop and starts to vibrate. But its not that it is the smell of frying electronics that gets to me.
Any way i will give it a rest for the time being until i get through the project deadlines, i hope, then i will see about reinstalling ThreadMaster, until then i will follow the posts.
Project Deadlines?
Is it possible that the server at rosetta is setting deadlines according to the capabilities of the users computer? and not according to the capabalites that TaskMaster is allowing the computer? Becuse i have read i think in the science section something about late project deadlines. I think in order to get around this problem the control should be built into the interface so that the server knows what the user is doing and sets dead lines accordingly.
Why? becuse my computer was crunching a work unit every two and a half hours. After i insalled ThreadMaster it started to go through a work unit every twelve hours. Thats why my deadlines are out. Now its crunching two work units every two and a half hours. :-)So i may still meet them.

Those figure of 40, 60 and 80 i put in place of 80 as i was told to see what would happen and nothing happened.
The rosetta application being run is 5.25.

Did you restart the computer??? I seem to recall that nothing takes effect until you restart the computer.

I would like to help, but the Threadmaster program does not seem to be working on your computer the way it does on my computer. I just don't know how to help you.

Can you monitor your cpu temperature? How hot does your CPU get? If your fan isn't going crazy, you probably don't have anything to worry about.

I have a program that displays my cpu temp next to the time in my system tray. The problem is that not all motherboards place the temperature sensors exactly the same place, and the temperature sensors different levels of accuracy. If your fan isn't going crazy you probablt don't have anything to worry about. All moderm computers should regulate the fan speed using the temperature sensor.

If I stop Threadmaster my fan starts sounding like a tubojet!


Don't change CPUThresholdPct. Keep it at 15%

Go to Applications in the registry


"mfadmin.exe"="5" Note: This is imput automatically. If you see it you are in the right place

Input the following strings and data


This is what it should look like after you are finished


Don't forget to restart the computer!!


14) Message boards : Number crunching : Limiting CPU usage (Message 29244)
Posted 12 Oct 2006 by KAMasud
Those figure of 40, 60 and 80 i put in place of 80 as i was told to see what would happen and nothing happened.
The rosetta application being run is 5.25. Maybe becuse the server at rosetta was in a good mood it flooded me out? a week back. Now Boinc says computer overloaded.
Anyway i have uninstalled Threadmaster and now my CPU"s are running at 100%. If the base unit was heating up before now with both processars you can imagine the heat being generated.
Its not like someone somewhere else has said that CPU"s are not car engines and thay are designed to run at 100%, i know, but maybe in Alaska. In the middle of the Arid Zone it is a bit of a trouble.
I now put it to snooze when i think its overheating, which i think is a better proposal then let the machine decide.
Its a shame honestly. Someone has desighned rosetta to run at 100% and he should have placed some kind of control, there should not be any need of third party applications to control it.

The biggest boost has come from the second processar comeing on line. With the string value at 80 now, my CPU"s are running at 17% each, system idle at 65 to 70%.
I will increase string value to 90 But i think it wont make much difference. So any thing new that i can do? :-)

Those numbers don't seem right. Something must be wrong. I don't have a dual cpu, but Threadmaster is supposed to work with dual cpu's. On my single cpu, if I had entered 80 my cpu load would be 80 percent or higher, after about two minutes. That would only be true when I was crunching using BOINC of course.

I can only suggest one more action before giving up on Threadmaster. First I need more information.

1. Where those numbers of 60, 80, or 90 that you mentioned entered into the registy key called CPUThresholdPct?

2. Which Rosetta application, is BOINC running at this time? The Rosetta project switched applications yesterday. You may have both applications in the following folder -

Located in Program FilesBOINCprojectsboinc.bakerlab.org_rosetta

and / or

All new Work Units, as of yesterday, should be using the application - rosetta_5.32_windows_intelx86.exe


Warning I have never used this program.
It doesn't say if it works with dual CPU's?
Warning UNINSTALL ThreadMaster and reboot before using this program!

A future BOINC version is claimed to have a throttle feature.

15) Message boards : Number crunching : Limiting CPU usage (Message 29229)
Posted 12 Oct 2006 by KAMasud
The biggest boost has come from the second processar comeing on line. With the string value at 80 now, my CPU"s are running at 17% each, system idle at 65 to 70%.
I will increase string value to 90 But i think it wont make much difference. So any thing new that i can do? :-)
An update.
Outside temp 35 Celsius

I had gone to my preferences and switched on my second CPU and the performence improved with two processars working in tandem. The CPU usage whent up to thirty percent.

Then i went into the registry as per your advise and set the string value to 60 now my processars are giveing me 36%. I will wait a while to see then if every thing is Ok! i will rack it up to 80 then see what happens :-)Thanks to all and regards

:-) I think i understand and will do as you say and let you know. I will try the correct option first. Yes i Have created system restore points in Windows ME but still thankyou for reminding me, i know i would have forgotten it. Yhanks

Thankyou i am going nuts.

Q3. Yes i am familiar with registry but no i have not gone into the registry becuse i am new to XP.

OK I think I can solve your problem now. However it might be a good idea to set
a system restore point, before you start changing registry keys! Have you ever created a system restore point? I think it is new in XP.

Some Background
I will give you more specic instructions later if you need them. Note: The instructions are also included in the readme.txt file that come with threadmaster.

Thread Master was created for use on servers. It was not created for BOINC. Threadmaster really does nothing but create registry keys. Threadmaster is controlled by changing registry values.

By default Threadmaster limits ALL individual computer applications to a maximum CPU load of 15%. Since Rosetta is an individual computer application Threadmaster is limiting it to 15% CPU load. This default value probably works fine for all other application. I increased the value to 30 percent, but that would still too slow for Rosetta. Most people just leave it at 15 percent. Changing this value is not the correct solution to your problem!

Please go to the the following registry location and just look at it. You don't need to change anything! You can just look!


If you can find CPUThresholdPct and Data value 15 You can ignore every thing else. If you feel comfortable you can increase the data value way up to 60 and see what happens. I believe you will have to exit BOINC and restart the computer before you see the increased crunching speed. Remember: Changing this value is not the correct solution to your problem!

The Correct Method

You must go down one more level in the registry beyond Parameters to Applications.


Your solution is to to enter the Rosetta or any other applications as an exception to the 15% rule. These are my two exceptions. The second example is the new Rosetta application. It isn't crunching yet. I set them both at 80 percent.

Application Key
Value name: Value Data:
rosetta_5.25_windows_intelx86.exe 80

Value name: Value Data:
rosetta_5.32_windows_intelx86.exe 80

This is probably to much information at one time. It depends how familiar you are with Registry Keys. Don't be afraid to ask more questions.


16) Message boards : Number crunching : Limiting CPU usage (Message 29226)
Posted 12 Oct 2006 by KAMasud
An update.
Outside temp 35 Celsius

I had gone to my preferences and switched on my second CPU and the performence improved with two processars working in tandem. The CPU usage whent up to thirty percent.

Then i went into the registry as per your advise and set the string value to 60 now my processars are giveing me 36%. I will wait a while to see then if every thing is Ok! i will rack it up to 80 then see what happens :-)Thanks to all and regards

:-) I think i understand and will do as you say and let you know. I will try the correct option first. Yes i Have created system restore points in Windows ME but still thankyou for reminding me, i know i would have forgotten it. Yhanks

Thankyou i am going nuts.

Q3. Yes i am familiar with registry but no i have not gone into the registry becuse i am new to XP.

OK I think I can solve your problem now. However it might be a good idea to set
a system restore point, before you start changing registry keys! Have you ever created a system restore point? I think it is new in XP.

Some Background
I will give you more specic instructions later if you need them. Note: The instructions are also included in the readme.txt file that come with threadmaster.

Thread Master was created for use on servers. It was not created for BOINC. Threadmaster really does nothing but create registry keys. Threadmaster is controlled by changing registry values.

By default Threadmaster limits ALL individual computer applications to a maximum CPU load of 15%. Since Rosetta is an individual computer application Threadmaster is limiting it to 15% CPU load. This default value probably works fine for all other application. I increased the value to 30 percent, but that would still too slow for Rosetta. Most people just leave it at 15 percent. Changing this value is not the correct solution to your problem!

Please go to the the following registry location and just look at it. You don't need to change anything! You can just look!


If you can find CPUThresholdPct and Data value 15 You can ignore every thing else. If you feel comfortable you can increase the data value way up to 60 and see what happens. I believe you will have to exit BOINC and restart the computer before you see the increased crunching speed. Remember: Changing this value is not the correct solution to your problem!

The Correct Method

You must go down one more level in the registry beyond Parameters to Applications.


Your solution is to to enter the Rosetta or any other applications as an exception to the 15% rule. These are my two exceptions. The second example is the new Rosetta application. It isn't crunching yet. I set them both at 80 percent.

Application Key
Value name: Value Data:
rosetta_5.25_windows_intelx86.exe 80

Value name: Value Data:
rosetta_5.32_windows_intelx86.exe 80

This is probably to much information at one time. It depends how familiar you are with Registry Keys. Don't be afraid to ask more questions.


17) Message boards : Number crunching : Limiting CPU usage (Message 29198)
Posted 11 Oct 2006 by KAMasud
:-) I think i understand and will do as you say and let you know. I will try the correct option first. Yes i Have created system restore points in Windows ME but still thankyou for reminding me, i know i would have forgotten it. Yhanks

Thankyou i am going nuts.

Q3. Yes i am familiar with registry but no i have not gone into the registry becuse i am new to XP.

OK I think I can solve your problem now. However it might be a good idea to set
a system restore point, before you start changing registry keys! Have you ever created a system restore point? I think it is new in XP.

Some Background
I will give you more specic instructions later if you need them. Note: The instructions are also included in the readme.txt file that come with threadmaster.

Thread Master was created for use on servers. It was not created for BOINC. Threadmaster really does nothing but create registry keys. Threadmaster is controlled by changing registry values.

By default Threadmaster limits ALL individual computer applications to a maximum CPU load of 15%. Since Rosetta is an individual computer application Threadmaster is limiting it to 15% CPU load. This default value probably works fine for all other application. I increased the value to 30 percent, but that would still too slow for Rosetta. Most people just leave it at 15 percent. Changing this value is not the correct solution to your problem!

Please go to the the following registry location and just look at it. You don't need to change anything! You can just look!


If you can find CPUThresholdPct and Data value 15 You can ignore every thing else. If you feel comfortable you can increase the data value way up to 60 and see what happens. I believe you will have to exit BOINC and restart the computer before you see the increased crunching speed. Remember: Changing this value is not the correct solution to your problem!

The Correct Method

You must go down one more level in the registry beyond Parameters to Applications.


Your solution is to to enter the Rosetta or any other applications as an exception to the 15% rule. These are my two exceptions. The second example is the new Rosetta application. It isn't crunching yet. I set them both at 80 percent.

Application Key
Value name: Value Data:
rosetta_5.25_windows_intelx86.exe 80

Value name: Value Data:
rosetta_5.32_windows_intelx86.exe 80

This is probably to much information at one time. It depends how familiar you are with Registry Keys. Don't be afraid to ask more questions.


18) Message boards : Number crunching : Limiting CPU usage (Message 29174)
Posted 11 Oct 2006 by KAMasud
Thanks, i will uninstall it if i have no other option :-)

Help i am new to threadmaster. I installed it and now my CPU has started to run at 20% how do i increase it? I am running XP and i cant find the control for thread master, could someone help?
How can I remove threadmaster 1.12build128 from my computer once I have installed it?I need a little more control over my cpu usage than what this is able to give me. thanks for any help you might give me.

I have threadmaster installed on my Win XP system and have used the uninstall script available at the web site. I didn't mean to uninstall threadmaster, but I accidentally clicked on the script! It worked. It took me 45 minutes to reinstall it.

The uninstall script is found under downloads on the homepage, or the following link.


19) Message boards : Number crunching : Limiting CPU usage (Message 29171)
Posted 11 Oct 2006 by KAMasud
Thankyou i am going nuts.
Q1. Yes i am running Windows XP and i have just graduated from Windows ME.
Q2. I was a little wrong 20% is peak value Average is 14% and yes this value is with Rosetta running full speed?
At this rate running my computer 24 hrs will still not allow me to meet any deadline?
Q3. Yes i am familiar with registry but no i have not gone into the registry becuse i am new to XP.
What i have tried to do is kill the process Ctrl+Alt+Del. My processar started RUNNING at base line? that is 3 or 4%.
Thats it nothing else and i give up. Please help and thanks
20) Message boards : Number crunching : Limiting CPU usage (Message 29154)
Posted 11 Oct 2006 by KAMasud
Help i am new to threadmaster. I installed it and now my CPU has started to run at 20% how do i increase it? I am running XP and i cant find the control for thread master, could someone help?
How can I remove threadmaster 1.12build128 from my computer once I have installed it?I need a little more control over my cpu usage than what this is able to give me. thanks for any help you might give me.

I have threadmaster installed on my Win XP system and have used the uninstall script available at the web site. I didn't mean to uninstall threadmaster, but I accidentally clicked on the script! It worked. It took me 45 minutes to reinstall it.

The uninstall script is found under downloads on the homepage, or the following link.


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